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Intermediate Dropshipping Notes

Intermediate Dropshipping Notes
Do not set your expectations too high, it will take time to become successful at dropshipping. It is a
skill which takes time to develop. Stay consistent and you will succeed but do not expect immediate
Commit to dropshipping for 6 months AT LEAST. Stay consistent and don’t give up. Don’t be afraid of
spending money to learn.
Set phone on do not disturb or have it in a different room
Create a task list of 3-5 things that must get done the next day and base your day on them
Keep your goals in front of you and work towards them
Goal setting
Set yearly goals and analyse what you need to do to get there
Break down yearly goals into quarterly and monthly goals
Break down your monthly goals into weekly and daily goals
30 Day challenge
Do the things other people don’t to get to where they aren’t.
Remove all social media
No junk food
Gym 5 times per week
Create 3 non-negotiable tasks you must complete every single day
Niche Research
#Tiktokmademebuyit to look for niches and what people are selling on TikTok. See what products
people are engaging with. Try to time problem solving products (saves time, gets you fit, increases
attractiveness, fixes insecurity) with a particular season or holiday. High value products fulfil a
purpose and are more enticing to buyers.
Think ahead for expansion (product solves a problem)
understand popular niches
find what niches do well
Research using google
Shein can show new products that can be dropshipped. It is like AliExpress but better filtered
to remove all the garbage
Amazon and AliExpress research
Scroll through TikTok to see what niche you want to sell in. Once you found the niche look in
Amazon best sellers to see products which are selling well that you can sell on TikTok
‘Rabbit hole method’ look at products that are related to the bestsellers
Type winning TikTok products into AliExpress to make the algorithm show you successful
Scroll to bottom and look at popular categories to see what niches and categories are selling
well. Look for the niches on TikTok to see what individual products are doing well.
Building a store
Step 1: Starting the store
Make account and create a store
Add Zendrop app from app store to link a supplier
Link Zendrop product to Shopify
Step 2: Logo creation
Use Canva to quickly make logos
Insert a photo related to the store
Logo isn’t too important
Step 3: Store setup
Create store policy from templates and edit them
Choose a theme and customise it
Upload logo to header
Change colours to match the logo
Create a home page
Remove featured products on one product store
Remove all sections when testing except the one featured product
Keep multi column and use them for reviews
Step 4: Product page
Clean the page by removing unnecessary things
Copy a competitors product description
Use ChatGPT with the prompt make it better to rewrite the description
Change the menus to make them relate to the product
Step 5: Finishing the store
Fix menus in navigation
Add all policies to the footer of the page
Change shipping zone to international and set prices
Customise checkout page
App Setup
Sticky cart:
Shows add to cart at the top of the page
Display when page loads to always show add to cart
Customise the style to match the store
Quantity breaks:
Provides discount if people buy multiple products
Add to store and chose the offer then customise it to your liking
One click up-sell:
Up-sells products after people add to cart to increase order value
Provide percentage discounts based on the time of checkout and how many customer is
Copy AliExpress link into Ali-reviews to import them to Shopify
Select the best reviews that show the product solving a problem
TikTok Ads
What makes a good ad:
Calls out the customer
Strong hook
Emotionally engaging
Shows the benefits of the benefits (sell the emotion)
Makes people feel dumb for saying no
Where to get content:
Pull videos from TikTok that have under 1 million views and people under 500k followers
Copy URL into SnapTik and download the video
Download VLC media player to download YouTube videos you can crop full length videos or
just use shorts
Remove meta data with Canva by changing size and overlaying a transparent shape to make
video appear new on TikTok
Can also use MetaCleaner to remove meta data
Create UGC with Billo and just use the script from the best performing videos and get 3-5
pieces of content made
Can use Upwork to get UGC by posting a description of what you want (age, demographic,
kids, location etc)
Can also use Twitter for UGC but only after you have 20-30k profit
Can use Instagram cold outreach after 2-3 weeks of scaling. Create a page with 10-12 posts
and buy followers. Find micro influencers (5-20k) and get a list of 40-100 followers and cold
outreach to them twice a week.
Cold reach script:
Testing with paid ads
Ad running mindset:
Disassociate yourself from your money, don’t look at the money look at the data
Don’t be emotional with your ads
Have the mindset of turning $100 into a $1000
Spend smart but don’t be scared
If something is working, you must scale quickly
Warming up account:
Run a $20 add to cart account for 24 hours
Know your numbers:
What is break even and ROAS to aim for?
What is the kill point? (-$50 to -$150)
Find out what’s working
When to kill
How fast to kill
Should aim for CPC between 0.10 and 0.60, CPM between $2 and $9 and a CTR above 1.5%
Low budget CBO testing strategy:
$50 CBO per day
Ad group:
3-5 Ad groups
Pixel connected
TikTok placements
Comments off
Automated creative optimisation: On
One country only
Gender M/F (unless product is specific)
Interest wide open
3 – 5 creatives
1 – 3 lines of copy (keep it simple)
CTA shop now
Schedule for 6:30am the next day
Low budget ABO testing strategy:
3-5 Ad groups $20 per day
Pixel connected
TikTok placements
Comments off
Automated creative optimisation: On
One country only
Gender M/F (unless product is specific)
Interest wide open
3 – 5 creatives
1 – 3 lines of copy (keep it simple)
CTA shop now
Schedule for 6:30am the next day
Low budget bids strategy:
Take your break-even point whatever that may be for this example let's say its $19. You want to
start at $19 and work your way down to $3 for your bids.
1 ACO camp, 10 ad groups at $40 (could be more that's fine) starting at $19.77, no targeting, ACO
turned on 15-30 creatives, 3 ad copies, 1 CTA.
Note use .77 and .33 only at the ends of your bids, it’s an old fb trick that works well with TikTok.
Scaling your ads
Horizontally scaling:
80/20 rule, 20% of your campaigns will yield 80% of results
If BE point is $12 cut to $6, remove ad groups with 3+ profitable conversion over 50% BE
Make sure you have 3-5 conversions with the ad group before scaling
Make 3-5 new campaigns at the same budget
Make 3-5 new campaigns at double the budget
Make 3-5 new campaigns at triple the budget
Vertical scaling:
Let campaign run for 3 days
Increase budget by 25% every 3 days
If ROAS is above 4x increase budgets by 50%
Let them spend for 3 days before increasing again
CBO surfing strategy:
You will be spending 1000s of dollars by day 2 with this. It's the same CBO setup as the testing CBO.
1 $50 CBO,
5 - 10 ad groups, no targeting,
3 - 5 creatives.
This starts at 6:30 am, if you are getting a low CPA and its very profitable bump at peak hours. At 11
spend $100, wait 2 hours and bump to $500, wait until 430-6 pm then bump to $1000, then bump to
$2,500 then to $5k.
Glitch strategy:
Daily limit of $50
Make 50 ad groups
$5000 budget per ad group
Turn ACO on
Set up bids (5.00 - 5.11 - 5.22 - 5.33 - 5.44 - 5.44 - 5.66 - 5.77 - 5.88 - 5.99)
Have a different Bid Every 5 ad groups
5 creatives
Have 3 text
Buy now call to action
Make 10 campaigns
3 or so campaigns will have a good ROAS remove all the other ones and surf scale the ones that are
Spark ads:
Use only for original content
Post your best 3-5 creatives on TikTok
Buy 30 comment, 5-6k likes and shares for each one
Create an LLC to separate yourself from the business.
Lawsuit, taxes, protection
File as an s-corp to avoid double taxation.
Open a business account with ABN and apply for AMEX gold business card.
4x points on advertising and one other category
Redeem points for free travel or cash
Pay down the card past 0 so you reduce the chances of maxing out your card and stopping the ads.
Connect your card to QuickBooks to make the accounting process easy. When you hire an
accountant, you can give them access. Ask the accountant about taxes and how to pay them. Only
pay taxes on profit.
Don’t start and stop dropshipping you must be consistent. Have money saved and income coming in
so you can test products. Make sure you can pay off your credit card, so you don’t get into debt.
Guaranteed income is important to have so don’t quit your job after the first little bit of success.
Wait until you’re truly comfortable with your savings before you quit your job.
Back-end system
Do your own customer service until $1000-$2000/day then hire someone to do it for you so that you
can save time and do things that yield more revenue.
Use software to automate customer service and to keep things neat.
Hire support on Upwork and pay them $12-$15/hour. Only hire people with experience in Zendesk
or Gorgias. Communicate with them on skype. Put in a lot of time when you hire your first VA so
they can train subsequent VAs.
If you need someone quick and don’t have the time to hire someone, just use Chirpish.
Automatic order fulfillment:
Use Zendrop
Private agent if you’re doing over 100 orders a day
Payment processing:
Shopify payments are fine to start with
Watch out for holds/reserves when you get to $10,000 in revenue
Scale slowly to make sure you have the capital to keep going
When you have $50k+ per month use 3rd party payment processing to make sure funds don’t
get held/reserved
Chargeback protection can be used with a 3rd party payment processor
Ad problems and solutions
How to fix spending problems:
Make an ATC ABO campaign at $20
Make a VC ABO campaign at $20
Have ACO on with 15-20 creatives
5 ad copies
Dynamic CTA on
When to get new ads:
At higher spend CPM and CPC will start to rise. To mitigate this you need to get new content every 3
- 5 days.
Edit them with:
New sounds
Text overlay
New hooks
Choose 5 creatives and create a batch of 5 for each of them with subtle changes. Can also try
resetting metadata and pixels to fix spend while you wait for new creatives to be made. You can
scale with creatives instead of ad spend.
What to do if a campaign dies:
Kill original campaign
Re-test campaign structure
Refresh creatives
Get new creatives
Refresh pixel
Add more creatives
Case study
Find a product in a hot market then find products that correlate with it and offer them in a bundle.
Create a general store and test 10-15 products then remove the ones that aren’t performing. Study
the niche and see what homepages look good and design your page in a similar way. Don’t
overcomplicate it.
Bundle similar products and create an offer that people will dumb for declining. Have a free shipping
offer barely below the price of your bundle. Can also have it slightly above the price of one product
so people want to buy multiple products. Have 1000-1500 reviews. Have trust icons but don’t make
them too spammy. Before the page fold you want to have the product name, reviews, price, selling
propositions and ATC button.
9 – 15 sec long
State the offer in the first 1 – 3 seconds
Show what the product does
Have people from the customer demographic in the ads
Fresh creatives every 5 days
A sound that makes sense
AI voiceover (Fliki)
Fixing issues
If TikTok suspends your ad account, then copy everything from your Shopify to a new store with a
new URL and email. Once you hit 10-15k per day its better to have multiple ad accounts running at
the same time to diversify the risks. Refresh metadata on each new account. Scale horizontally to
minimise risk.
How to create good offers
Find a hot niche:
Beauty (makes people more desirable to opposite sex)
Fashion ^
Health (need to be healthy to have a good life)
Religion (people are very passionate)
Sports (very popular among large groups of people)
Find a product that is selling well within the niche and find other products that will correlate well
with the successful product. A successful product fulfils people at a biological level. You need to
understand your customers; avatar, insecurities, likes, dislikes, demographics, and sales points to see
products on Amazon and Ali and bundle them to create a new offer. Test all the time until you find a
Find a hot niche with:
Pipi ads
Google trends
5 – 10 sellers of one product are a good sign that the niche is hot. Do more research to see how the
niche is performing.
Go to Amazon and look at the product the sellers are selling and read the reviews for the product to
see what people are talking about. If people say something more than 3 times note it down.
Look for pain points
Why people are buying
Take the top things people are struggling with and make it your sales point
Sell a product that needs something else to function or to be better and add or have extra functions
and look for these products on Ali. Create a bundle deal with the original product plus the extra
product. You can also sell an e-book with the product from PLRProducts.
Final motivation
Motivation isn’t enough, you need discipline. Do the hard work when you don’t feel like it and give
as much effort as you can. You must make sacrifices to get to where you want to be. Make it your
lifestyle and you won’t fail. The universe rewards dedication and hard work. The hardest battle is
with yourself. STOP WASTING YOUR TIME. The more you put in the closer you will come to achieving
your goals. Money isn’t real there are infinite amounts of it. You just have to put in the work for 6
months to get your share. The grind will be worth it.