Chapter 17 Hygiene Hygiene -promote health through personal cleanliness. Integument covering Integumentary system Most hygiene practices are based on maintaining or restoring a healthy ____which includes skin, mucous membrane, hair nails. The skin consists of Epidermis , Dermis, Subcutaneous layer Epidermis Outermost layer contains dead skin cells that form a tough protein called Keratin. Dermis true skin, contains most of the secretory gland Skin structures do the following: -Protect inner body structures from injury & infection -regulate body temperature -maintain fluid and chemical balance -provide sensory information such as pain, temp, touch & pressure -assist in converting precursors to vitamin D when exposed to sunlight Mucous Membranes Continuous with the skin. They line body passages , digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive. Oily hair Attracts dust and debris Keratin hard protein material found in the epidermis, hair, and nails When the nail Changes in color, texture thickness and integrity of nails Provide evidence of local injury or infection and even systemic disease. Most Americans routinely perform these hygiene practices. Bathing-shavingbrushing teeth-shampooing and caring for their nails Poor Hygiene and grooming in older adults can be indicators of conditions such as : Visual Impairment- functional limitations-dementia-depression-abuse or neglect Plaque substance composed of mucin and other gritty substances in saliva Caries Tartar cavities hardened plaque Gingivitis inflammation of the gums Periodontal disease A condition that results in the destruction of the tooth supporting structures and bones that make up the jaw. Poor Hygiene and grooming in adults can be indicators of conditions such as Visual Impairment Functional Limitations Dementia Depression abuse Neglect Benefits of Bathing Eliminating body odor Reducing the potential for infection Stimulating circulation Providing a refreshed and relaxed feeling Improving self-image Partial Bath washing only the areas of the body that are subject to the greatest soiling or that are sources of body odor Perineal Care (Peri-Care) techniques used for cleansing the perineum Sitz Bath Immersion of the buttocks & perineum in a small basin of continuously circulating water. 1.Removes blood serum, stool, or urine. 2.Reduces local swelling. 3.Relieves discomfort. Sponge bath Applications of tepid water to skin, reduces fever. Medicated Bath soaking or immersing in a mixture of water and another substance, such as baking soda, oatmeal, or cornstarch; reliev1es itching or a rash Whirlpool Bath warm water that is continuously agitated within a tub or tank; 1. improves circulation 2 increases joint mobility, 3 relieves discomfort, 4 removes dead tissue Towel Bath Bath in Bag Shaving technique for bathing in which a single large towel is used to cover and wash a client technique for bathing that involves the use of 8 to 10 premoistened, warmed, disposable cloths contained in a plastic bag. removes unwanted body hair When not to use a safety razor Receiving anticoagulants Receiving thrombolytic Agents Taking high doses of aspirin with blood disorders such as hemophilia with liver disease who have impaired clotting with rashes or elevated or inflamed skin lesions on or near face who are suicidal Sordes Dried crusts containing mucus, microorganisms, and epithelial cells shed from the mucous membrane