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Referencing and Bibliography Guide

Referencing and Bibliography
Referencing and Bibliography
In writing books, thesis or any other papers we may recite the findings or workings of others. It is not
sin to cite others in the study, If we use others contribution in the study we must acknowledge them
both in text and in Reference.
Referencing is an author-date system used in the academic community to indicate the source of ideas,
theories, quotes, facts and any other evidence and information used to undertake an assignment or
thesis or paper.
Bibliography is a list of authors and their contributions used in the study. It enables the readers to find
out the original items.
Why do you need to reference others work in your paper?
 To avoid plagiarism, a common form of academic theft.
 Referencing correctly because it gives appropriate credit to the sources and authors.
 Referencing the sources that you have used for your assignment demonstrates that you have
gone through wide-ranging research in order to complete your work.
 Referencing enables the reader to find out the original items that you have used.
Three styles of referencing
1. Harvard System
2. APA System (American Psychological Association)
3. Vancouver or Footnotes System
Harvard System
The Harvard System is an author-date system of referencing within text and bibliography. It was
developed at Harvard University in the 1930s. It uses author(s) name and date within the text and
details in the Reference or Bibliography.
APA System (American Psychological Association)
The American Psychological Association (APA) System is a variation on the author-date system of
referencing within text and bibliography. It was published in 2001 at the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association.
Vancouver or Footnotes System
Vancouver referencing system is number wise referencing system at the bottom of the page of the
paper. The number directly refers to the sources of information1. An example is given below.
Source of Information
Business Environment Bangladesh Perspective by Mohammad Mizan, Shofiquel Haque, M Rana,
Mohammad Layek and Md. Abu Jubayer, chapter title is Cultural Environment, 13th Edition, Tata
McGrahill Press, New Delhi, Pages 70-79, Published on January 2013.
Journal Article:
Mohammad Mizan, Shofiquel Haque, M Rana, Mohammad Layek and Md. Abu Jubayer write a
research article on Prospects of Agro Business in Bangladesh, published in Bureau of Business
Research, Volume numver15, Issue.3, Page number14-15, Published on January 2013.
1. Reference styles [Retrieved 2016-10-04].
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Citation or Referencing in Text
Distinction Basis
Differences between Harvard System and APA System
Harvard System
Middle of the line
(Mizan 2013)
(Mizan and Haque
Starting of the line
Mizan (2013)
Mizan and Haque
Three Authors
(Mizan et al. 2013)
Mizan et al. (2013)
Four Authors
(Mizan et al. 2013)
Mizan et al. (2013)
Five or More Authors
(Mizan et al. 2013)
Mizan et al. (2013)
Single Author
Two Authors
APA System
Middle of the line
(Mizan, 2013)
(Mizan & Haque, 2013)
(Mizan, Haque & Rana, 2013)
(Mizan, Masud, Haque &
Rana, 2013)
(Mizan et al., 2013)
Starting of the line
Mizan (2013)
Mizan and Haque
Mizan, Haque and
Rana (2013)
Mizan et al. (2013)
Mizan et al. (2013)
Bangladesh is a multidimensional cultural
Bangladesh is a multidimensional cultural country
country (Mizan, Haque & Rana, 2013) and a
(Mizan et al. 2013) and a moderate Muslim country
moderate Muslim country (Mizan, 2013).
(Mizan 2013). Bangladeshi people are hospitable
Bangladeshi people are hospitable (Mizan et
(Mizan and Haque 2013).
al., 2013).
Mizan, Rana and Haque (2013) proclaim that
Mizan and Rana (2013) proclaim that Bangladesh is
Bangladesh is a multidimensional cultural
a multidimensional cultural country. Mizan et al.
country. Mizan et al. (2013) declare that
(2013) declare that Bangladeshi people are
Bangladeshi people are hospitable. (Reference
hospitable. (Reference at the beginning of sentence)
at the beginning of sentence)
Particulars of Bibliographical Details
Journal Article
Author (s)-surname, first name initials.
Year of publication (in parentheses).
Title of article,
Title of Journal (Italic)
Volume number (Italic)
Issue number (in parentheses)
Page numbers of article. (p. for page; pp. for
pages) but in practice no p. or pp. is used at
DOI (Digital Object Identification) Number
Referencing in the references or bibliography
Harvard System
Edited Book
Author (s)-surname, first name initials.
Year of publication (in parentheses).
Title of book, (Italic or underlined),
Place of publication,
Publisher name,
Page numbers of chapter/book. (p. for page; pp.
for pages)
Referencing in the references or bibliography
APA System
Comment for APA
Sarker, S., Uddin, M.J., and Raza, D.W., Sarker, S., Uddin, M. J., & Raza, D. Use full stops and
2018. Business Research, 2nd Edition, W. (2018). Business Research, 2nd commas; use ‘&’ not
Pearson Education, New Delhi, India, p.33. Edition, New Delhi, India, pp.33-40. and; use capitals in title;
Rahman, M.S., Uddin, M.J., and
Choudhury, M.K., 2018. Women Work
Burnout and Remedial Measures: An
Journal Experience in Commercial Banks of
Journal, 6(1), 135-162.
Rahman, M. S., Uddin, M. J., &
Choudhury, M. K. (2018). Women
commercial banks of Bangladesh,
Metropolitan University Journal,
6(1), 135-162.
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use full stop.
Use full stops and
commas; use ‘&’ not
and; use capitals in title;
use full stop.
In higher education whenever you include a fact or piece of information in an assignment or essay or
thesis, you must also include where and how you found that piece of information. This is done through
referencing in text and details at the end.
A citation is a way of giving credit to individuals for their creative and intellectual works that you
utilized to support your research. It can also be used to locate particular sources and combat
plagiarism. Typically, a citation can include the author's name, date, location of the publishing
company, journal title, or DOI (Digital Object Identifer).
A citation style dictates the information necessary for a citation and how the information is ordered, as
well as punctuation and other formatting.
A referencing style is a set of rules telling you how to acknowledge the thoughts, ideas and works of
others in a particular way.
Referencing is a crucial part of successful academic writing, avoiding plagiarism and is key to your
assignments and research.
Which referencing style should use?
 There is no standard style used at UQ
 In some cases there is a standard style used by a particular school or discipline, but even in
those cases it is still possible that a particular lecturer may require a different style
 Students should check their course profile or ask their lecturer
 Researchers submitting a paper for publication in a journal should check the journal's
Instructions for Authors, which will normally be available on the journal's website
Referencing Styles
Full Name
American Chemical Society
Australian Guide to Legal Citation
American Medical Association
Academy of Management style
American Psychological Association
Chicago Manual of Style
Council of Science Editors/Council of Biology
Harvard University Style
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Modern Language Association of America
Footnote style
Available at https://web.library.uq.edu.au/research-tools-techniques/referencing-style-guides
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APA. APA is an author/date based style. This means emphasis is placed on the author and the
date of a piece of work to uniquely identify it. APA is used by Education, Psychology, and
MLA. MLA is most often applied by the arts and humanities, particularly in the USA. It is
arguably the most well used of all of the citation styles.
Harvard. Harvard is very similar to APA. Where APA is primarily used in the USA, Harvard
referencing is the most well used referencing style in the UK and Australia, and is encouraged
for use with the humanities.
Vancouver. The Vancouver system is mainly used in medical and scientific papers.
Chicago and Turabian. These are two separate styles but are very similar, just like Harvard
and APA. These are widely used for business, history and economics.
If you quote or paraphrase another author's work without including a reference to it you are
plagiarizing. Plagiarism does not only mean cheating, it is mainly used to describe forgetting or not
realizing to include a reference to other's work or theories.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a very recent philosophy that has begun science 1980s (Guest, 1987)
and HRM practices in the companies have been experiencing significant changes over the last few decades
(Khera, 2010). Likewise, over the past few years, the perception of job satisfaction has been varying regarding
its dimensions. Gürbüz, (2009) stated that Human Resource (HRM) practices and employee job satisfaction are
correlated on different dimensions and the relationships have brought many significant benefits for
organizations like survival and holding competitive advantages (Robbins, Judge & Vohra, 2015). Management
would not be able to achieve the expected performance and job desired behavior by the employees until and
unless they are satisfied with their jobs. Employees’ job satisfaction is essentially a human element and closely
relevant to organizational HRM practices. Several studies on HRM literature have investigated the impact of
HRM practices on employees’ satisfaction and organizational performance (Ahmed & Schroeder, 2003; Khera,
2010). Over the years, researchers and management practitioners have developed and suggested different HRM
practices that have a potential influence on employee satisfaction, commitment and organizational performance
(Rahman, Uddin & Miah, 2013) Researchers and practitioners further developed some HRM models indicating
HRM practices and their outcomes; among those models, Guest model, Warwick model, Fombrun, Tichy and
Devena model, Harvard model and Michigan model of HRM are more familiar (Absar et al., 2010; Bratton and
Gold, 1999).
Ahmed, S. and Schroeder, R.G. (2003) The impact of human resource management practices on industry differences. Journal of
Operations Management. 21, pp. 19–43.
Guest, D.E. (1987) Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations. Journal of Management Studies. 24, pp. 503-521.
Gürbüz, S. (2009) The effect of high performance HR practices on employees’ job satisfaction. Istanbul University Journal of the
School of Business Administration. 38(2).
Khera, S.N. (2010) Human resource practices and their impact on employee productivity: a perceptual analysis of private, public
and foreign bank employees in India. DSM Business Review. 2(1), pp. 65-86.
Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A. and Vohra, N. (2015) Organizational Behavior. 15th Edition, Pearson Education, Delhi Chennai.
Rahman, M.M., Uddin, M.J. and Miah, M.A.S. (2013) The role of human resource management practices on job satisfaction and
organizational commitment in the banking sector of Bangladesh- A comparative analysis. Journal of the Faculty of
Business Administration (JFBA). Islamic University Studies (Part — C). 10(1).
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A. Balancing Work and Home: How Job and Home Demands Are Related to
Burnout. By Maria C. W. Peeters1 ,Anthony J. Montgomery2 ,Arnold B. Bakker3
and Wilmar B. Schaufeli4 ,International Journal of Stress Management, 2005,
Vol. 12, No. 1, pages 43– 61. DOI: 10.1037/1072-5245.12.1.43
B. Conservation of Resources: A New Attempt at Conceptualizing Stress. By Stevan
E. Hobfoll, American Psychologis, 1986, Vol. 44, No. 3, pages 513-524.
C. Does Job Satisfaction Mediate The Relationship Between Work Family Conflict
And Turnover? A Study of Turkish Marine Pilots. By Gonul Kaya Ozba 1 and
Gokce Cicek Ceyhun2, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, Vol. 140, Pagers
643 – 649. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.04.485
D. Reduce Job stress in Organizations: Role of Locus of Control. By Roohangiz
Karimi1 and Farhad Alipour2. International Journal of Business and Social Science
Vol. 2 No. 18; October 2011, 232-237.
E. A Meta-Analysis of Work–Family Conflict and Various Outcomes. By Fabienne
T. Amstad1, Laurenz L. Meier2, Ursula Fasel3, Achim Elfering4, and Norbert K.
Semmer5. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 2, 151–
169. DOI: 10.1037/a0022170
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Harvard Peeters, C.W.M., Montgomery, A.J., Bakker, A.B., and Schaufeli, W.B., 2005.
Balancing Work and Home: How Job and Home Demands Are Related to Burnout.
International Journal of Stress Management, 12(1), 43– 61. DOI: 10.1037/10725245.12.1.43
Peeters, C. W. M., Montgomery, A. J., Bakker, A. B., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2005).
Balancing work and home: How job and home demands are related to burnout,
International Journal of Stress Management, 12(1), 43– 61. DOI: 10.1037/10725245.12.1.43
Harvard Hobfoll, S.E., 1986. Conservation of Resources: A New Attempt at Conceptualizing
Stress, American Psychologist, 44(3), 513-524.
Hobfoll, S.E. (1986). Conservation of resources: A new attempt at conceptualizing
stress, American Psychologist, 44(3), 513-524.
Harvard Gonul Kaya Ozba, G.K., and Ceyhun, G.C., 2014. Does Job Satisfaction Mediate The
Relationship Between Work Family Conflict And Turnover? A Study of Turkish
Marine Pilots, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 140, 643 – 649. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.
Gonul Kaya Ozba, G. K., & Ceyhun, G. C. (2014). Does job satisfaction mediate the
relationship between work family conflict and turnover? A study of Turkish marine
pilots, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 140, 643 – 649. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.
Harvard Karimi, R., and Alipour, F., 2011. Reduce Job stress in Organizations: Role of Locus
of Control. International Journal of Business and Social Science , 2(18), 232-237.
Karimi, R., & Alipour, F. (2011). Reduce job stress in organizations: role of locus of
control. International Journal of Business and Social Science , 2(18), 232-237.
Harvard Amstad, F.T., Meier, L.L., Fasel, U., Elfering, A., and Semmer, N.K., 2011. A MetaAnalysis of Work–Family Conflict and Various Outcomes, Journal of Occupational
Health Psychology, 16(2), 151–169. DOI: 10.1037/a0022170
Amstad, F. T., Meier, L. L., Fasel, U., Elfering, A., & Semmer, N. K. (2011). A metaanalysis of work–family conflict and various outcomes, Journal of Occupational
Health Psychology, 16(2), 151–169. DOI: 10.1037/a0022170
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