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Maternal Newborn Nursing ATI Proctored Study Guide

Maternal Newborn ATI Proctored
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Inflammation of gall-bladder wall
Most often caused by gall stones
Give pain medications as prescribed
Planning care for a patient who has cholelithiasis
Patients that would receive Rho(D) immune globulin during preg- Pregnant women who are RH negative and exposed to RH posinancy period
tive blood.
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
Amenorrhea, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, urinary frequency,
breast changes, quickening, uterine enlargement
Probable signs of pregnancy
+ pregnancy test, Abdominal enlargement, Hegars sign, Chadwicks sign, Goodell's sign, ballottement, Braxton Hicks, fetal outline felt
Positive signs of pregnancy
Fetal heart sound, visualization on ultrasound, fetal movement
palpated by an experienced Examiner.
Fetal heart rate (FHR)
Hegar's sign
Softening in compressibility of lower uterus
Chadwick sign
Defend Violet bluish color of cervix and vaginal mucosa
Goodell's sign
Softening of cervical tip
Rebound of unengaged fetus
Slight fluttering movements of the fetus felt by a woman usually
between 16 to 20 weeks of gestation
Facial hyperpigmentation
Striae gravidarum
Stretch marks of abdomen and thighs
1st stage of Labor
Last 12.5 hours
Latent phase:0-3cm
active phase:4-7cm
2nd stage of Labor
The birth of the infant
pushing stage
contractions every 1 to 2 minutes
3rd stage of Labor
Ends with the delivery of the placenta
4th stage of Labor
Mother's recovery after birth of baby and placenta
Tocolytic therapy/ Vifedipine used
Premature labor
Stop contractions in premature labor and decreases BP
If late decelerations occur during labor
Discontinue oxytocin, Pt sidelying position, administer 02
Nursing interventions for prolapsed umbilical cord
Place gloved hand into vagina and hold the presenting part the
umbilical cord until delivery.
Lochia rubra
Bright red color, bloody consistency, fluffy older, may contain
small clots, transient flow increase during breastfeeding and upon
Lochia serosa
Pinkish brown color, fleshy odor, last 11 to 6 weeks
Lochia Alba
Yellowish white creamy color, fleshy odor, 11 days to 6 weeks
Decreased amniotic fluid
Apgar scoring
7-10 =no distress
2 score:
HR: >100
RR: good cry
Muscle tone: well flexed
Reflex: cry
Color: completely pink
Circumcision care
Maternal Newborn ATI Proctored
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Sponge bath until healed. Change diaper every 4 hours clean
penis with warm water. Apply petroleum jelly to penis does not
stick to diaper.
Contraindications for CST
1. Placenta previa
2. Preterm labor
3. Multiple gestations
Indications of true labor
1. Energy burst
2. Rupture of membranes
3. Bloody show
Actions to take for preterm labor
1. Modified bed rest (not strict, may have adverse effects)
2. Encourage client to rest in left lateral position to increase blood
flow to uterus and decrease uterine activity
3. Tell client to avoid sexual intercourse
4. Monitor FHR and contraction pattern
Nursing Interventions for late decelerations in FHR
1. Place client in side-lying position
2. Discontinue oxytocin if being infused
3. Elevate client's legs
Priority intervention for pt who has depression
1. Assess if pt has thoughts of hurting herself or her baby
2. Assess history of depression & level of support
3. Advise pt to take some time for herself each day
4. Provide support and counseling, as well as community resources (support groups)
Care for a client who has cholelithiasis
1. Provide pain management - analgesics, warm or cold compress
2. Comfort measures for nausea and vomiting that may occur
3. Aspartate aminotransferase increase can indicate obstruction
Candidates for induction of labor
1. Postterm pregnancy - >42 weeks gestation
2. Prolonged rupture of membranes - predisposes client and fetus
to risk of infection
3. Dystocia (prolonged, difficult labor) due to inadequate uterine
Teaching about prenatal screenings
1. Dramatically reduced infant and maternal morbidity and mortality rates by early detection and treatment
2. Majority of birth defects occur between 2 and 8 weeks gestation.
3. Obtain medical history, current meds, family history, psychosocial history, abuse history, and additional risks.
Findings of hypoglycemia
1. poor feeding
2. jitteriness/tremors
3. hypothermia
4. weak cry
5. lethargy
6. cyanosis
7. blood glucose less than 45mg/dl should be followed up with
serum glucose.
Teaching a client who has phenylketonuria
1. genetic disease in which high levels of phenylalanine - pose a
danger to fetus
2. Resume PKU diet for at least 3 months prior to pregnancy and
continue throughout pregnancy
3. Avoid foods high in protein (fish, poultry, meat, eggs, nuts, dairy)
as well as aspartame
-Umbilical cord appears to lengthen as placenta descends
-When there is suspected rupture of membranes, the nurse should
first assess the FHR to ensure there is no fetal distress from
Nursing Care During Stages of Labor: Nursing Interventions for
possible umbilical cord prolapse, which can occur with the gush
Umbilical Cord Prolapse (Active Learning Template - Basic Conof amniotic fluid
cept, RM MN RN 10.0 Chp 14)
-Encourage upright positions, application of warm/cold packs,
ambulation, or hydrotherapy if not contraindicated to promote
Maternal Newborn ATI Proctored
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-Contractions: can begin irregularly but become regular, stronger,
longer, more frequent, felt in lower back, walking can increase
Labor and Delivery Processes: Indications of True Labor (Active contraction intensity, continue despite comfort measure
Learning Template - Basic Concept, RM MN RN 10.0 Chp 11)
-Cervix: progressive change in dilation and effacement, moves to
anterior position, bloody show
-Fetus: presenting part engages in pelvis
-Call for assistance immediately
-Notify provider
-Using a sterile glove, insert 2 fingers into vagina and apply
Complications Related to the Labor Process: Prioritize Care to the pressure on either side of cord to fetal presenting part to relieve
Client in Labor
(Chapter 16-Basic learning concept
-Reposition in high Trendelenberg or side-lying poition with rolled
-apply warm sterile saline-soaked towel to visible cord
-provide continuous FHR monitoring, check for late decels
Managing Client Care: Delegation to assistive personnel
(Chapter 1)`
-Clerical duties
-Selected care tasks such as ambulation, feeding, mouth care,
and bathing
-Data gathering such as intake and output and vital signs
Prioritizing Care for a Group of Antepartum Clients
When a nurse has a patient who has multiple clients and needs
to identify who should get highest priority in care, there are many
factors that play into that decision. In antepartum testing, if a
patient has had an indication (diabetes, chronic hypertension,
preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, multiple gestation, oligohydramnios, PPROM, late term or post term gestation, previous still
birth, decreased fetal movement, renal disease) than they would
have a higher priority than mothers who do not have one of the
indications. Lowdermilk, 635
Providing Discharge Teaching to a Client Who Had Gestational
Diabetes Mellitus
insulin requirements may decrease because a major source of
insulin resistance has been removed, it may take several days to
reestablish carbohydrate homeostasis so monitor blood glucose
levels, continue to breast feed, endometritis is more likely to occur
in patients with diabetes, may need to talk about contraceptives
with diabetes lowdermilk, 698
Evaluating Positive Parenting Behaviors
Early eye contact, early skin to skin contact, extended contact,
touching the baby, talking around the baby especially the mother,
having a sense of smell that doesnt change for the baby, smiles,
naming the infant lowdermilk 503-504
-fetal heart monitoring can be done continuously with a transducer
across the moms abdomen
-heart rate is broken into a 3 tier system:
~catergory one which includes baseline HR of 110-160 bpm,
moderate HR variability, present or absent accelerations or early
decelerations, no late or variable decelerations
~catergory 2: baseline is tachy or bradycardia, variability is either
marked, absent, or minimal, episodic or periodic decelerations are
present, absense of induced accelerations after fetal stimulation
~catergory 3: sinusoidal pattern, absent baseline variabilitty, reAnte/Intra/Postpartum and Newborn Care: Fetal assessment durcurrent late decels, bradycardia
ing labor - late decelerations
-late decelerations can happen because of uteroplacental insufficiency, maternal hypotension, preeclampsia, placenta previa,
abruptio placenta, late or post-term pregnancies, maternal diabetes mellitus
-nursing interventions for late decels: place client in side lying
position, increase IV fluid rate, discontinue oxytocin, administer
oxygen by mask at 8-10 L/min via nonrebreather mask, elevate
clients legs, notify provider, prepare for an assisted vag birth or
cesarean birth
Maternal Newborn ATI Proctored
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Maternal Newborn Nursing Edition 10.0 ch. 13
Alterations in body systems: Nutrition During Pregnancy
Client education: client needs increased calories (450-500) a
day, client should increase protein intake, take iron supplements,
calcium is important, increase fluid, limit caffeine, abstain from
Dietary complications during pregnancy: Nausea and constipation, PKU in mom - presents danger to fetus, monitor clients blood
PKU levels during pregnancy, Diabetes mellitus - monitor blood
glucose levels
Maternal Newborn Nursing Edition 10.0 Ch. 5
Evaluating client understanding of newborn safety
Suction mouth then nose
Newborn safety
Check 2 identifiers (mom & baby)
Umbilical cord care
- Observe for any bleeding from cord
- Ensure that the cord is clamped securely to prevent hemorrhage
Provide postpartum care & education: perineal care
- Cleanse front to back with warm water after each voiding & bm
- Blot perineal area from front to back
- Remove & apply perineal pads from front to back
- Well fitting, supportive bra
- Hand hygiene prior to breastfeeding
- To relieve breast engorgement, have the pt completely empty her
breasts at each feeding
- Allow baby to nurse on demand, which would be about 10 times
in 24 hours
Provide postpartum care & education: Breast care for those lac- Massage breast during feeding can help with emptying
- Alternate breasts with each feeding
- For breast engorgement, apply cool compress between feedings
& warm compresses prior to
- For flat or inverted nipples, suggest client roll the nipples between
her fingers just before
Provide postpartum care & education
- Well fitting, supportive bra continuously for 72 hours
- Avoid breast stimulation & running warm water over breasts for
Provide postpartum care & education: Breast care for nonlactating prolonged time until no longer lactating
- For breast engorgment (3-5th day), apply cold compress 15 min
on & 45 min off (fresh cabbage leaves)
Provide postpartum care & education: rest/sleep
- Plan at least 1 daily rest period
- Rest when the infant naps
Provide postpartum care & education: activity
- DONT perform housework w heavy lifting for at least 3 weeks.
DONT lift anything heavier than the baby.
- Avoid sitting for prolonged periods with legs crossed (to prevent
- Limit stair climbing for 1st few weeks
- C-section clients wait until 4-6 week follow up visit before performing strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, or excessive stair climbing
- DONT drive for 1st 2 weeks or while taking opioids for pain
Provide postpartum care & education: nutrition
- Diet high in protein (tissue repair)
- 2-3L of fluid each day
Provide postpartum care & education: postpartum exercises
- Kegel exercises (regain pelvic floor muscles)
- Pelvic tilt exercises (strengthen back muscles & relieve strain on
lower back)
- Avoid sex until laceration is healed & vaginal discharge has
turned white (lochia alba)
- Takes 2-4 weeks
Maternal Newborn ATI Proctored
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Provide postpartum care & education: sex
- OTC lubes may be needed during the 1st 6 weeks
- Physiological reactions to sex may be slower & less intense for
1st 3 mo after birth
Provide postpartum care & education: Contraception
- Begin contraceptions upon resumption of sex
- Pregnancy can occur with breastfeeding even though menses
has not returned
- Menses in nonlactating client- resumes in 4-10 wks
- Menses in lactating client- resumes in 3 mo
- Chills or fever > 100.4 for 2 or more days
- Change in vaginal discharge with inc amount, large clots, change
to a previous lochia color, & a foul odor
- Episiotomy, laceration, or incision pain that doesn't resolve with
analgesics, foul-smelling drainage, redness, and/or edema
Provide postpartum care & education: danger signs to report to
- Pain or tenderness in abdominal or pelvic aresa that does not
resolve with analgesics
- Breasts with localized areas of pain & tenderness w redness &
- Urination with burning, pain, frequency, urgency (urine that's
cloudy or had blood)
Normal lochia flow patterns
Bright red: 2-3 days
Blood tinged serous: day 4-10
White vaginal: day 11- 6 weeks
Provide postpartum care & education: postpartum depression
- Client feels apathy toward the infant
- Cant provide self or infant care
- Has feeling that she might hurt herself or her infant
Provide postpartum care & education: follow up visit
- Pt should be discharged with an appt set for a postpartum
follow-up visit
- Or a # to call & schedule an appt
- Vaginal: in 4-6 weeks
- C-section: in 2 weeks
Prioritize care to a client in labor: prolapsed umbilical cord
- Call for assistance stat & notify MD
- Use sterile gloved hand, insert 2 fingers into vagina & apply
finger pressure on either side of cord to the fetal presenting part
to elevate it off of the cord
- Reposition client in knee to chest, Trendelenburg, or a side-lying
position w rolled towel under client's hip
- Apply warm, sterile, saline soaked towel to visible cord (prevent
drying & to maintain BF)
- Provide CONTINUOUS electronic monitoring of FHR for variable
decelerations (indicate fetal asphysia & hypoxia)
- Administer O2 at 8-10L/min via face mask (improve fetal O2)
- Initiate IV access & administer IV fluid bolus
- Prepare for C-section (if other meas fail)
- Educate client
- Document color & consistency of stained amniotic fluid
- Notify neonatal resuscitation team to be present at birth
- Gather equip needed
- Follow designated suction protocol
Prioritize care to a client in labor: meconium stained amniotic fluid - Assess neonate's RR, muscle tone, & HR
- Suction mouth & nose (if RR strong, muscle tone good, & HR >
- Suction below vocal cords (endotracheal tube before spontaneous breaths occur if RR depressed, muscle tone dec, HR<100)
- FHR < 110 or > 160
- FHR shows dec or no variability
- Fetal hyperactivity or no fetal activity
Prioritize care to a client in labor: Fetal distress present when
- Monitor VS & FHR
- Left-side lying reclining position w legs elevated
- 8-10 L/min O2 via face mask
Maternal Newborn ATI Proctored
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Prioritize care to a client in labor: fetal distress
- DC oxytocin (Pitocin)
- Inc IV fluid rate (tx hypotension)
- Prepare for emergency C-section
Prioritize care to a client in labor: Dystocia
- Dysfunctional (difficult) labor
- r/t 5 powers of labor (passenger, passageway, powers, position,
& psychologic response)
- Apply fetal scalp electrode &/or intrauterine pressure catheter
- Amniotomy (artificial rupture of membranes)
- Encourage pt to regular void to empty bladder
- Encourage position changes to aid in fetal descent or to open up
the pelvic outlet (pt on hands & knees to help fetus to rotate from
a post to ant position)
- Encourage pt to ambulate, hydrotherapy (enhance progression
of labor)
- Apply counterpressure on sacral area (alleviate discomfort)
- Assist pt to beneficial position for pushing & coach her about how
to bear down with contractions
- Prepare for a possible forceps-assisted, vacuum assisted, or
- Continue to monitor FHR in response to labor
Prioritize care to a client in labor: Precipitous labor
- Labor lasting < 3 hr
- Dont leave pt unattended
- Encourage pt to pant btw contractions (control the urge to push)
- Side lying position (optimize uteroplacental perfusion & fetal O2)
- Prepare for ROM upon crowning (fetal head visible at perineum)
if not already rupture
- Do not attempt to stop delivery
- Control rapid delivery by applying light pressure to perineal area
& fetal head (gently press upward)
- Suction mucus from mouth to nose
- Deliver anterior should located under symphysis pubis. Next
posterior shoulder. Then allow the rest to slip out
- Assess for complications
Prioritize care to a client in labor: Rupture of uterus
- Client says "ripping", "tearing", sharp pain
- IV fluids
- Blood product transfusions
- Prepare for C-section
- Inform pt
Prioritize care to a client in labor: amniotic fluid embolism
- 8-10 L/min O2
- Intubate & mechanical ventilation
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitiation
- IV fluids
- Side lying w pelvis tilted at a 30 degree angle (to displace uterus)
- Blood products (correct coagulation failure)
- Indwelling catheter (measure hourly output)
- Monitor mom & baby status
- Prepare for emergency C-section
T/F: the membranes must be ruptured prior to insertion of an
internal electrode or intrauterine pressure catheter
A fetus receives more oxygen when ______ appears on the
Relaxation btw uterine contractions
Client in labor & RN observes late decelerations on the electronic
- Assist client in left-lateral position (inc uteroplacental perfusion)
fetal monitor. 1st action of nurse:
While performing Leopold maneuvers the nurse should use which
technique to identify the fetal lie?
Palpate the fundus of the uterus
-Painless, irregular frequency, and intermittent contractions
-Contractions decrease in frequency, duration, and intensity with
walking or position changes
-Contractions are felt in lower back or abdomen above umbilicus
Maternal Newborn ATI Proctored
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Labor and Delivery Process: Teaching Findings of False Labor
-Contractions often stop with sleep or comfort measures such as
oral hydration or emptying of the bladder
-The cervix has no significant changes in dilation or effacement
-The cervix often remains in posterior position
-The cervix has no bloody show
-The presenting part of the fetus is not engaged in the pelvis.
Newborn Nutrition: Safe Handling of Breast Milk
-Breast milk can be stored at room temperature under very clean
conditions for up to 8hrs
-It can be refrigerated in sterile bottles for use within 8 days, or can
be frozen in fertile containers in the freezer compartment of fridge
for up to 6 months. Can be stored in a deep freezer for 12 months.
-Thawing the milk in the fridge for 24hrs in the best way to preserve
the immunoglobulins present in it. It can also be thawed by running
lukewarm water over it.
-Do not thaw in microwave
-Do not refreeze thawed milk
-Used portions of breast milk must be discarded
Nursing Care During Stages of Labor: Identifying the Need for
-If there are late declarations, if baby is tachycardic or bradycardia
Complications Related to the Labor Process: Nursing Action for a
Nuchal Cord
Slip cord over baby's head if it is loose enough
each different stage of labor calls for different assessments of the
stage one should focus on rupture of membranes, bladder distention, temperature, and FHR
stage two should focus on BP, HR, and RR every 5-30 minutes,
uterine contractions, pushing efforts by client, increase in bloody
show, shaking of extremities
stage three is focused on BP, HR, and RR every 15 min, clinical
findings of seperation of placenta, vaginal fullness exam
stage four should focus on assessing maternal vital signs to a
steady state
nursing care during stages of labor: identifying the needs for
Reference: RN Maternal Newborn Nursing Ch. 14
Nutrition During Pregnancy: Identify Signs of Potential Prenatal
Nausea, constipation, maternal phenylketonuria, diabetes mellitus