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APUSH Study Guide: 1491-1861 | US History Review

APUSH “Study Guide”
In general, use all the provided resources, activities, assignments, etc. to study. I will also give you the
opportunity to look at past tests and to take notes from that. The exam will be part MC, part LEQ. Here
are some general skills, topics, and questions to consider when reviewing each period. Make sure you
know the CONTEXT for each section!
Period 1: 1491-1607
1.2 Native American Societies Before European Contact
How did Native American’s organized? What impacted their diverse makeup? What causes
diverse groups to exist? What causes groups to organize the way they do?
1.3 European Exploration in the Americas; 1.4 Columbian Exchange, Spanish Exploration, and
Why did Europeans explore the Americas? How did interactions with Native American’s go?
What causes Europeans to explore the Americas? What causes the interactions to go the way they do?
1.5 Labor, Slavery, and Caste in the Spanish Colonial System
How does European dominance in the Americas affect the area? What caused specific types of
labor and societal systems to emerge? What impact did these systems have on the Spanish and natives?
1.6 Cultural Interactions between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans
What forms of culture emerge as Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans interact? What
causes these changes in culture? What types of resistance emerge? What causes these attempts at
Period 2: 1607-1754
2.2. European Colonization
How and why did various European colonies develop and expand? How do each European
country compare to others? How do their colonies compare?
2.3 Regions of British Colonies
How did British colonies develop and expand? How do the different regions compare to each
2.4 Transatlantic Trade
What are the causes and effects of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? How does trade before and after the
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade compare? How does the effect of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on the
colonies compare?
2.5 Interactions between American Indians and Europeans
How did interactions between Europeans and Native Americas go? What caused these interactions to go
the way they did?
2.6 Slavery in the British Colonies
What are the causes and effects of slavery in the various British colonial regions? How do these
different regions compare?
2.7 Colonial Society and Culture
How and why did the movement of ideas and people across the Atlantic contribute to the development
of an American culture? What caused different elements of culture to emerge? How do different regions
Period 3: 1754-1800
3.2 Seven Year’s War
What are the causes and effects of the French and Indian War? How do the colonies change over time as
a result of this war? How do European countries change as a result of this war?
3.3 Taxation without Representation
Why does “without representation” become so important for the colonies? How does the colonies’
relationship with British change over time?
3.4 Philosophical Foundations of the American Revolution
How and why did colonial attitudes about government change in the years right before the American
Revolution? How does the role of the government change?
3.5 American Revolution
What factors contributed to the American victory in the Revolutionary War? What changed in order for
Britain to lose? How did global relationships change?
3.6 Influence of Revolutionary Ideals
How did the American Revolution affect American society? How did American society change over time?
Hod did the American Revolution affect global society? How did America’s position in the world change?
3.7 Articles of Confederation
How was government structured under the Articles of Confederation? What strengths and weaknesses
existed? What important events impacted the creation and eventual destruction of the Articles of
Confederation? What changes occurred politically and economically?
3.8 Constitutional Convention and Debates over Ratification
What were the differing ideological positions on the structure and function of the newly conceived
federal government? How were ideas about government changing? How do the different positions on
government compare?
3.9 Constitution
How does the Constitution meet or fail to meet the concerns from the Articles of Confederation? How
does the Constitution meet or fail to meet the concerns from the States? How did the government
3.10 Shaping a New Republic
How did George Washington and John Adams put the new Constitution into practice? What was
challenged/accepted about their actions? What changed in regards to the political role of the
government, the president, and the people?
3.11 Developing an American Identity
How can we explain the changes in American culture from 1754-1800? What changes occurred? What
does American Identity mean?
3.12 Movement in the Early Republic
What types of migration occurred? What conflicts arose? Was effects resulted from Westward
expansion? How did regional attitudes about slavery change?
Period 4: 1800-1848
4.2 Rise of Political Parties and the Era of Jefferson
What were the causes and effects of policy debates in the early American republic? What were these
debates about?
4.3 Politics and Regional Interests
How did different regional interests affect debates about the role of the federal government in the early
republic? What caused these different regional attitudes?
4.4 America on the World Stage
How and why did American foreign policy develop and expand over time? What caused these changes
to occur? What effects would American foreign policy have on domestic and international peoples?
4.5 Market Revolution: Industrialization, 4.6 Market Revolution: Society and Culture
What changes occurred in technology, agriculture, and commerce? What caused these changes? What
impact would these changes have on society and culture?
4.7 Expanding Democracy
How did democracy expand during this time period? What caused these changes to occur? How will this
impact popular political discussions?
4.8 Jackson and Federal Power
What is Jackson’s relationship to federal power? What changes did he make to federal power? What
caused controversies with Jackson’s actions?
4.9 Development of an American Culture
What causes resulted in a new distinct American culture that emerges in the early 1800s? What were
some of the aspects of this culture? What shaped these aspects?
4.10 Second Great Awakening
What were the causes of the Second Great Awakening? What was the Second Great Awakening all
4.11 Age of Reform
How and why did various reform movements develop and expand from 1800-1848? What caused these
reform movements to emerge? What was the purpose of these reforms?
4.12 African Americans in the Early Republic
What were the lives of African Americans like? What regional differences and similarities existed? What
were forms of resistance?
4.13 Society of the South in the Early Republic
What is the reality of society in the South? What similarities/differences existed between the North and
those within the South?
5.1 Manifest Destiny
What is Manifest Destiny? How did the territories America gained compared to other territories? What
conflicts would arise? How would Manifest Destiny be used in political arguments/actions?
5.2 The Mexican American War
What were the causes and effects of the Mexican American War? How does this war compare to others?
How does the effects compare to the outcomes of other wars?
5.3 The Compromise of 1850
How does the Compromise of 1850 attempt to solve the slavery debate in America? How does this
compare to other attempts? What were major positions held on each side and why? What are causes
and effects of these attempts? Why do these compromises ultimately fail?
5.4 Sectional Conflict: Regional Differences
Why do regional differences exist? What are some tensions that exist regarding slavery and
immigration? What are some causes and effects of these regional tensions? How have they changed
over time?
5.5 The Failure of Compromise Pre-Civil War
What caused these compromises to be necessary/exist? What were some attempts at compromise?
Why did they fail to solve the problem? How do they compare to each other? What effects from these
attempts resulted in more tension?
5.6 The Election of 1860 and Secession
What were the effects of the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860? How does Lincoln’s presidency
compare to other presidencies? What reasons did the South use to secede? How did these arguments
change over time?
Your LEQ will be one of these four. You have the opportunity to prepare beforehand, but you will not be
able to have any notes when you finally write it. I would suggest looking at what your claim will be and
what specific evidence you want to use.
1. “American reform movements between 1820-1860 reflected both optimistic and pessimistic
views of human nature and society.” Assess the validity of this statement in reference to reform
movements in THREE of the following areas: Education, Temperance, Women’s Rights, Utopian
experiments, Penal institutions.
2. Settlers in the eighteenth-century American backcountry sometimes resorted to violent protest
to express their grievances. Analyze the causes and significance of TWO of the following: March
of the Paxton Boys, Regulator movement, Shay’s Rebellion, Whiskey Rebellion.
3. To what extent did political parties contribute to the development of national unity in the
United States between 1790 and 1840?
4. Analyze the ways in which controversy over the extension of slavery into western territories
contributed to the coming of the Civil War. Confine your answer to the period 1845-1861.