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Literary Analysis Questions: Character, Setting, Plot

1. Describe Vivian's appearance and personality.1
2. Describe Vivien's current life situation and how does that impact her relationship with Grant?
3. Describe how does Grant feel about the responsibility of having to go and deal with Jefferson?2
4. What does Grant's attitude about where he lives and the situation of dealing with Jefferson tell you
about what kind of person Grant is and areas in his life that he needs to improve?
5. “There was a Catholic church uptown for whites; a Catholic church back of town for coloreds. There
was a white movie theater uptown; a colored movie theater back of town. There were two elementary
schools uptown, one Catholic, one public, for whites; and the same back of town for colored. Bayonne’s
major industries were a cement plant, a sawmill, a slaughterhouse, mostly for hogs.” Is this an example
of Historical or Social/Cultural Setting and EXPLAIN your answer.
6. Where does the action in chapter 1 take place? 4
A. Taunte Lou's home
B.In jail
C. At Henri Pichot's home
D. In the courtroom
E. None of these above
7. Who is charged with murder? 3
A. Grant
B. Brother
C. Bear
D. Jefferson
E. Herni Pichot
8. Who was Alcee Grope? 6
A. A black liquor store owner
B. A white bartender
C. A black bartender
D. A white store owner
E. A Hispanic grocer
9. Why did Brother and Bear want to go to the store? 5
A. To say hello to Mr. Grope
B. To buy alcohol
C. To get credit on alcohol
D. To buy food
E. None of the above
10. What "problem" do Brother and Bear have that influences their behavior?
A. They are drunk
B. They are flat broke
C. They are angry
D. They don't like Mr. Grope
11. What is Jefferson's godmother compared to? 7
A. A tree and a stone
B. A book and a tree
C. A book and a stone
D. A strong mother
E. None of the above
12. Where is Jefferson going when he met Brother and Bear? 8
A. To the Rabbit Bar and Lounge
B. To the Bunny Bar and Lounge
C. To the Alice Bar and Lounge
D. Home after leaving the bar
E. To the store for his godmother
13. Why wasn't Grant at the trial?
A. Because he was busy
B. Because he already knew the outcome
C. Because he had not been told about it
D. He was teaching school
E. None of the above
14. Infer the meaning of this quote, " I was not there, yet I was there."9
A. He was there in spirit
B. He did not have to be there to know what was happening
C. He felt like he was there even though he was not
D. He really wanted to be there
E. None of the above
15. What physical details about the two women is put forward?
A. Height
B. Race
C. Weight
D. Age
E. Both C and D
16. How many people die during the robbery? 10
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 0
17. Did Brother and Bear intend to rob Mr. Grope from the beginning?
A. Yes, because they wanted to get alcohol and knew they did not have the money
B. No, they wanted Jefferson to help them pay for the alcohol
C. Yes, they had a gun so they could rob and kill him
D. No, they planned to pay him for the alcohol later
E.No, the gun accidentally went off
18. What animal was used to describe Jefferson? 11
A. A dog
B. A hog
C. A cow
D. A monkey
E. An ape
19. Henri Pichot thinks that Grant is visiting him to ask for what? 12
A. To put money on Jefferson's books
B. To try to preach to Jefferson
C. To bring supplies to Jefferson
D. To try to change the ruling of the court
E. None of the above
20. Taunte Lou wants Grant to visit Jefferson to do what? 13
A. To teach him so he can die like a man
B. Prepare Jefferson to meet his death like a hog
C. Help him forget his past
D. To help Jefferson create an appeal
E. To find out the true events on the day of the murder
21. Henri Pichot is important because 15
A. He is the sheriff
B. He is the mayor
C. He is the judge
D. He is related to the sheriff
E. He is Grant's boss
22. What is Grant's girlfriend's name?
A. Thelma
B. Joanne
C. Vivian
D. Johanna
E. Emma
23. Why does Grant want to leave the area and go to a new place? 14
A. To marry Vivian
B. To get away from his aunt
C. To feel alive
D. To quit his teaching job
E. All of the above
24. Vivian is not willing to move with Grant because
A. She is married
B. She has kids
C. She is committed to her teaching
D. She does loves Grant, but is not sure about him
E. All of the above
25. The following quote is an example of which of the following literary devises: “…his godmother
became as immobile as a great stone…”
A. Hyperbole
B. Imagery
C. Metaphor
D. Simile
E. None of the above
26. "I ask you, I implore you, look carefully-do you see a man sitting here? Look at the shape of this
skill, this face as flat as the palm of my hand-look deeply into those eyes. Do you see a modicum of
intelligence? Is this an example of Historical or Social/Cultural Setting? Write Historical or
Social/Cultural in the answer box.
27. “He would pass sentence on Monday. Ten o’clock Monday, Miss Emma and my aunt sat in the
same seats they had occupied on Friday” Is this an example of Historical or Social/Cultural Setting?
28. "When I came home from school that afternoon, I saw my aunt and Miss Emma sitting at the table
in the kitchen."Is this an example of Historical or Social/Cultural Setting?
29. “I shook my head. ‘I have no idea.’ He stared at me, and I realized that I had not answered him in
the proper manner. ‘Sir,’ I added.” Is this an example of Historical or Social/Cultural Setting?
30. “There was a Catholic church uptown for whites; a Catholic church back of town for coloreds. There
was a white movie theater uptown; a colored movie theater back of town. There were two elementary
schools uptown, one Catholic, one public, for whites; and the same back of town for colored. Bayonne’s
major industries were a cement plant, a sawmill, a slaughterhouse, mostly for hogs.” Is this an example
of Historical or Social/Cultural Setting?
31. “There were probably a dozen people in the place, half of them at the bar, the rest of them sitting at
tables with white tablecloths. I spoke to Joe Claiborne and went though a side door into the café to use
the telephone. The bales in the café had checkered red and white table clothes. Thelma Claiborne was
behind the counter. Thelma ran the café and her husband, Joe, ran the bar." Is this an example of
Historical or Social/Cultural Setting?
32. Character: Society and the environment Quotes:“There was a Catholic church uptown for whites; a
Catholic church back of town for coloreds. There was a white movie theater uptown; a colored movie
theater back of town. There were two elementary schools uptown, one Catholic, one public, for whites;
and the same back of town for colored. Bayonne’s major industries were a cement plant, a sawmill, a
slaughterhouse, mostly for hogs.” ““I ask you, I implore you, look carefully-do you see a man sitting
here? Look at the shape of this skill, this face as flat as the palm of my hand-look deeply into those eyes.
Do you see a modicum of intelligence?” “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life teaching school in a
plantation church. I want to be with you, someplace where we could have a choice of things to do. I
don’t feel alive here. I am not living here.”Based on the quotes, select the terms that fit the character.
A. Protagonist
B. Antagonist
C. Round
D. Flat
E. Static
F. Dynamic
33. Character: Grant Wiggins Quotes: "Do you want me to leave Grant?" she asked. "You know I don't
like it when you talk like that.""No, I don't want you to leave. Please don't leave me," I told her." I need
to go someplace where I can feel I'm living," I said. "I dont want to spend the rest of my life teaching
school in a plantation church. I want to be with you, someplace where we could have a choice of things
to do. I don't feel alive here. I am not living here. I know we can do better someplace else." Based on
the quotes, select the terms that fit the character.
A. Protagonist
B. Antagonist
C. Round
D. Flat
E. Static
F. Dynamic
34. Character: Jefferson Quotes: "She just sat there staring at the boy's clean-cropped head where he
sat at the front table with his lawyer." Based on the quotes, select the terms that fit the character.
A. Protagonist
B. Antagonist
C. Round
D. Flat
E. Static
F. Dynamic
35. Character: Taunte Lou Quotes: "You going with us up the quarter," my aunt said, as though I hadn't
said a word. "You going up there with us, Grant, or you don't sleep in this house." Based on the quotes,
select the terms that fit the character.
A. Protagonist
B. Antagonist
C. Round
D. Flat
E. Static
F. Dynamic
36. This quote is an example of what type of conflict?“Go back Grope told him. ‘Go back.’ Bear had
been drinking and his eyes were glossy, he walked unsteadily, grinning all the time as he continued
around the counter. ‘Go back,’ Grope told him. ‘I mean, the last time now-go back.” Bear continued.
Grope moved quickly toward the cah register, where he withdrew a revolver…”
A. Character vs. character
B. Character vs. self
C. Character vs. society
D. Character vs. God/supernatural
E. Character vs. nature
37. This quote is an example of what type of conflict? “Death by electrocution. The governor would set
the date.”
A. Character vs. character
B. Character vs. self
C. Character vs. society
D. Character vs. God/supernatural
E. Character vs. nature
38. This quote is an example of what type of conflict?“I clamped my jaws so tight the veins in my neck
felt as if they would burst. I wanted to scream… I hated this place and all I wanted to do was get away. I
had told her I was no teacher, I hated teaching…”
A. Character vs. character
B. Character vs. self
C. Character vs. society
D. Character vs. God/supernatural
E. Character vs. nature
39. This quote is an example of what type of conflict? “Suppose I was allowed to visit him, and suppose I
reach him and made him realize that he was as much a man as any other man; then what? He is still
going to die… So what will I have accomplished? What will I have done?”
A. Character vs. character
B. Character vs. society
C. Character vs. self
D. Character vs. God/supernatural
E. Character vs. nature
40. Why does Miss Emma feel that Henri Pichot should honor her request?
A. She is a church leader and should be respected.
B. She worked for Henri Pichot and knows his family and has helped and supported them.
C. She is the only family that Jefferson has and need Henri Pichot to share that information.