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Pamilya Ordinaryo Movie Review: Social Commentary & Film Analysis

"Pamilya Ordinaryo" as it's name of the family and which is the title of the film as well. The family
mentioned in the movie leads a typical life that street children have, as implied by the name. The story
centers on a young couple who steals money to make a living and lives in the city. Life hits them back
hard when their child is abduct. This film directed by Eduardo Roy Jr. is and eye opener as there are lot
of controversies that was addressed in the film- from poverty to security, teenage pregnancy,
discrimination, prejudice, biases, injustice and inequality; all in one indie film.
The "pamilya ordinaryo" movie shows here one example of social stratification that can relate to our
society which is the socioeconomic status of people and shows what behavior they show base on their
status in life especially to those below poverty line people or simply called "homeless". It reveals how
marginalized and deprived impoverished people are. Here in the movie, it shows actions such as
inequality, injustice , prejudice and discrimination against people like Aries and Jane due to their social
standing in life. It shows how some people like the privilege treated the homeless like Aries and Jane in
our society. Even at the start of the movie, you can really see the injustice , the scene where there is a
silent CCTV footage of a homeless woman being hit by a car before the driver swerves off, in a clear view
of the public. This scene shows that sometimes there is no justice for the impoverished people which is
really true especially here in the Philippines.
In the scene where Aries and Jane's child is abducted by a Samaritan named Ertha, conflict begins. The
young couple struggle to get their child back but are constantly being taken advantage of and abused by
the people and organizations they turn to for help. The following story is an endless hunt that illustrates
how marginalized and neglected the poor are. In the first case, for example, Jane is repeatedly ignored
by security guards at the supermarket where she lost her child, and it takes the temporary help of an
elderly woman to even file a complaint. The supermarket may have a video of the abduction, but they
are more adamant to show that they will not be responsible for what happened. Meanwhile, they go to
the police station to seek assistance, but instead of aiding them, the police take advantage and sexually
abuse Jane, a helpless young woman. It was heartbreaking to see how the police, who are supposed to
help, serve and protect people, mistreat the poor and helpless in this film. It will make you shake your
head in anger and exasperation. But we know what happens. Pamilya Ordinaryo gives spectators a
gander of this reality when Jane came to the police for aid in searching for her child. The police did assist
her but for the price of her dignity. also they go to barangay captain to asked for
hand, but rather of actually helping them, The Barangay Captain talked about how youthful they were to
become parents. also they called for help through local radio station, still it looks like the radio station
does not even care about them but they only mind about the stories that they state. They treated them
like a lower species in an on- air interview, maybe some kind of intriguing animal, also they're pushed
out of the radio booth when a “ celebrity ” arrives. And it's the same as the TV station, they were
canvassed for a feature and they watch themselves on a screen in a novelettish magnification of their
life. watching the scene it becomes clear how media representation of the poor can distort the verity
while idealizing poverty, to add to that , the interviewer and her staff also lose the pics of baby Arjan
that Jane and Aries lent to them. it's a small but telling illustration of how trivial and disposable the lives
of poor people are regarded when they've no power to hold anyone accountable.in this movie, the
subtle ways that Media establishments betrays those they're presumably helping or giving a voice to are
exposed. the movie, self- reflexively, is apprehensive that the production of verity isn't by default
innocent, and subjects are each too easily exploited in the process. in this scenarios we see how the
prevailing systems have failed and continue to disappoint them. Each of these paths in their own way,
unmask how clamant corruption, systemic incapacity, and flat- out mishap derail or hamper support to
the most powerless of Philippine society.
And yet despite all the situations that the couple had face, they still lost in the end, They did not get
their son.They were abused, scammed, dismissed, degraded and condescended to. It left me as a
bystander feeling infuriated at witnessing injustice but also perceiving there is nothing that can be done.
The ending sounded to indicate, that is just how it is. Eventually the story stayed within the boundaries
of a hopeless panorama of reality. the film highlights the rough and imbalance realities of life.
uncontrolled social injustices and how people develop due to the repercussions that encompass them.
jane and aries inescapably succumbed to the practices and vices of the people around them, wherein
due to the incapability to provide for themselves, the lesser fortunate sleep on the thoroughfares and
where no matter how hard they try, the social injustices around them is still prevail. jane and aries may
have had a less fortunate upbringing, they may have depicted as selfish, noisy and dense person who
vent their aggravations by deriding each other, but they deal with it and remain flexible.
In conclusion" Pamilya Ordinaryo" movie is a difficult movie to watch since it shows far too
consequential how broken society is. It's incredibly audacious and instigative. It bodly depicts the
appalling realities that we frequently overlooked. it easily states the harsh realities of life of poor people
in th countries like the Philippines. And with the movie, I have many realizations of myself. Just like the
movie, I also judge people like them. I just think at first that they deserve to be poor because they were
lazy, stupid and morally deficient. But they don't deserve to be judged right away because that happens
to them because they are deprived of opportunities for them to rise in life. In this movie, I realized that I
have the ability to help them, so why not help them even in a simple way. this film is one of the movies
that made me realize how difficult the lives of poor people are, especially the homeless people, and
made me realize how lucky I am in life. The moral lesson of the story is let's help the less fortunate not
because we will gain something from it but let's help from the heart and expect nothing in return. It also
tells that we should not immediately judge others especially the less fortunate people. It also reminds us
to stay humble and thankful for the roof on our heads, the education we are getting and for all the little
things we take for granted .
- The cinematography consisted of veritably lengthy takes, which I love because you learn to see not
only the gift of the photographer, but the aptitudes of the actors whose acting is captured in this one
nonstop,un-cut scene. A couple of excrescencies I had with the film was the pacing; this is a veritably
slow paced movie. Indeed though the film was only about an hour and forty minutes long I could not
help but feel that the film was at least 3 hours long. The movie has a lot of lengthy drawn out scenes
that are nevertheless gorgeous to watch, but I felt they dallied on a little too long. The film also uses
videotape security footage or CCTV wherein it's a splendid aesthetic decision that promotes realism,
even so it works for some parts and scenes in the movie but for others it was just style over substance.
As for the acting of Kilip and Martin depicting their characters, Jane and Aries, they've a good acting and
they were impressive as You'll perceive their passion on the movie and you'll impressed and convinced
with their performances. As for the direction and editing is also superb and really reflects the painful
verity behind what is occurring in our society.