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Geophysics Exam: Earth's Interior & Methods

(1) Science study the interior of the earth according to variation of physical
properties of rocks layers such as differences between the degrees of strength
and intensity of magnetic properties, electrical resistance, thermal conductivity,
gravity and other geophysical properties.
(a) Petrology
(b) Mineralogy
(d) Paleontology
(c) Geophysics
(2) Geophysics branches including …………. branches
(a) internal and external
(b) Seismic and gravity
(c) electric and magnetic
(d) geothermal and radioactive
(3) Internal geophysical branch study …………….
(a) exploration of oil, gas and minerals.
(b) seismic monitoring and seismic detection.
(c) Geophysical Engineering
(d) all answers
(4) Geophysical Engineering study ……………..
(a) the engineering work to know the water level as well as knowledge of the depth of
the foundation stone layer for the construction of buildings.
(b) the place of oil and gas
(c) the place of ore deposits
(d) all answers
(5) External geophysical branch study ……………..
(a) climatic and environmental conditions
(b) the geothermal energy
(c) internal structure of the earth
(d) all answers
(6) The method of geophysics that depend on difference in the density of the
material that found inside the earth’s surface is called ………….
(a) electric
(b) gravity
(c) magnetic
(d) seismic