major project instructions

Choose a case study that represents an attempt to engage in economic activity
that seeks to enhance natural, physical, economic, human, social, or cultural capital (or
some combination thereof). [See the course outline for suggested case studies, but you
are not limited to these.]
 Give appropriate background on the case, including location, brief history,
purpose/ objectives, and institutional structure.
 Identify how it is enhancing (or seeking to enhance) one or more of the forms of
capital identified by Roseland (preferably a minimum of 2) and the strengths and
weaknesses of its approach.
 Identify any positive or negative lessons for other cases, including whether its
successes are hard to transfer for one reason or another.
This assignment should be at least 2000 words, excluding bibliography and
supplementary material. Use of maps, data tables, and other illustrations is encouraged.
Of course, you will use documents from the case itself, but supplement that wherever
possible with articles from academic journals, specialist and/or mainstream media
publications, and NGO web sites, as well as personal communications (phone interviews
or e-mail exchanges) with individuals directly involved. If you think there might be some
issues requiring ethical review, give me some advance notice. Also: offer to send them a
copy of your final project.
The outline for the project is due in class on Tuesday, October13th. It should:
 identify the case, its location, and what it is (e.g. co-op, socially responsible
business, nonprofit, etc.)
 aspects of capital it addresses and that you are choosing to address
 the approach to be examined
 three initial sources, and
 a page budget – the structure of the paper and how many pages will
approximately be devoted to each section.
If you want to do something a little different, talk to me in advance and indicate how
you want to approach it in your outline. The final assignment will be due on Thursday,
November 26th. Be prepared to present an overview of your project in class that week.
The final assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: ▪
originality ▪ how well-structured it is ▪ how well-argued ▪ the quality of the writing and
graphics ▪ the diversity and quality of the referencing (use APA!). If you need help with
ideas for cases or are having trouble finding resources, let me know. Print double-sided.