Reading Time Projects 2015-2016

Reading Time Projects
Every seven weeks you will be required to read a teacher-approved book of 100 or more pages. To
show that you have read your book, you will be required to complete a project. You may choose a
project from the list below or another project that your teacher has approved.
The book and project have to be completed within the seven weeks. On the eighth week of the grading
period, you and your classmates will begin presenting your projects to the class. If you choose a
project that requires technology to complete and you do not have access to technology at home, you
may stay after school to work on this project.
If you finish reading your book before the seven weeks have ended, you will start reading another book
during reading time.
Project Options:
Choose a character from the book and dress in costume to represent that character. Student
will speak in 1st person point of view telling their character’s story. The monologue must be 2-3
Create a book trailer (similar to a movie trailer). Book trailer must be at least the length of 1:30
before the ending credits.
Create a PowerPoint of 10-15 slides. The PowerPoint must include the following:
a) Protagonist and antagonist
b) Setting
c) Conflict(s)
d) Exposition
e) Rising action
f) Climax
g) Falling action
h) Resolution
i) Theme
Develop a written book report. Book report summary must be 2-3 pages in length. An
additional coversheet including book title, student name, and date is required. Book reports
must be typed or in blue/black ink.
3D Model of scene-You should recreate a scene from the book. The model should go beyond a
simplistic shoebox model. Mediums that you may choose to use are clay, wood, papier-mâché,
or another item of choice.
Your choice: You may suggest a project idea to your teacher. Make sure that the teacher
approves this project before you begin working on it.