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ATHE Qualification Monitoring & Development Visit Guidance

Monitoring and Development Visit
The key purpose of this visit will be to examine the quality assurance procedures at
the centre and to ensure they are being applied rigorously to ATHE qualifications.
Progress with actions taken by the centre, following earlier EV visits will also be
In order to achieve these purposes the information listed below will be required and
the centre is asked to ensure it is ready for consideration by the EV. The types of
information include the centre’s;
1. policy on quality assurance and information on the individual aspects of this
policy. These will vary from centre to centre but could include course review
and evaluation, learner and staff feedback, lecturer/staff observation etc.
2. policies such as health and safety, equality and diversity and evidence to
show they are understood and are being implemented.
3. systems used and the information given to learners studying ATHE
qualifications, which show they are recruited with integrity and receive
appropriate guidance and support. This might include recruitment strategies,
initial assessment procedures, RPL policy and processes, tutorial records etc.
4. processes to ensure the reliability of assessment decisions. This might
include an assessment strategy, assessment plans, appeals against
assessment decisions, the reasonable adjustments policy and how this has
been implemented, notes of meetings on assessment, assessment records
and how these are produced and retained etc.
5. approaches to IV systems which show they are robust, managed effectively
and applied consistently. This might include IV plans, records of feedback to
assessors, agendas and outcomes of standardisation meetings, job
descriptions for internal verifiers etc.
6. policy on malpractice and conflicts of interest and information to show they
are understood by learners, assessors and administrators. Evidence might
include systems to check for and prevent plagiarism, IV and/or assessor
records identifying plagiarism and the actions taken etc.
7. systems to ensure registration and certification claims are handled accurately
and according to ATHE rules. This might include internal systems and the
records of assessor/verifier decisions etc.
8. organisational structure and systems to show that ATHE qualifications are
being managed effectively. The evidence might include structure charts,
named responsibilities for individual functions in the centre, agendas and
minutes of meetings, staff training and induction etc.
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