1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. He established the first form of spreading information. JOHANNES GUTENBERG The radio broadcasting was introduced in? 1920 English mechanical engineer and considered the “Father of Computer”. CHARLES BABBAGE Software called “EMAIL” invented in? 1978 This technology was designed for mathematical calculations and simple decision-making capabilities. COMPUTER This is called as the or Social Information Principle. POST-GUTENBERG WORLD According to Merriam-Wester, Social media is not only a communication tool but it also serves as an avenue for collaboration and reviewing of information an opinion. TRUE What era it is when books were created manually by hand? PRE-GUTENBERG WORLD An author, blogger and Social Media Marketing consultant cited a summary in his blog how the world has changed because of social media. MARK SCHAEFER He said " The printing press was an important step towards the democratization of knowledge". EISENSTEIN It is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect and share with family and friends online. FACEBOOK A British computer scientist that started in 1990s. TIM BERNERS-LEE His claims is based on electronic mail software called "EMAIL". V.A. SHIRA AYYADURAI The transmission of information relied only through? WORD-OF-MOUTH Give three (3) most commonly used Social Media platform. FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER YOUTUBE MESSENGER GOOGLE