Uploaded by Dr. Gatobu Mugwika

Customer Service & CRM: Key Concepts & Strategies

i) “Customer service means going above and beyond to keep the customer happy, whether
that means answering any questions they have or resolving issues with a positive
attitude. Customer satisfaction is the top priority, and hopefully creating loyal,
returning customers.”
ii) It encompasses everything that a customer expects from a product, service or
organisation. Customer expectations are created in the minds of customers based
upon their individual experiences and what they have learned, combined with their
pre-existing experience and knowledge.
iii) Customer satisfaction refers to how well you, as a product or service provider, fulfil the
needs and expectations of your customers. “A measure of how happy customers feel
when they do business with a company.”
iv) Customer loyalty describes an on-going emotional relationship between you and your
customer, manifesting itself by how willing a customer is to engage with and
repeatedly purchase from you versus your competitors. Loyalty is the by-product of a
customer's positive experience with you and works to create trust.
v) Customer relations is the process a company uses to interact with customers in order to
improve their experience with your brand. The purpose of customer relations is to get
customers to engage with what a company’s brand has to offer.
Question Three:
a) Better communication
Better organization within the company. When employees receive customer service
training, their skills and personalities may be matched to roles that suit them best.
Greater employee motivation. ...
Greater profits and reduced costs. ...
Richer customer experiences. ...
Greater customer loyalty.
b) The following are a few of the techniques that seem to be effective.
Customer Feedback through Surveys: Surveys are an essential method of measuring the
quality of customer service.
Customer Satisfaction Score.
Net Promoter Score:
Customer Effort Score:
Social Media Metrics:
Question Four:
a) Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the actions taken (both on and offline) by consumers
before buying a product or service. This process may include consulting search engines,
engaging with social media posts, or a variety of other actions.
b) There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour: Motivation,
perception, learning, and attitude or belief system. Motivation speaks to the internal needs of the
c) What are the 4 types of customer buying behavior? There are four types of consumer
behavior: habitual buying behavior, variety-seeking behavior, dissonance-reducing buying
behavior, complex buying behavior.
Question Five:
a) CRM is a technology for managing all a company's relationships and interactions with
customers and potential customers. The goal being to improve business relationships. It helps
companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.
b) Five ways to build customer relationships and keep them coming back:
i) Communicate. As a key to any good relationship, communication is an essential way to build
customer relationships.
ii) Exceed expectations. Your customers expect great products or services from you.
iii) Ask for feedback.
iv) Connect.
v) Show appreciation.
c) There are seven steps to build customer loyalty.
1. Know your customers (and let them know you).
2. Create a customer loyalty program.
3. Set up a referral program.
4. Play to your strengths and values.
5. Engage customers on social media.
6. Encourage customer feedback.
7. Store customers' data.