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Paradise Lost Analysis: Satan's Rebellion & Hell

Lines 128-142: Beelzebub praises Satan’s bravery and his conduct with elaborative words in his attempt
to wage war against God’ throne. Nevertheless, he accepts that God triumphed victory over them either
with chance or with power (line 133). So, the outcome of this dire event (loss of Heaven) was sadness
and became destructive for all those fallen angels. He claims that like heavenly spirits, they can perish
but their mind and spirits will remain indestructible. Although they have lost their happy state and glory
in Heaven, their strength will return, and they will win glory against God’s destructive power.
Lines 143-155: Beelzebub states that he accepts the conqueror’s power as almighty because he cannot
defeat such a strong army otherwise. He claims that God defeated their powerful army, and he left them
alive in order for them to suffer pain and agony. He suggests that God has deliberately left devils’
strength (line 146) to be His slaves, carrying out “his errands in the dark deep” (line 152) of Hell.
Lines 156-168: Then, Satan replies that the devils' task must be never to do anything good, but always
to strive to pervert the good deeds of God to evil deeds. The only task that they will do from now on is
bad deeds that will give delight and happiness to them. He says that bad deeds are against God’s
orders, and this is the only way that they will assume through their resistance against God. He says that
if God reverses the situation from bad to good, they will find other ways to turn them into evil again.
They will frequently succeed in their plan and by disrupting his plans, they will give a lot of pain and
suffering to God.
Lines 180-213: In line 180, Satan points to the plain, which is wild, dark and desolate. He suggests
leaving the lake of fire and having a rest there by reassembling their forces. Through incorporation and
integration, they will find solutions in order to regain hope that they have lost desperately. While Satan is
talking to Beelzebub, only his head and eyes are above the flames of the lake of fire. The rest of his
body, which is described as gigantically big, is totally embedded in the lake of fire. Then, he awakens
the millions of fallen angels which become false gods and objects of worship of some men. And Satan
was as heavy as the sea monster called the Leviathan, the biggest of all the creatures made by God to
swim in the ocean. The arch fiend, Satan, is chained on the burning lake so tightly that only by the
allowance of God, the devils can quit the lake. So, by the permission of God, he is able to raise his head
in order to do many crimes to humankind.
Lines 221-:238: Then, Satan rises immediately and flies from the pool with its enormous wings. The
flames roll back by leaving a big open space where he has been lying. By spreading his wings and he
flies up into the polluted air and lands on the new dry land, but the new land has a new kind of fire,
coloured like the interior of a volcano, and smoking with the stench of sulphur.
Lines 242-270: Satan reaches the plain and expresses that Sovran has arranged and ordered the place
which is far from the light of Heaven. After reaching the plain, Satan expresses his feelings about the
new place in which he and his rallies will associate to make a plan about the war. He states that Sovran
(God) has arranged and ordered the place which is far from Heaven. As a punishment for his sin, Satan
must exchange the "happy fields" of Heaven for the "horrors" of Hell. He says farewell to the joys and
happy environs of Heaven and hello to the misery and "horrors" that now surround him. In line 252,
Satan equates himself with God through the attribute of Reason, which is independent of time and
place. Then, he states his determination about the creation of a Heaven out of Hell and vice versa. His
continued envy and search for freedom lead him to believe that he would rather be a king in Hell than a
servant in Heaven. Satan’s pride has caused him to believe that his own free intellect is as great as
God’s will.
Lines 622-649: Satan addresses his legions encouragingly by stating that their powers are matchless.
He mentions about the dire event that caused the fall of all the angels from Heaven. However, after their
exile, all the powerful legions will reassemble against the Host of Heaven. He provokes and urges his
fallen angels to gather in order to consider whether another war is possible.
Lines 650- 662: Satan speaks about a rumour which is circulating in Heaven that God intends to create
a new generation of Beings (Adam and Eve) to be spoiled as new creatures. He states that they will
gaze on these creatures for this infernal pit cannot long enslave celestial spirits such as they are. Since
peace disappeared, war is inevitable for them.
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