Impact of Education: A Personal Reflection

How has education impacted your life?
Education plays an essential role in upgrading our version in postive ways. We have rights
to study anything we want, to update the latest knowledge for our demand, and to estimate
knowledge for societies' contributions and higher careers.
I used to have a poor childhood when my parents were to earn a little penny to meet the
most basic living. I wished that my parents could have made more than ever so our lives
would not be in poverty, but I recognized that they had dropped school since 15 years old.
There was no way of getting a higher salary without finishing compulsory education.
From that moment, I emphasized the importance of education for my future life. However,
the way of finding a way to approach was the most challenging part of my life.
I had not been told about the way of enrolling in advanced class in secondary school,
although my score is the absolute of 20-point benchmark. I was paired in the most naughty
class with my "friends" loved bullying and street fighting. Of course, I was an innocent of
school bullying in 4 years staying there. For the worst class that I attended, there was no
special information about the educational competition, about the outside training for
teenagers given by teachers. I had to find it myself through my friends and teacher in
private. I remember I was the only student in the class to be a member of English School
team for the Talented in grade 6. That made my day so much.
Being a student of the top no-gifted highschool in Ho Chi Minh City in 2018 - Nguyen Cong
Tru with 4 points surplus, a Financial pupil of one of the top Economics University in
Vietnam - University of Economics HCMC were my 2 proudest things that I got by
education. They led me to an opportunity of meeting colleagues with huge ambitions, and
experienced communities in business and finance as well. We discussed a lot of political
issues and their effects in terms of financial activities and many more interesting topics in
the same fields… I also had a chance to share my knowledge that achieved long lasting.
That's worth.
Up to now, I have been still studying, not only in my major Finance, but also some related
ones, and some soft skills and outside performance. The time spent in School was just the
knowledge of major, but the University is a really new chapter for the most students like
me. How to email for communication support (with CC and BCC), how to be wellperformed in a conference meeting, webinar… are the most complicating for the freshman
students. Thanks to education, I am confident to deal with this problem. Being an
Ambassador of Mazars since September 2022 is the result for my efforts in learning
If there was no educational features affecting me, I think all of my experiences would not
exist now. Maybe I was still an addictive poker gamer, I guess.
Education, for me, is training. To get proficient at anything, we should study from the root,
practice all the available time and make it into a value for society. In 21st century, there was
no way of getting expert of the field without sacrificing efforts for education, even in
academy or in societies.