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Planning Processes & Managerial Roles Assignment

Mercylyn Emerald Cabelin
Answer the questions in a paragraph form in a concise manner with at least 100 words each. A rubric
will be used to grade this activity and has a perfect score of 20 points.
1. Define based on your own understanding the 4 types of Planning Processes (strategic, tactical,
operational and contingency). Site examples and ideas to support your answer. (10 pts)
Strategic Planning
These are plans implemented by top level managers that affect the entire organization. Planning
involves critical and high-level decisions because these plans are the blueprint of what and where the
organization will be in the long future. These goals target a long-term duration, approximately twenty
years. In this type of planning, it is essential to decide on the objectives of the organization, allocate
resources in order to effectively attain the objectives and create policies that will ensure appropriate
processes and usage of resources for better results. Strategic planning, in a shorter sense, is a plan on
the measures of how the organization will have a continuous regulation and how it can improve,
develop and grow further until the many years to come.
For example, as the CEO of Samsung, I want to ensure that our brand remains at the top-level options of
consumers in terms of purchasing mobile devices despite the many known brand competitors in the
year 2040. To achieve this, I will execute a plan on updating each mobile device on the latest program
for the consumers to be able to experience a high-level functioning device with great accessibilities and
programs as a tactic for brand reputation. Also, I will encourage the hiring of employees with great
creativity, innovation and technical skills to support the development of new technologies to provide to
the consumers.
Tactical Planning
These are secondary-level plans that support the measures on how to achieve the expected outcomes
and goals in the strategic plans. Since these plans are secondary, tactical planning is the responsibility of
middle-level managers. A strategic plan defines a long-term goal, and a tactical plan defines the steps
needed to achieve it. It covers a short-term planning within a period of one to five years.
For example, to ensure that Samsung will not be taken down by the popularity of Apple, marketing
strategies will be planned by the middle-level manager and this plan will be executed by the marketing
department in accordance with the tactical plan- advertising via social media of Samsung devices will
encourage consumer awareness of these products, targeted social media platforms for advertising
would be the frequently used apps of people such as Facebook and Youtube to target population. As the
middle-level manager, one should plan on the division of sections and workloads for better processing
of resources and ensure good performance feedback in every department.
Operational Planning
These are classified as plans implemented by low-level managers and more focused on the specific
procedures and processes to obtain the objectives and goals of the organization. In a shorter sense,
these are plans that cover the input, processing, and output of the organization. Operational planning
should include how products will be made and delivered to the consumers efficiently. Every department
should have a specific task to accomplish.
For example, production planning is very essential in operational planning. To avoid a surplus in
production, the number of production for A+ model of Samsung androids will be limited to 5,000 per
month. Oldest models of devices will no longer be produced in the process to avoid unnecessary
inventory since only new models attract consumers and to ensure devices are updated as compared to
other brands with outdated models. It is also important to ensure an inventory of materials such as
bubble wrap, boxes, cushions, tapes, etc. for product shipping globally.
Contingency Planning
These are plans implemented as a backup plan in case of emergencies or unexpected occurrences of
For example, to prevent the hassle of checking every piece of paperwork, I will transfer every file of my
business in an online setup. However, I am aware of the online risks that I may encounter such as data
breaches and hacking of devices. As a contingency plan, I will notify our cyber team to adequately secure
the online platform where information is stored and ensure to back up all website data in case a website
gets hacked. If this scenario happens, it's easy to restore the data after regaining access and changing
2. Give situations wherein a manager can be a Person, Servant or Representative. Site examples. (10
Being a low-level manager is a good example of a manager being a person, servant, or representative.
One of my favorite things to do in Jollibee while waiting for my order is to observe the manager.
As a Person
The manager represents being a person by having good relationships with other employees. It is said to
be no man (person) is an island- it is nice to see how the manager supports his/her teammates during
rush hour. I would also often observe how the manager would panic if bulk orders are prepared and the
delivery guy has arrived, yet the orders are not yet complete. I could feel the manager’s exhaustion,
especially during lunch hours and the essential part of being a person is communicating with the
customers. Being able to handle situations in a verbal manner, being able to control your emotions over
customers with a bad temper, and being able to prolong patience in customers with old age- these are
indications of a manager being a natural person exhibiting natural emotions and characteristics.
As a Servant
The manager represents being a servant by providing services to the people. Managers are present to
supervise the business as well as the team to ensure a good workflow process. Again, using my
observation at Jollibee, the Manager offers services by helping bulk orders to be completed for delivery,
he/she would also assist in the order-payment process, especially when there are a lot of customers in
line, he/she would also help in the plating and packing of orders as well as preparing utensils, the
Manager also ensures cleanliness in their working space to provide quality and safe food for everyone
and takes into account the inventory of resources.
As a Representative
When I ordered my milk tea at Chowking, it was tasteless. The first thing that came to my mind is
“Where is the Manager? so I could report this case”. This indicates that the low-level manager (ex.
supervisors) is the representative of the store. When there are problems in the operation as well as the
delivery of products and services, the manager is always present to give resolutions. They become the
representative because they are the seen managers as compared to the other managers that are not
seen in the actual operation.