Uploaded by John Kelly Incila

Kickoff Meeting

Short introduction for the both parties
Short answers
Requesting Assets
FB Page: “I will give a step-by-step instruction for this.”
IG: “I will request for the IG account’s username and password.”
BM: “We will have a walkthrough for this if needed to ensure if the payment
methods available will work. We have to create a BM if needed.”
Promos at the moment and upcoming
Upcoming events
Price/s of Offer/s (price range)
Offer Combinations
How is the process for customers to avail your offer
Colors and Font Styles
Creatives: “I will create a GDrive folder where we will upload all of the creatives.
All photos and videos from your end including raw photos, before and after
photos, pictures in the clinic, clients inside the clinic, the videos of procedures,
etc.” “We will also have a walkthrough on how to upload pictures and videos
inside the folder if needed.” “Please upload on a regular basis.”
Testimonials: “I will ask for testimonials from the clients so we can post it online
to serve as social proof. Make sure that we have the clients’ permission to post
Market Research
“We will have a market research to determine what types of creatives we can use to
maximize the potential of social media marketing. This research includes competitor
research, creatives and copies research, and audience research.”
Content Planning
“In our 30-day contract, we will have 24 creatives that we will post on the business’
social media accounts. The posting includes 8 procedure content, 8 before and after
content, 4 client testimonials, and 4 educational content.” “If we don’t have anything to
use inside the GDrive folder, we can’t have a posting for a particular day but the charge
for the service is not going to change.” Holidays and advisories are not yet included in
the 24 creatives.
Creative Designing
“Once the pictures and videos are ready, we will start to create designs for the creatives.
We can use these creatives for the page and for advertisements as well.”
“Also known as caption writing. This will serve as the captions for the creatives that we
will design for the business.”
FB Ads Audit
“We will look at the past campaigns on the Ads Manager to give us an idea on how we
will set up our campaigns.”
Funnel Planning
“We will have an assessment on the offer so we can target the right audience for the FB
ads, create a list of interests that we can use, full funnel setup blueprint for Ads
Manager, budgeting, and creatives, copies, and message template preparation.”
Ads Manager Setting Up
“After preparing the things needed for the FB ads, we will now set it up on Ads Manager
to make our ads running.”
Ads Report
“We will create an ads report where we include the calendar for the contract, the metrics
that we will measure, and updates on the changes that we did on Ads Manager.” “We
also measure the revenue in this report so we can have an idea on the budget for the
ads, agreeing to this allows us to know the daily revenue of the business so we can
effectively scale the ads.
“Expect to receive updates from us at least thrice a week to also give you an overview
on the journey of social media marketing on your business.”
Fortnightly Report
“On the 17th day, we will give a report on the things we accomplished in social media
marketing for the first half of our contract.
Retainer Report
“After the 30th day, we will give an overall report of the things we accomplished in social
media marketing for 30 days. At this point you will decide if you will still continue the
contract for the social media marketing service.
Based on the service option and discount option you chose, we will split the charging
into half. The first half of the payment is going to be charged on the 17th day while the
other half is going to be charged after the 30th day of the contract.