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Surgical Interventions in Labor: A Research Paper

Labor and Childbirth is an amazing experience for mothers but can sometimes be
difficult and traumatic one too. Since 2006, Canada has seen a 3.6% decline in the overall
number of births( ref). The introduction of surgical and/or technoglogical interventions like
epidurals, fetal heart rate monitor, forceps and/or vacuum assisted birth was mostly for the aim
of easier birth and reduce the risk of complications for mother and baby but this has not always
been the case. In canda, 28.2% of births are ceaseran section and … of women in labor require
use of epidural…(ref) . Surgical interventions has shown to have some serious adverse effect
whilst the benefit it brings during labor. This paper aims to outline common surgical
interventions specifically in the second stages of labor which are, induction of labor with
oxytocin, use of epidural ansthethia and forceps or vacuum assisted birth.