Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Texbooks Details in course handout 2 Overview Detailed handout to be updated in course server 3 General Chemistry – Chem F 111 Faculty Lecture Instructors Pr.of Subhadeep Banerjee (IC) Organic Prof. Raghunath Behera Physical Prof. Bhavana P. Inorganic Tutorial Instructors Dr. Subhasish Roy Prof. Rashmi Chauhan Prof. R.N. Panda Dr. Uttara Basu Dr. Sudipta Chatterjee Dr. Woormileela Sinha Dr. Jayadevan K. P. Dr. Kiran Vankayala Dr. Saurav Bhattacharya STEREOCHEMISTRY 5 Chapter Contents Types of isomerism Stereoisomers Chirality and biological significance R/S configuration Optical Activity Synthesis of Chiral molecules Multiple chiral centers Fischer projections Configurations and reactions Enantiomeric Resolution E/Z-configuration for olefins 6 Isomerism: Constitutional Isomers and Stereoisomers 7 OH Constitutional Isomers Constitutional isomers are isomers which have the same molecular formula but differ in the way their atoms are connected Stereoisomers Stereoisomers are isomers with the same molecular formula and same connectivity of atoms but different arrangement of atoms in space H OH (I) HO H (II) 8 Stereoisomers Chiral molecules (possess molecular asymmetry) Enantiomers • • • Can exist as a pair of enantiomers with identical chemical and physical properties The pair possesses a non-superimposable mirror image relationship Ability to rotate plane polarized light in opposite directions by each member of the pair Achiral molecules (possess molecular symmetry) Superposable on its mirror image 9 Chirality Chiral molecules - generally molecules containing an asymmetric or chiral center Asymmetric (chiral) center - tetrahedral atom bonded to four different groups - indicated with an asterisk (*) 10 Chiral vs Achiral 11 Test for Chirality: Planes of Symmetry A molecule will not be chiral if it possesses a plane of symmetry A plane of symmetry (mirror plane) is an imaginary plane that bisects a molecule such that the two halves of the molecule are identical All molecules with a plane of symmetry possess identical halves on either side of the plane and thus are achiral Ch. 5 - 12 Plane of symmetry Cl Me Me H achiral Cl Me Et H No plane of symmetry chiral Ch. 5 - 13 Chirality and Biological Significance Chiral objects are objects with left-handed and right-handed forms Achiral objects - objects that have superimposable mirror images Nonsuperimposable mirror images - a mirror image that is not the same as the image itself - chiral objects have nonsuperimposable mirror images 14 Examples from real life Ajino moto = MSG Thalidomide 15 Thalidomide The activity of drugs containing chirality centers can vary between enantiomers, sometimes with serious or even tragic consequences For several years before 1963 thalidomide was used to alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women In 1963 it was discovered that thalidomide (sold as a mixture of both enantiomers) was the cause of horrible birth defects in many children born subsequent to the use of the drug Ch. 5 - 16 Naming Enantiomers: R,S-System Recall: OH H (I) OH HO H (II) Using only the IUPAC naming that we have learned so far, these two enantiomers will have the same name: 2-Butanol This is undesirable because each compound must have its own distinct name Ch. 5 - 17 How to Assign (R) and (S) Configurations Rule 1 ● Assign priorities to the four different groups on the stereocenter from highest to lowest (priority bases on atomic number, the higher the atomic number, the higher the priority) Rule 2 ● When a priority cannot be assigned on the basis of the atomic number of the atoms that are directly attached to the chirality center, then the next set of atoms in the unassigned groups is examined. This process is continued until a decision can be made. Rule 3 ● Visualize the molecule so that the lowest priority group is directed away from you, then trace a path from highest to lowest priority. If the path is a clockwise motion, then the configuration at the asymmetric carbon is (R). If the path is a counter-clockwise motion, then the configuration is (S) Ch. 5 - 18 Example ① Step 1: ② or ③ H O H C ① Step 2: HO H3C ④ C H O ③ (2-Butanol) ② or ③ ④ C ② CH 3 C H2 (H, H, H) (C, H, H) Ch. 5 - 19 ① ④ ③ OH OH Me Et ② Et Me OH OH Me H HO Et Me H Et = H Arrows are clockwise Et Me (R)-2-Butanol Ch. 5 - 20 Other examples ① Cl ④ Cl ③ H HO CH3 HO Counterclockwise CH3 (S) ② ② ④ H 3C ① Br OCH3 ③ CH2CH3 OCH3 Clockwise (R) Br CH2CH3 Ch. 5 - 21 Other examples ● Rotate C–Cl bond such that H is pointed to the back ② Cl Cl ④ Br HO H ③ H OH ① Br Cl Br Clockwise OH (R) Ch. 5 - 22 Other examples ● Rotate C–CH3 bond such that H is pointed to the back ② H I H3C OCH3 ④ OCH3 ① H I H3C ③ Counter-clockwise H 3C OCH3 I (S) Ch. 5 - 23 Rule 4 ● For groups containing double or triple bonds, assign priorities as if both atoms were duplicated or triplicated e.g. C O as C O O C C C as C C C C C C as C C C C C C Ch. 5 - 24 Example ③ ④ CH3 ② H HO ① Compare CH3 & CH CH2 Thus, CH3 (S) CH=CH2 CH CH2 : equivalent to H H C C H C C (H, H, H) CH CH2 (C, C, H) Ch. 5 - 25 Other examples ② (R) OH ④ H ③ CH3 Cl ① O ③ H 2C ④ H ①C l O H ② CH 3 O (S) ② C (O, O, C) ③ C (O, H, H) Ch. 5 - 26 Properties of Enantiomers Enantiomers ● Mirror images that are not superposable H Cl H3CH2C H * * CH3 H3C Cl CH2CH3 mirror Ch. 5 - 27 Enantiomers have identical physical properties (e.g. melting point, boiling point, refractive index, solubility etc.) Compound bp (oC) (R)-2-Butanol 99.5 (S)-2-Butanol 99.5 mp (oC) (+)-(R,R)-Tartaric Acid 168 – 170 (–)-(S,S)-Tartaric Acid 168 – 170 (+/–)-Tartaric Acid 210 – 212 Ch. 5 - 28 Optical activity The property possessed by chiral substances of rotating the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light is optical activity The electric field (like the magnetic field) of light is oscillating in all possible planes When this light passes through a polarizer (Polaroid lens), we get plane-polarized light (oscillating in only one plane) Ch. 5 - 29 Plane-Polarized Light Polaroid lens Ch. 5 - 30 The Origin of Optical Activity Two circularlypolarized beams counter-rotating at the same velocity (in phase), and their vector sum Two circularly-polarized beams counter-rotating at different velocities, such as after interaction with a chiral molecule, and their vector sum Ch. 5 - 31 The Origin of Optical Activity Ch. 5 - 32 The Origin of Optical Activity Ch. 5 - 33 The Polarimeter A device for measuring the optical activity of a chiral compound a= observed optical rotation Ch. 5 - 34 Specific Rotation observed rotation temperature 25 [a]D = wavelength of light (e.g. D-line of Na lamp, l=589.6 nm) c a x ℓ concentration length of cell of sample in dm solution (1 dm = 10 cm) in g/mL Ch. 5 - 35 • The value of a depends on the particular experiment (since there are different concentrations with each run) • But specific rotation [a] should be the same regardless of the concentration Ch. 5 - 36 Two enantiomers should have the same value of specific rotation, but the signs are opposite CH3 CH3 * H HO 25 * CH2CH3 [a] = + 13.5 D o H3CH2C 25 mirror H OH [a] = 13.5 o D Ch. 5 - 37 Racemic Forms An equimolar mixture of two enantiomers is called a racemic mixture (or racemate or racemic form) A racemic mixture causes no net rotation of plane-polarized light equal & opposite rotation by the enantiomer rotation H CH3 OH C 2H 5 (R)-2-Butanol H 3C H HO C 2H 5 (S)-2-Butanol (if present) Ch. 5 - 38 Racemic Forms and Enantiomeric Excess A sample of an optically active substance that consists of a single enantiomer is said to be enantiomerically pure or to have an enantiomeric excess of 100% An enantiomerically pure sample of (S)-(+)-2-butanol shows a specific rotation of +13.52 25 [a]D = +13.52 A sample of (S)-(+)-2-butanol that contains less than an equimolar amount of (R)-(–)-2-butanol will show a specific rotation that is less than 13.52 but greater than zero Such a sample is said to have an enantiomeric excess less than 100% Ch. 5 - 39 Enantiomeric excess (ee) ● Also known as the optical purity % enantiomeric = excess ● mole of one enantiomer moles of other enantiomer total moles of both enantiomers x 100 Can be calculated from optical rotations % enantiomeric = excess * observed specific rotation specific rotation of the pure enantiomers x 100 Ch. 5 - 40 Example ● A mixture of the 2-butanol enantiomers showed a specific rotation of +6.76. The enantiomeric excess of the (S)-(+)-2-butanol is 50% % enantiomeric = excess * +6.76 +13.52 x 100 = 50% Ch. 5 - 41 The Synthesis of Chiral Molecules Racemic Forms CH3CH2CCH3 + H H ( )-CH 3CH2CHCH3 OH O Butanone (achiral molecules) Ni Hydrogen (achiral molecules) ( )-2-Butanol (chiral molecules; but 50:50 mixture (R) & (S)) Ch. 5 - 42 Ch. 5 - 43 Stereoselective Syntheses Stereoselective reactions are reactions that lead to a preferential formation of one stereoisomer over other stereoisomers that could possibly be formed ● enantioselective – if a reaction produces preferentially one enantiomer over its mirror image ● diastereoselective – if a reaction leads preferentially to one diastereomer over others that are possible Ch. 5 - 44 O O + OEt F racemate ( ) O OEt F racemate ( ) H , H2O heat OH + EtOH F racemate ( ) O H2O lipase OH F () (> 69% ee) O + OEt + EtOH F (+) (> 99% ee) Ch. 5 - 45 Relating Configurations through Reactions in Which No Bonds to the Chirality Center Are Broken If a reaction takes place in a way so that no bonds to the chirality center are broken, the product will of necessity have the same general configuration of groups around the chirality center as the reactant Ch. 5 - 46 Same configuration O Me H Me Ph H NaBH4 MeOH NaCN H Br DMSO OH H H Me H Me Ph H CN Same configuration Ch. 5 - 47 Molecules with More than One Chirality Center Diastereomers ● Stereoisomers that are not enantiomers ● Unlike enantiomers, diastereomers usually have substantially different chemical and physical properties Ch. 5 - 48 Br Cl C H HO C H CH3 Br H C Cl H C OH CH3 (II) Br C H Cl (III) CH3 C H HO Br H C Cl H C CH3 OH (IV) (I) Note: In compounds with n tetrahedral stereocenters, the maximum number of stereoisomers is 2n. Ch. 5 - 49 Br Cl C H HO C H CH3 Br H C Cl H C OH CH3 (II) Br C H Cl (III) CH3 C H HO Br H C Cl H C CH3 OH (IV) (I) (I) & (II) are enantiomers to each other (III) & (IV) are enantiomers to each other Ch. 5 - 50 Br Cl C H HO C H CH3 Br H C Cl H C OH CH3 (II) Br C H Cl (III) CH3 C H HO Br H C Cl H C CH3 OH (IV) (I) Diastereomers to each other: ● (I) & (III), (I) & (IV), (II) & (III), (II) & (IV) Ch. 5 - 51 Meso Compounds Compounds with two stereocenters do not always have four stereoisomers (22 = 4) since some molecules are achiral (not chiral), even though they contain stereocenters For example, 2,3-dibromobutane has two stereocenters, but only has 3 stereoisomers (not 4) Ch. 5 - 52 H (I) CH3 C Br CH3 C Br H H C Br CH 3 (III) H C Br CH3 Br Br Br Br H C CH 3 (II) C CH3 H H C CH 3 (IV) C H CH3 Note: (III) contains a plane of symmetry, is a meso compound, and is achiral ([a] = 0o). Ch. 5 - 53 H (I) CH3 C Br CH3 C Br H H C Br CH 3 (III) H C Br CH3 Br Br Br Br H C CH 3 (II) C CH3 H H C CH 3 (IV) C H CH3 (I) & (II) are enantiomers to each other and chiral (III) & (IV) are identical and achiral Ch. 5 - 54 H (I) CH3 C Br CH3 C Br H H C Br CH 3 (III) H C Br CH3 Br Br Br Br H C CH 3 (II) C CH3 H H C CH 3 (IV) C H CH3 (I) & (III), (II) & (III) are diastereomers Only 3 stereoisomers: ● (I) & (II) {enantiomers}, (III) {meso} Ch. 5 - 55 How to Name Compounds with More than One Chirality Center a 2,3-Dibromobutane H Br Br 2 ● Look through C2–Ha bond 4 a④ ① Br C2: (R) configuration C1 H 3 1 ③ b H 2 ② C3 (H, H, H) (Br, C, H) Ch. 5 - 56 ● Look through C3–Hb bond H Br Br a 2 1 CH3 b ① 4 ③ H 3 CH3 b H Br C4 3 ④ ② C2 (H, H, H) (Br, C, H) C3: (R) configuration ● Full name: (2R, 3R)-2,3-Dibromobutane Ch. 5 - 57 Fischer Projection Formulas: a 2D visual representation of a 3D structure How To Draw and Use Fischer Projections Fischer Projection HO H 3C Et Br COOH Ph COOH COOH Br Ph Br Ph Et OH Et OH CH3 CH3 Ch. 5 - 58 H Me COOH Ph H H H Ph OH COOH COOH COOH Fischer Projection Me OH HO H HO H Me H Me H Ph Ph Ch. 5 - 59 Cl H H H3C Cl H Cl CH3 H 3C (I) (2S, 3S)-Dichlorobutane H CH3 (II) (2R, 3R)-Dichlorobutane CH3 CH3 H Cl Cl H CH3 Cl enantiomers mirror Cl H H Cl CH3 (I) and (II) are both chiral and they are enantiomers with each other Ch. 5 - 60 Cl H3C H H CH3 Cl CH3 H Cl H Cl (III) (2S, 3R)-Dichlorobutane CH3 Plane of symmetry (III) is achiral (a meso compound) (III) and (I) are diastereomers to each other Ch. 5 - 61 Fischer to Sawhorse & Newman Projection Formulae OH H CH3 H OH Cl H CH2CH3 Cl OH H H CH2CH3 CH3 H Cl CH3 CH2CH3 View Fischer projection Sawhorse projection (eclipsed) H OH Cl H CH2CH3 CH3 Newman projection projection (eclipsed) Sawhorse projection Staggered CH2CH3 H OH H Cl CH3 Newman (Staggered) 62 Separation of Enantiomers: Resolution Resolution – separation of two enantiomers O e.g. OH R * R' (racemic) O O Cl OMe Ph CF3 (Mosher acid chloride) R R' OMe CF3 Ph (1 O O + R : R' OMe CF3 Ph 1) diastereomers usually separable either by flash column chromatography or recrystallization etc. Ch. 5 - 63 The (E) - (Z) System for Alkene Diastereomers Cis-Trans System ● Useful for 1,2-disubstituted alkenes ● Examples: H (1) Cl Br H trans -1-Bromo2-chloroethene Ch. 7 - 64 vs Br Cl H H cis -1-Bromo- 2-chloroethene ● Difficulties encountered for trisubstituted and tetrasubstituted alkenes e.g. CH3 Cl Br H Cl is cis to CH3 and trans to Br Ch. 7 - 65 cis or trans? ● Examples Cl CH3 Br H (E )-2-Bromo-1-chloropropene Br Cl CH3 H (Z )-2-Bromo-1-chloropropene Ch. 7 - 66 ● Other examples (1) Cl H 2 1 Cl H (2) Cl Ch. 7 - 67 C1: Cl > H C2: Cl > H 2 1 Br (E )-1,2-Dichloroethene [or trans-1,2-Dichloroethene] Cl (Z )-1-Bromo-1,2-dichloroethene C1: Br > Cl C2: Cl > H ● Other examples Br 4 (3) 1 3 2 8 7 5 6 (Z )-3-Bromo-4-tert-butyl-3-octene C3: Br > C t n C4: Bu > Bu Ch. 7 - 68 Compounds with Chirality Centers Other than Carbon R4 R1 R3 Si H R2 R1 R4 R1 R2 Ge R2 R2 R3 N R3 X R1 S O Ch. 5 - 69 Chiral Molecules That Do Not Possess a Chirality Center P(Ph)2 (Ph)2P P(Ph)2 (Ph)2P (S)-BINAP (R)-BINAP enantiomers Ch. 5 - 70