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Abortion: A Position Paper on Ethics and Legality

Abortion is defined as deliberately terminating an existing pregnancy by
removing or extinguishing a fetus from the uterus before viable. Arguing if abortion
is morally acceptable or not will always be a controversial topic amongst Filipinos.
Abortion is controversial because it involves religious beliefs and women's rights.
Pro-Life activists disagree with abortion mostly for religious reasons and believe
that all life is sacred and given to us by God. Pro-Choice activist think abortion is
acceptable because it is the woman's body and she can do whatever she want to
and understand the reasons why a woman would want to terminate her pregnancy.
In this paper I will argue that the act of abortion is unethical, completely morbid
and should be against the law.
Abortion is equivalent to murder because it takes the life of an innocent
unborn child and should not be an option when a woman discovers that she is
pregnant. The definition of murder according to Merriam- Webster says that
murder is "to kill a human being, "'isn't that what is being produced in the womb
after the development of a heartbeat? An embryos heart is developed and begins
to beat on day twenty-two and many women do not even know they are pregnant
at this time. A heartbeat represents life no matter how small the baby is and no
one should be allowed to end a life that is nothing but innocent and pure. If a
woman who is pregnant is murdered the accused killer is charged with murder of
a woman and a child. If they are being charged with murdering an unborn child
what makes it morally permissible for a woman to kill a child that was created upon
her own knowing actions?
Everyone knows that engaging in unprotected sex increases a woman's
chances of getting pregnant. We have an abundant amount of different types of
contraceptives that everyone has access to but won’t always use them. If a man
and woman believe they're mature enough to engage in sexual activates without
protection, then they are ready to face the repercussions of their actions and
should keep the baby.