CHINNAIYAN BHARATHIKANNAN PROFESSION: IRATA Level-3 Multi-Discipline Inspector IRATA Level 3 PCN LEVEL 3 UT, MPI PCN LEVL-2-RFI ASNT NDT L-II in PAUT, TOFD, MT, PT, UT, RT +91-8940354287, +673 8794958 SPECIALITIES Around 14+ Years of Experience in Inspection at various industries like Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Goal Refining, Training and Teaching etc., NDT welding inspection and Rope Access. These wide range of experience Achieved from onshore plants, Refineries, offshore platforms inhouse Training Facilities. As IRATA Technical Authority I have successfully completed two external irata Audit and two internal irata Audit. Represent for demo Ultrasonic test in ANAB Quality Audit for 2 times. EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS MBA B.Sc., TECHNICAL CERTIFICATIONS IRATA Level-3 Cert No: 3/48332. (TWO times level 3 renewal done) PCN LEVEL 3 IN ULTRASONIC TESTING AND MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING PCN No: 313195. PCN Level-II RFI PPE Inspection Certificate by singing rock-License number-10124 ASNT (NDT) Level-II in PAUT,TOFD,PT, MT, RT, UT Eddyfi Online certificate-Introduction to ACFM V1.0 and Introduction to UT Safety Orientation Courses (SOC) T-Bosiet (Opito Approved) I-Mist (Opito Approved) Ims5-Competent Frontline Work Site Supervisor. Senior First Aid-Fa-1 Work Management Procedure Rev 3.0 (WMP 3.0 By BSP) C.BHARATHIKANNAN IRATA Level-3 Multi-Discipline NDT Inspector Page 1 1. Company Period Designation Clients : : : : DNV-Brunei April 2022 to till date Rope access L3/Multi disciplined NDT Inspector Brunei shell petroleum (Offshore / onshore facilities of Brunei shell petroleum) 2. Company Period Designation : : : Clients : Mozzat enterprises. Sep 2014 to April 2022 irata Rope Access Technical Authority/Rope access L3/NDT Inspector Brunei shell petroleum (Offshore / onshore facilities of Brunei shell petroleum) 3. Company Period Designation Clients : : : : Megarme-Qatar Dec 2012 to Aug 2014 Rope access PAUT Operator&NDT Inspector OXY QATAR. (PS1 OFFSHORE &HALUL ISLAND) 4. Company Period Designation Clients : : : : Oceaneering International-Qatar Jan 2012 to Dec 2012 Rope access NDT Inspector Qatar gas, Qatar 5. Company Period Designation Project Clients : : : : : Ray Sonics Sep 2011-Nov 2011 QA/QC welding Inspector Major Turnaround Shut down (SASOL SOUTH AFRICA) South African synthetic oil ltd, South Africa 6. Company Period Designation Project Clients : : : : : Integral Services Co.w.l.l-Kuwait November 2010 -June 2011 NDT Inspector Major Turnaround shut down Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) 7. Company Period Designation : : : Welding Quality Concepts-Trichy, India July2008-Sep 2010 NDT Coordinator, Inspector C.BHARATHIKANNAN IRATA Level-3 Multi-Discipline NDT Inspector Page 2 Duties & responsibilities as mentioned in following positions: Irata Level-3 Supervisor: Plane Rope Access Activities As per Scope and Client requirement. Site Survey for Access, Planning and managing Manning requirement and Equipment requirement. Perform the Risk assessment and or review the Existing Risk assessment as per site condition. Hazard identification and Job safety analysis as per site condition and update in risk assessment. Ensure Control Measures are in place to conform the safety of People, Environment and Asset. Apply for permit for work at height Activities and associated task. Conduct tool box talk before start work. Barricade the area of affected zone and place the signboard to alert the people working around. Selection of anchor and rigging for Access and Egress. Perform continued Buddy check before and during Rope Access work. Inspect the Rope Access Equipment before and after work. Execute the task as per plane. Supervise the all-Rope Access work. Close monitoring of all new/promoted Rope Access Technicians. Perform or training the Technicians to do the Rescue and Rope maneuvers. Preparation of Rescue plane and Explain to Team members demos the rescue if required. Preparation of rope Access Documentation like induction form, mobilisation form, log hours, rescue plane, risk assessment, Method statement. Inform the incident/Accident immediate to the Key personnel (Client as well as company personals). Update the Log book for Technicians and Self log book as per irata guidance. Ensure safe working and safe work area. Advanced NDT Inspector: Preparation of Scan plan for PAUT using ESBM beam tool OMNI PC. PAUT machine set up and calibration as per scan plane. Data collection as per client request and scope of the project. Data collection using various scanner like HSMT FLUX, COBRA, CHAIN LINK SCANER. Interpretation of collected data as per code and standard such as API1104, ASME B.31.1 Etc., Interpretation using OMNI PC AND TOMO VIEW Software. C.BHARATHIKANNAN IRATA Level-3 Multi-Discipline NDT Inspector Page 3 Participates in Validation of block as per code and client requirements and producing their results. NDT Inspector: Verification of isometric drawing with respect to P&ID and do necessary update as required. Review work pack to schedule and plane the work. Close visual inspection of Pressure vessel, piping, pressure relief components, offshore structure, tanks, small bore and all onshore and offshore facility for various requirements like on stream inspection (OSI), Ad-hoc, inspection, Turn around inspection, Flow line monitoring (FLM), Re-inspection, Zero red verification etc,. Perform close visual inspection of onshore and offshore facilities including Pressure vessel, pipping, riser, tanks for Special requirement like Risk based inspection (RBI), Nonintroducing inspection (NII), Leak inspection, Contact point corrosion inspection (CPC) Carryout Ultrasonic weld inspection in piping, Riser and Vessel weld joints. Carried out Ultrasonic corrosion monitoring inspection and mapping grid scanning. Carried out ultrasonic thickness gauging at TML location of piping, pressure vessel and tanks etc,. Carried out Magnetic particle testing in weld, pad eyes, casting and casting fitting as per request. Carried out Penetrant testing in weld, pad eyes, casting and forging fitting as per request. Riser cutline inspection to verify cutline for repair works. Riser stopaq inspection during initial stopaq application and periodic monitoring. Stopaq applicator inhouse training attended for familiar with stopaq inspection. Reporting the result and document as per Client requirements. NDT Level-3: Preparation and participate to prepare the NDT procedure in Respective methods. Update the procedure as per client requirements. Teaching/Training to level-1 and level-2 Technician as per company written practice. Cross verification and witnessing of NDT results for QC verification as per request. Report reviewing and documentation. Equipment calibration and Certification internal machine performance checks only. Attend the technical issue quire. Irata Technical Authority: To determine the rope Access management system and authorizing the elements required for Rope Access as per irata international code of practice. Equipment management system Specification and control. Planning and managing personnel and Equipment and irata requirement. C.BHARATHIKANNAN IRATA Level-3 Multi-Discipline NDT Inspector Page 4 Review the company procedure and system update as and when required. Preparation of Method statement, Risk Assessment, Hazard analysis, Rescue plane. Review and updating the Method statement Risk assessment and Rescue plane as required. Personnel selection, Training, competence and tracking. Evaluate and selection of Appropriate work method. Quality and Safety controls. Incident management reporting and Review. Dissemination of Safety Bulletins, ICOP, TACS and other related Requirements. Irata compliance documentation (Eg Methods statement, planning, Risk assessment, forms policies and Procedure. Being as Auditee prepare and communicate with irata to conduct irata audit as per irata requirement. PPE Inspection competent person: Carried out Periodic equipment inception and certify like through inspection, interim inspection ect., Other Activities performed: Stopaq applicator and inspector. Active Permit holder in Brunei Shell petroleum West asset Area-1,2 and 3. Support to ANAB Audit. Conduct irata internal and External Audit. PERSONAL PROFILE Date of Birth Marital Status Languages Known Address for communication : : : : 06-06-1985 Married English and Tamil. Plot No: 60 George Nagar, Neelagiri Panchayat, New Bus stand thanjavur-613005 Tamilnadu-India Passport No : Expiry Date : Z 5487518 07-04-2029 Place of issue : TRICHIRAPALLI Passport Details C.BHARATHIKANNAN IRATA Level-3 Multi-Discipline NDT Inspector Page 5