There are a number of horse trailer insurance options available to help you protect your investment. Before you buy, consider the costs, benefits, and what type of coverage is best for you. The best insurance companies will work with you to find a policy that suits your needs. Taking the time to shop around can ensure you get the lowest possible price. You might also want to consider buying a tow package, which includes brake control, a heavy duty class V tow hitch, and a transmission cooler. These features can help you save money on repairs and replacements. Buying a trailer is a big investment. If you do not purchase insurance, you could have to pay out of pocket if the worst happens. If you are new to the world of horse trailers, make sure you research the right insurance company. It's always a good idea to have an agent with you when you're purchasing a new trailer. They can advise you on the type of insurance you need and provide you with an estimate.