What is the earth made of? Diagram to show a slice through the earth. The earth is made up _______ layers. 1. The CRUST This is the layer we _________ on. It is a thin skin of ________around the ________. 2. The MANTLE The mantle forms about _________ of the earth. It is made of ____________ rock. The upper mantle is __________. The rock below it is _________ and _________ like soft ___________. It is ____________ in places. 3. The CORE The core is mainly ___________ mixed with a little bit of ______________. The outer core is _________________ and the inner core is ______________. Look at the diagram of the earth’s core and answer these questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. How thick is the crust? ___________ How wide is the mantle? ___________ Which part of the core is liquid? ______________ What is the outer core made of? ______________ and ____________ 5. How wide is the inner core? ____________ 6. Add up all the distances and work out how far it is from the surface of the earth to the centre core. (You can use a calculator) How did the layers form? Some time after the ___________ formed, it got so ________ that everything inside _____________. The _____________ substances in the liquid ___________ and the _____________ substances rose to form ______________. As the earth ______________ most of them turned ______________. A great deal of __________ is still ____________ inside the earth and it gets ____________ as you go down deeper. At 200km deep the rocks are ____________________________. At the centre of the earth the temperature is _____________.