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Greatness of God: Death, Burial, Resurrection Essay

“Greatness of God”
As I stare out into the void, I start to think about everything going on
outside of the four walls of the room I'm in and realize that I will never be
able to comprehend the magnificence of God. In the modern society, there
are several crises, quandaries, and other situations that are beyond the
comprehension of the human mind. Numerous books concerning God have
been written, but no one has ever managed to adequately capture His
majesty. When we try to study the Bible, we can read various accounts of His
death, burial, and resurrection along all the miracles that followed. And these
three I believe could somehow lay down the foundation of evidently
demonstrating His greatness.
“Without shedding of blood is no remission (Hebrews 9:22).” The
atonement, which is fulfilled in the sacrificial death of Christ, is the root of the
doctrine of salvation. The death of our Lord Jesus Christ is essentially one of
the demonstrations of God's greatness since, had there been another way for
man to be redeemed, God would never have made the atoning sacrifice at
Calvary. Isaiah 59:2, tells us that our iniquities have separated between us
and God. This is where the necessity of atonement takes place. It is based
upon His holiness and man’s sinfulness. Sin, basically, is an insult, attack or
rebellion against God’s honor for in sinning we choose our own will instead of
God’s. But for He is gracious, holy in nature, righteous in character, ordered
that man maintains fellowship with God. Through His death, the atonement,
restored man’s fellowship with God. His death has made the reconciliation of
all humanity possible. God chose to bind Himself by the principle of death for
sin and what a tremendous God He is to make such a sacrifice.
Our Lord's burial laid the way for His resurrection in plethora of ways.
Although it may seem obvious, our Lord's burial serves as evidence the reality
of His death. His burial symbolizes that we are dead in our sins and that we
should no longer live therein. Jesus was buried and so are we through baptism.
Galatians 3:27 evidently tells us that, “for as many of you have been baptized
into Christ have put on Christ”. Furthermore, baptism is also essential to
salvation, Mark 16:16 says, “He that believeth and is baptize shall be saved...”
And as we delve more into this, the book of John reconciles by stating, “Verily,
verily I say unto you, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he
cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” This great God has already
orchestrated that mankind should not live in eternal damnation, and therefore
provided an escape to have them cleansed from their sins after repentance.
Not only that we should be buried in him in water baptism but that we
must also strive to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost mentioned in the book of
Acts. Receiving the Holy Ghost is essential as reiterated in the book of John
that we should not only be baptize in water but also in Spirit. The power of
the Holy Ghost is the earnest of our expectation and that the power to the
resurrection. Romans 8:9 further provides that, “if any man have not the Spirit
of Christ, he is none of his.” The gift of salvation is the greatness of God. His
love for humanity to give them salvation is unfathomable, “what is man that
thou art mindful of him?”
The New Testament makes several references to the resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ since it is crucial to humanity's salvation. The fact that God
saves sinners, heals sick bodies, and abides within the hearts of His saints
today is evidence of His resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead not only demonstrated the truth of His teaching, but the value of His
death. The hope of man is in his resurrection, Paul in the book Corinthians
wrote that if Christ did not rise from the dead, we are of all men miserable
since our hope only rests in him. Furthermore, it provides that, “for since by
man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.” Essentially,
death is the last of enemy of humankind, and this is where Jesus proves his
greatness. That through His resurrection it proves that death has no sting, nor
the grave has its strength, and that the last enemy stands no chance. Christ’s
resurrection allows us to realize that death has been conquered, and that
when Christ rose from the dead we should also rise in the same. His
resurrection proves his deity and his power of atonement to save us from our
In conclusion, the gospel of Jesus Christ, His death, burial, and
resurrection simply exhibit His majesty and greatness. Through this, humanity
can escape eternal damnation after they have sinned from God in the Garden
of Eden where it all started. Paul mentioned that, “The Lord is not slack
concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to
us ward, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to
repentance.” The great God who created this world, paved the way to allow
man to reconcile his soul to him. As we all know, God did not design the lake
of fire for humanity but for those who rebelled against him. Therefore, man
will only experience eternal suffering if they are reluctant to accept this Gospel
that has the power to save our spirits. There is indeed no love greater than
this, and no God greater than this who would provide a way of salvation for
someone who is not worthy of him.