Running Head: Industrial Area Project Brief GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA MINISTRY OF WATER AND SANITATION ATHI WATER WORKS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NAIROBI CITY REGENERATION PROGRAMME LOT 1-CONSTRUCTION OF NAIROBI CBD AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SEWERS CONTRACT NO: AWSB/GOK/NCRP/W-01/2019 CONTRACTOR: JOINT COMMERCIAL SUPPLIERS LIMITED P.O. BOX 69499-00400, NAIROBI. 1 2 S/NO NAME LEAD AGENCY 1 Rehabilitation and/or upgrading of industrial area sewerage system. Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) STATUS Completion of all pending connections for the sekondi line to the trunk sewer line. Excavation works ongoing at paper convertor line. Continuation of pipe laying activities up to chainage 0+500.