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Computer Organization and Architecture Presentation

Dr. S. K. Verma
Computer Organization vs Computer Architecture
System And Computer System
Computer Types
◦ Embedded computers
 used for a specific purpose
◦ Personal computers
 Desktop computers
 Workstation computers
 Portable and Notebook computers
◦ Servers and Enterprise systems
◦ Supercomputers and Grid computers
cloud computing
Design for Moore’s Law
Use Abstraction to Simplify Design
◦ abstractions to represent the design at different
levels of representation;
Make the Common Case Fast
Performance via Parallelism
Performance via Pipelining
Performance via Prediction
Hierarchy of Memories
Dependability via Redundancy
Instructions, or machine instructions, are explicit
◦ transfer of information within a computer or between the
computer and its I/O devices
◦ arithmetic and logic operations to be performed
program is a list of instructions which performs a
Data are numbers and characters used as
operands by the instructions.
Each instruction, number, or character is encoded
as a string of binary digits called bits
Computers accept coded information through
input units
Keyboard touchpad, mouse, joystick, and
Digital communication facilities
There are two classes of storage:
Primary Memory
◦ main memory
◦ a fast memory that operates at electronic speeds
◦ memory consists of a large number of semiconductor storage
◦ cells are rarely read or written individually
◦ handled in groups of fixed size called words
◦ one word can be stored or retrieved in one basic operation
◦ word length of the computer
◦ distinct address is associated with each word location
◦ A memory in which any location can be accessed in a short
and fixed amount of time after specifying its address is called
a random-access memory (RAM).
◦ memory access time
Cache Memory
Secondary Storage
◦ adjunct to the main memory, a smaller, faster RAM unit,
called a cache.
◦ Used to hold sections of a program that are currently
being executed.
◦ cache is tightly coupled with the processor and is
usually contained on the same integrated-circuit chip.
◦ additional, less expensive, permanent secondary storage
is used.
◦ Access times for secondary storage are longer than
for primary memory
◦ magnetic disks, optical disks (DVD and CD), and flash
memory devices.
operations are executed in the arithmetic and
logic unit (ALU)
When operands are brought into the
processor they are stored in high-speed
storage elements called registers.
register can store one word of data
Access times to registers are even shorter
than access times to the cache unit
output unit is the counterpart of the input
function is to send processed results to the
outside world.
Coordination among different units done by CU.
Control circuits are responsible for generating the
timing signals.
large set of control lines (wires) carries the signals
used for timing and synchronization of events in all
The operation of a computer can be summarized as
◦ The computer accepts information in the form of programs
and data through an input unit and stores it in the memory.
◦ Information stored in the memory is fetched under program
control into an arithmetic and logic unit, where it is
◦ Processed information leaves the computer through an
output unit.
◦ All activities in the computer are directed by the control
Load R2, LOC
Add R4, R2, R3
Store R4, LOC
the processor contains a number of registers
used for several different purposes.
instruction register (IR) holds the instruction
that is currently being executed.
program counter (PC) is another specialized
PC points to the next instruction that is to be
fetched from the memory.
general-purpose registers R0 through Rn−1,
often called processor registers
typical operating steps:
◦ A program must be in the main memory in order for it
to be executed.
◦ Execution of the program begins when the PC is set to
point to the first instruction of the program.
◦ contents of the PC are transferred to the memory
along with a Read control signal.
◦ the addressed word has been fetched from the
memory and loaded into register IR.
◦ the contents of the PC are incremented so that the PC
points to the next instruction to be executed
◦ Normal execution of a program may be preempted if
some device requires urgent service.
processing required for a single instruction is called an
instruction cycle.
fetched instruction is loaded into a register in the
processor known as the instruction register (IR).
instruction contains bits that specify the action the
processor is to take.
Actions category:
Data processing
a group of n bits can be
stored or retrieved in a
single, basic operation.
n bits is called the word
Byte Addressability
◦ byte-addressable memory is used
◦ if the word length of the machine is 32 bits,
successive words are located at addresses 0, 4,
8, . . . , with each word consisting of four bytes.
Big-Endian and Little-Endian Assignments
layout of the instruction is called the
instruction format
the numeric version of instructions machine
language and a sequence of such instructions
machine code.
op: Basic operation of the instruction, traditionally called the opcode.
rs: The first register source operand.
rt: The second register source operand
rd: The register destination operand. It gets the result of the operation.
shamt: Shift amount.
funct: Function. This field, often called the function code, selects the specific
variant of the operation in the op field.
MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages)
computer must have instructions capable of
performing four types of operations:
◦ Data transfers between the memory and the
processor registers
◦ Arithmetic and logic operations on data
◦ Program sequencing and control
◦ I/O transfers
Register Transfer Notation
◦ the contents of any location are denoted by placing
square brackets around its name
 R2 ← [LOC]
 R4 ← [R2] + [R3]
◦ the right hand side of an RTN expression always
denotes a value
◦ left-hand side is the name of a location.
Assembly-Language Notation
◦ the transfer from memory location LOC to
processor register R2, is specified by
 Load R2, LOC
 Add R4, R2, R3
RISC and CISC Instruction Sets
Register indirect
A = contents of an address field in the instruction
R = contents of an address field in the instruction that refers to
a register
EA = actual (effective) address of the location containing the
referenced operand
(X) = contents of memory location X or register X
Virtually all computer architectures provide more
than one of addressing modes. (mode field)
the effective address will be either a main
memory address or a register.
Immediate Addressing
◦ the operand value is present in the instruction
 Operand = A
◦ advantage of immediate addressing is that no memory
reference other than the instruction fetch is required
to obtain the operand
◦ disadvantage is that the size of the number is
restricted to the size of the address field
Direct Addressing
◦ the address field contains the effective address of the
 EA = A
◦ It requires only one memory reference and no special
◦ limitation is that it provides only a limited address space.
Indirect Addressing
◦ the address field refer to the address of a word in memory
 EA = (A)
◦ advantage of approach is that for a word length of N, an
address space of 2N is now available.
◦ disadvantage is that three or more memory references
could be required to fetch an operand.
Register Addressing
◦ It is similar to direct addressing
◦ address field refers to a register rather than a main
memory address:
 EA = R
◦ if the contents of a register address field in an
instruction is 5, then register R5 is the intended address,
and the operand value is contained in R5.
◦ advantages of register addressing are
 a small address field is needed in the instruction
 no time- consuming memory references are required
◦ modern processors employ multiple general-purpose
registers, placing a burden for efficient execution on
the assembly- language programmer
Register Indirect Addressing
◦ register indirect addressing is analogous to indirect
 EA = (R)
◦ advantages and limitations of register indirect
addressing are the same as for indirect addressing.
◦ register indirect addressing uses one less memory
reference than indirect addressing.
Displacement Addressing
◦ combines the capabilities of direct addressing and
register indirect addressing
 EA = A + (R)
Relative addressing
Base-register addressing
relative addressing
◦ also called PC-relative addressing
◦ implicitly referenced register is the program
counter (PC)
◦ Relative addressing exploits the concept of locality
◦ If most memory references are relatively near to
the instruction being executed, then the use of
relative addressing saves address bits in the
base-register addressing
◦ The referenced register contains a main memory
address, and the address field contains a
◦ The address field references a main memory address,
and the referenced register contains a positive
displacement from that address
◦ use of indexing is to provide an efficient mechanism
for performing iterative operations.
◦ A, A + 1, A + 2, . . . ,
◦ The value A is stored in the instruction’s address field,
and the chosen register, called an index register, is
initialized to 0. After each operation, the index
register is incremented by 1.
Stack Addressing
◦ a stack is a linear array of locations
◦ Also known as pushdown list or last-in-first-out
◦ B = bn−1 . . . B1b0
 where b = 0 or 1 for 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. This vector can
represent an unsigned integer value V(B) in the
range 0 to 2 − 1.
 V(B) = bn−1 × 2n−1 +・ ・ ・+b1 × 21 + b0 × 20
Three systems are used for representing
◦ Sign-and-magnitude
◦ 1’s-complement
◦ 2’s-complement
The rules for addition and subtraction of n-bit
signed numbers using the 2’scomplement
◦ To add two numbers, add their n-bit representations,
ignoring the carry-out bit from the most significant bit
(MSB) position. The sum will be the algebraically correct
value in 2’s-complement representation if the actual
result is in the range−2n−1 through+2n−1 − 1.
◦ To subtract two numbers X and Y , that is, to perform
X − Y , form the 2’s-complement of Y , then add it to
X using the add rule. Again, the result will be the
algebraically correct value in 2’s-complement
representation if the actual result is in the range
−2n−1 through+2n−1 − 1
Sign Extension
Overflow in Integer Arithmetic
◦ When the actual result of an arithmetic operation is
outside the representable range, an arithmetic
overflow has occurred.
◦ an overflow has occurred when the sign of the
sum is not the same as the signs of the
Floating-Point Numbers
◦ binary floating-point number can be represented
 a sign for the number
 some significant bits
 a signed scale factor exponent for an implied base of 2
◦ IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers) standard for 32-bit floating-point
number representation uses
◦ a sign bit
◦ 23 significant bits
◦ 8 bits for a signed exponent of the scale factor
Character Representation
characters is ASCII (American Standard Code
for Information Interchange).
Half Adder
Full Adder
Four Bit Adder
Carry Look Ahead Adder
Binary Adder and Subtractor
unsigned integers
◦ Multiplication involves the generation of partial products,
one for each digit in the multiplier. These partial products
are then summed to produce the final product.
◦ When the multiplier bit is 0, the partial product is 0.
When the multiplier is 1, the partial product is the
◦ each successive partial product is shifted one position
to the left relative to the preceding partial product.
◦ The multiplication of two n-bit binary integers results
in a product of up to 2n bits in length
twos complement
◦ multiplication of a binary
number by 2n is
accomplished by shifting that
number to the left n bits.
◦ the partial products should
be viewed as 2n-bit numbers
generated from the n-bit
Booth’s algorithm
Carry Save Multiplier
A floating-point operation may produce one of
these conditions:
◦ Exponent overflow: A positive exponent exceeds the
maximum possible exponent value.
◦ Exponent underflow: A negative exponent is less than
the minimum possible exponent value (e.g., - 200 is less
than -127).
◦ Significand underflow: In the process of aligning
significands, digits may flow off the right end of the
◦ Significand overflow: The addition of two significands
of the same sign may result in a carry out of the most
significant bit.
There are four basic phases of the algorithm
for addition and subtraction:
Check for zeros.
Align the significands.
Add or subtract the significands.
Normalize the result.