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Engineering Technology Management Explained

There is often much confusion on what good great engineering technology managers
and leaders individuals should do. Engineering Technology Management is
sometimes conflated with architecture structure and code delivery transfer, where
communication, people, and culture society take the backseat. Engineering
Technology Management is NOT about architecture building and
implementationexecution. While the engineering technology team proposesaims,
influences and evolves the architecture structure of products that delivering to athe
Company's vision experience, the true real ownershipcontrol of the
architecturestructure and implementationexecution liesrests with the Company. It
delicately restslies on the fabricmaterial of communicationconnection between the
variousdifferent functions within the CompanyOrganization such as, e.g.,
SalesMarketing, SalesMarketing Engineering, Support, Services,
ProductMerchandise, OperationsProcess and in some cases Education Services
and Community Enablement. Engineers themselves are thethose implementers that
bringmake it to lifeexperience. And EngineeringField managementorganization is the
ENABLER that helps bridgeconnect the thousand gaps between variousdifferent
teams and EngineeringTechnology.