CUTTING WITH KK FIT THIS 12 WEEK COURSE HAS BEEN SPECIFICALLY CUSTOMIZED FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE SEEKING TO LOSE BODY FAT, ENHANCE STRENGTH, AND ARE MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY MORE READY THAN EVER TO ACHIEVE THEIR IDEAL BODY COMPOSITION Table of contents This guide is for you if… ………………………………………………………………………….… 1 Why losing body fat slowly is so important ...…………………………………………………… 3 It’s a lifestyle ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 How to go about special occasions ……………………………………………………………..… 5 Fads diets and why they don’t work ……………………………………………………………… 8 Meal timing/distribution …………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Calories ………………………………………………………………………………………………... 11 Energy balance ………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 The importance of macronutrients ……………………………………………………………… 14 Supplement recommendations for fat loss …………………………………………………… 17 How to determine your macros ………………………………………………………………….. 19 Diet breaks …………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Reverse dieting ……………………………………………………………………………………… 26 Key Terms …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28 Training adaptation ………………………………………………………………………………… 29 Understanding stress ………………………………………………………………………………. 32 Maintaining Strength ………………………………………………………………………………. 34 Training intensity …………………………………………………………………………………… 38 Importance of recovery ……………………………………………………………………………. 39 Types of cardio ………………………………………………………………………………………. 41 Positive mindset check list ………………………………………………………………………... 45 F.A.Q.s …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46 Resistance training rules ………………………………………………………………………….. 47 Workout Split ……………………………………………………………………………………….... 48 Disclaimer …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49 THIS GUIDE IS FOR YOU IF… o You have tried time and time again to lose body fat, but you have yet to do it successfully. o You are physically and mentally more ready than ever, to achieve your ideal body goal and composition that you’ve been working towards. LIFESTYLE NUTRITION TRAINING From years of experience, people that see the most results focus on 3 main components. It is very important to balance all 3 of these components and not just the training component. Yes, training is a key component, but it is just 1/3 of the solution. And without the other 2, you will quickly fall short of reaching your goals. How people manage their eating habits are just as important if not more important than the training itself. If your nutrition and lifestyle are not addressed, then the training element simply will not matter. “YOU CAN NOT OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET!” Everyone has that friend that has been working out for years yet has never seen a change in their body composition. This is because they have never focused on the nutritional element! Or they may have for a short period of time but quickly realized their approach was unsustainable. Weight gain, constant setbacks, or simply not reaching your goals is a direct correlation of one’s nutrition and mediocre lifestyle choices. 1 It’s often said that Fat-Loss can be achieved by focusing on the 80/20 rule. 80% nutrition and 20% diet. We tend to disagree with this ratio! If one doesn’t focus 100% on their nutritional component there will be no result. Without a calorie deficit there will be no fat-loss. 2 Why losing body fat slowly is so important The key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight isn't about short- term dietary changes. It's about a lifestyle that includes healthy eating, regular physical activity, and balancing the number of calories you consume with the number of calories you’re exerting. It's natural for anyone trying to lose weight to want to lose it very quickly. Evidence shows that people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about .5 to 1.25 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping weight off. While the main focus of this program is fat loss, it will be imperative that you do so without losing large amounts of muscle mass. In order to make this your reality you'll want to drop calories consistently overtime and not all at once. Allowing you to keep your energy levels at a moderate rate along with hanging on to your muscle and strength while going through this fat loss phase. Also keep in mind, the faster you lose weight, the greater the deficit you will need to be in. Meaning you will be more likely to lose lean body mass (muscle), which we do NOT want! Our goal is to maintain as much muscle and strength as possible throughout this program. We will achieve this by ensuring we are in a SLIGHT caloric deficit, while SLOWLY increasing our intensity of training and cardio. Combining these three factors will result in sustainable/maintainable fat loss. 3 It’s a lifestyle Although this program is something you will be following strategically over the course of these upcoming weeks, life WILL happen. Birthday parties, holidays, a night out on the town, going out to lunch and dinner etc. It’s all about how you balance and adjust to these life events that will help you reach your goals. Reaching your goals, physically and mentally is about what you are doing most of your time. Not what you do occasionally. Treating yourself on occasion is something that is very important for longevity and reaching your goals in a realistic and healthy manner. What matters most is getting RIGHT back on track as soon as possible. Whether it’s the next meal, or the next morning, this is where the importance of consistency comes into play. People often make the mistake of letting a special occasion turn into multiple days of falling off track with your nutrition and training. This is something that we want to avoid at all cost. Allowing yourself time to be social with friends and family is 100% necessary, in fact we recommend it! But keeping the end goal in mind, is a must! 4 How to go about special occasions “Dieting” doesn't have to mean skipping out on romantic evenings or losing time with family and friends. Instead of staying at home and missing out on a delicious restaurant meal, arm yourself with knowledge and plan ahead so that you can be social and eat smart. Too often, people are hesitant to speak up about their preferences when ordering at restaurants. Never feel obligated to accept a meal other than what you originally planned. There are so many options when eating out that will allow you to reach your fitness goals. How to choose foods when eating out & Incorporating foods you love How to choose foods when eating out? Typically, when eating out, foods are cooked in hidden oils, butter, fatty dressings etc. This can easily throw you out of a caloric deficit. When ordering your meals, you want to be certain you are dodging these unnecessary, un-wanted extra calories, by simply asking for the following: Choose foods that are steamed, broiled, baked, roasted, poached, or lightly sautéed. Ask for your food to be prepared with no butter or oil. Focus primarily on consuming both your protein and vegetables before moving on to your carbohydrates. By placing an emphasis on these two items from the start, you're less likely to overindulge in a creamy, sugary desserts because you're already full. Key Tips: Pick foods without butter, gravy, or sauces— ask to have the food prepared without it or ask to have the sauces on the side. 5 Choose a lower-calorie salad dressing (light balsamic, vinegar, lemon wedges), or ask for the dressing completely on the side, and only use a portion of it. Pick drinks without added sugar, like water or unsweetened tea. Don’t drink your calories. If you’re looking to let loose a little, wine, or a lower calorie alcoholic beverage (choice of alcohol mixed with soda water, or a diet soda) will be superior when comparing to a sugary mixed drink. Alcohol must be tracked into your overall calories as well. Everything in moderation is just fine and will not stunt your progress. Choosing foods that come in their whole form (chicken, steak, salmon, rice, dry potato, broccoli, etc.) will make estimating your macros for this meal as accurate and easy as possible. What Are Some Good Foods to Choose When Dining Out? Choose your restaurants before going out so that you know they will have a healthy dish for you! o Steak houses: Are always a great option. Typically, the diner will have many choices, allowing them to prepare a meal just the way you want it. Making it easy to choose a lean piece of protein, vegetables, and a healthy carb source in its whole form. o Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese: Meals at Asian restaurants tend to be well balanced in terms of nutrients, but it's often necessary to watch portion size. Often times, they will give extra servings of rice since it's not very expensive or because it’s considered the main part of the meal in many cultures. The other things to steer away from are the fried and fatty meats. Chicken, shrimp, fish, rice and vegetables will be your best bet. Avoid fried/tempura foods. o Mexican: The trick to getting the most out of Mexican food is to avoid the greasy, fatty foods and toppings. The biggest caloric additions come from the cheese, sour cream and guacamole. Avoiding these as well as extra chips would make for a healthy meal while enjoying some spicy, flavorful Mexican food. 6 TIP: On days you know you may be going out to dinner with family and friends try and account for the extra calories earlier on in the day by eating lighter/ low calorie meals, to be sure you are still in a deficit by the end of the day. It will be your responsibility to track your macros as closely as possible (they do not need to be exact, every single day). What has helped us in the past is we plug in our meals ahead of time. If you know that you are going to be eating a salmon avocado roll, enter that into My Fitness pal before the meal. That way you know what you can eat leading up to that meal/ how much you have left to eat. Incorporating the food, you love… This healthy and fit lifestyle is all about incorporating meals/foods you love in order to make this journey enjoyable. We love to live by the 80/20 rule. Being sure at LEAST 80% of our meals throughout the day are from whole nutrient dense foods that fuel our body. The other 20% being foods you may consider a healthy treat, foods you can’t live without, or foods that are processed. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THESE FOODS ARE “BAD”! Do keep in mind, yummy whole food sources are usually lower in calories and will allow you to eat more of them to feel full and satisfied. YAY! And foods that are more on the processed side will take up a lot more calories quickly. This will leave you satisfied but, maybe not so full. Please choose wisely (: 7 Fad diets & why they don’t work Yoyo Dieting We feel the importance to touch base on this extremely common subject. We can honestly say for ourselves and the majority of the fitness community has once experienced yoyo dieting or picking a fad diet to follow. This leads to quick yet unsustainable results. To produce long-term results, your diet must be sustainable. Yoyo dieting is when a “dieter” uses fad diets, restricting themselves of calories, resulting in quick weight loss as well as a decrease in lean body mass. Fad diets are not maintainable and are typically not healthy physically or mentally, it is very important for us to share our knowledge as to why. When you restrict yourself of calories for an extended period of time your metabolism adapts to the deficit and slows down to conserve energy and keep the body running on fewer calories, this is known as adaptive thermogenesis. When weight is gained too quickly (most likely post diet/ restricting) the weight gained is majority body fat while your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is STILL suppressed, leaving goals for fat loss in the future less successful. This will leave you in doubt as to why you can’t lose weight and keep it off. It will begin to feel like it’s out of reach or impossible. Well we’re here to tell you...Losing weight does not include restricting yourself of calories and being miserable! There IS A WAY to reach your goals and eat yummy foods, as long as you are extremely consistent and *patient* with yourself. Results do not happen overnight, and sheesh, you may not notice results for a few weeks. This is when you remember why you started, and you AREN'T stopping until you reach THAT goal! Okay?! Okay. 8 Meal timing/distribution Meal timing Although meal timing is important you don’t need to stress about this too much. Focus on your daily macronutrient intake/ breakdown, this is far more important. There is no scientific evidence that stats 6-8 smaller meals are more efficient for fat loss compared to 3-4 larger meals. This is going to be a choice you get to make based on your preference. We do recommend that you eat 3-5 protein rich meals a day. Protein slows the digestion process and triggers the release of your appetite suppressing hormone, leptin. While protein is one of the most essential macronutrients, it will also keep you satiated. Protein will control those hunger cravings that appear as you dive deeper into your cutting phase. It’s also important to incorporate carbohydrates to some of these meals to optimize energy, muscle fullness and strength. You do need to pay attention to meal distribution in a way that allows you to optimize your workouts. For example, your pre and post workout meals should consist of carbohydrates and protein. Fueling your body with energy rich foods that will assist your workout/ recovery time. Pre- Workout- (the meal you consume before training) This is going to ensure that you will have enough energy for training. A general rule of thumb is to eat your pre workout meal 30-60 mins before training, but if you prefer a shorter or longer period of time, then that is perfectly fine. Post Workout- (the meal you consume after training) This is going to replenish glycogen stores, aiding in amino acid (Building blocks of protein) uptake into your muscles. This process is going to help your body repair and regrow the muscle fibers you just broke down while lifting. It is ideal to consume a post workout meal 30-90 min after your training session, although you will not miss an opportunity for growth or recovery if you consume your post workout meal later than stated. 9 Anabolic Window Definition The metabolic window (also called the anabolic window) is a term used in strength training to describe the 30-minute (give or take, dependent on the individual) period after exercise during which nutrition can shift the body from a catabolic state to an anabolic one (replenishing the glycogen stores in your muscles). I’m sure you’ve heard people preach about the importance of consuming sufficient amounts of protein and carbohydrates 30 minutes after your workout or else you’ll miss the anabolic window and say goodbye to your gains. While it is extremely important to fuel your body properly post workout, science has stated there is little to no evidence showing a difference in the recovery process if you consume your post workout meal 30-90 min after your training. You don’t need to stress on this topic too much. 10 calories Calorie A unit of food energy. Maintenance Calories Maintenance calories are exactly as they sound. The total amount of calories that is required daily to maintain your body weight. Calorie Deficit A Caloric deficit is the number of calories you need to consume to lose weight & body fat. Which requires you to consume fewer calories than is required to maintain body weight. If you are not in a caloric deficit, by definition, you will not lose weight. -Calorie SurplusA Caloric Surplus is the number of calories you need to consume to gain weight. Which requires you to be eating more calories than your maintenance. When in a caloric surplus, the goal is to gain minimal body fat and mostly lean muscle tissue. 11 Energy balance How Many Calories do you burn a day? There are many key factors that go in to play when figuring out how many calories you should be eating to lose or gain weight. Number one, figuring out an estimated number of calories you are burning when going about your day to day life, working out, sleeping, walking, fidgeting etc. -TDEETDEE, TOTAL daily energy expenditure, is the amount of energy in calories you burn per day. This includes the calories you burn when walking sitting, typing on the computer, working out etc. -Energy Expenditureis the amount of energy (or calories) that a person needs to carry out physical function such as breathing, circulating blood, digesting food, or physical movement. Basal Metabolic rate? BMR is the number of calories you would burn per day at rest. -Thermogenesis (NEAT) Non-Exercise ActivityNon-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. It ranges from the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing yard work, undertaking agricultural tasks and fidgeting. NEAT Neat may seem like a simple concept, but it plays a huge rule for fat loss, and is a critical component in how we maintain our body weight and/or lose and gain weight. 12 Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports like exercises. People who spend a vast majority of their working day behind a desk are often shocked how little they move even if they go to the gym regularly. The idea of neat is to keep moving throughout the entire day for maximum health and thermic effect (calorie burning) NEAT can consist of almost any activity you do day to day outside a structured gym setting. A limited list of NEAT activities is listed below. • All forms of walking • Riding a bicycle • Shopping • Taking the stairs instead of elevator • Yard work • Playing with children • Pacing & Fidgeting • Working on a standup desk • Cooking • Cleaning An easy way to get more active during your day to day life is getting a few extra steps in, going on a 15-minute walk during your lunch break, or after dinner etc. When in a caloric deficit you may notice your overall energy SLIGHTLY decrease, and this is when it is most important to keep your NEAT up to par. We track our steps with the built in “health” app that is on our iPhones. Even if you don’t make it to your step goal each day, adding extra steps to your day is an important component of NEAT that can burn calories, while adding healthpromoting activity to your life, and we recommend GET MOVING before taking on any type of cardio equipment to start. 13 The importance of macro nutrients Carbs Carbs are a scary word to many because most relate carbs immediately to fat gain. In order to lose body fat, maintain lean muscle and gain strength, carbs are going to be a staple in your diet. Things like brown rice, white rice, sweet potatoes, Russet Burbank potatoes, oatmeal and other non-processed carbohydrates are all perfect examples. Your body uses these foods to make glucose, which is your body's main energy source. Your Carbohydrates should make up anywhere from 45-50% of your daily Calories. (we will get into this further along) Protein Proteins are probably the most essential macronutrient that you should include in your diet whether cutting, maintaining, or bulking. With a clean cutting plan your protein should be taking around 20-30% of your daily caloric intake. Food like lean red meat, chicken, fish, eggs/ egg whites, a whey or vegan protein, tofu, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese are all great examples. Things like almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, peanuts and nut butters are also great additives to your protein intake as well as getting some healthy fats in. Obviously, things like fatty red meats and sausages will need to be monitored during this phase in order to keep your fat loss on a downhill climb. But keep in mind, red meats have a series of benefits whereby it is not only a good source of protein but also of iron and other minerals. Everything in moderation will do the body good! Fats Fats are probably overlooked as a dietary need, especially healthy fats. Within the cutting phase, you should be getting your fats from egg yolks, all varieties of nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, etc. Your fats should make up anywhere from 25-35% of your daily caloric intake. 14 Fiber fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increases stool bulk, this benefits those who struggle with constipation or irregular stools. You should be aiming for about 25g of fiber daily (we will get to this further on) Alcohol When we reach the topic of alcohol, the common questions are: o o o “How do we track it?” “Am I allowed to drink alcohol while in a cutting phase?” “What drinks should I stick to and what drinks should I avoid?” How to track alcohol Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, which is on the higher end of the scale when comparing them to protein, carbs, and fats. We have three options, we can track your alcohol intake as a carb, as a fat, or you can divide them between the two (you never want to track your alcohol as protein). Tracking alcohol as a carb: Take the number of calories in your beer, wine, shot, etc. This does not include the mix, juice, soda, etc. Divide the number of calories by 4. Take the total and enter it into my fitness pal by searching “carbs” and entering the given amount. Tracking alcohol as a fat: Take the number of calories in your beer, wine, shot, etc. This does not include the mix, juice, soda, etc. Divide the number of calories by 9. Take the total and enter it into my fitness pal by searching “fats” and entering the given amount. You can also split the total of calories between carbs and fat if you would like. Example: If your drink has 200 calories you can track it like so: Carbs/200 Kcal = 50 grams of carbs Fats/200 Kcal = 22.2 grams of fat If you divide between both carbs and fats: 100/4 = 25grams of carbs 100/9 = 11.1 grams of fat 15 If you are drinking mix drinks, alcohol/juice or alcohol/soda you need to estimate how much mix, juice or soda is being poured into each beverage. These calories can add up quick. In this situation it’s safer to overshoot your calories for these drinks oppose to underestimating the total intake. Alcohol in a cutting phase Like we’ve said before, everything in moderation is okay. Having 1-3 drinks occasionally is not going to hinder your progress abrasively. Keep in mind that alcohol will interfere with your focus, performance, recovery, as well as taking a negative toll on muscle protein synthesis/ the ability to build and repair muscle. Although alcohol absorbs extremely fast, it metabolizes extremely slow, which will impair your training for the next few days/possibly more. When you’ve had a night out on the town, and choose to socially drink, make it a point to drink water after every alcoholic beverage. Once you return home for the night, drink plenty of fluids (water, electrolytes, etc.) so you wake up the next morning feeling OKAY and not like death. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a few Ibuprofen before your head hits the pillow… The next morning it is your job to hop right back on track. This is not a time to go to brunch with your friends, indulge in pancakes, eggs benedict, cinnamon rolls, while drinking mimosas. If you take your goals seriously and want to see a change in your body composition, you need to make it a point to visualize why you’ve started this journey and what’s in your best interest to ensure you are reaching your goals. What drinks to stick to and what drinks to avoid Stick to the drinks with minimal ingredients and minimal sugar. Don’t add juices, mixes, or creams to any of your drinks, this will result in more empty calories with no nutrient value. Tasty drinks that are low calorie: o o o o Tequila/Soda water with a lime Vodka/Soda water with a lime Whiskey and Diet Red and White wines are fine but keep in mind the sugar content is higher 16 Drinks you want to avoid: o o o o o o Long Island Iced Teas Margaritas Pina Colada Mai Tai Mudslide Moscow mule SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FAT LOSS Supplements when cutting can be very beneficial WHEN your nutrition and training are in line with your goals. Which is why we recommend supplements for those looking for energy, focus, strength, vascular dilation and endurance. If you’re looking for a supplement without that jittery and, itchy feeling we recommend OUR own KKFIT Stack on This stack consists of Prolific, High Volume, and True Creatine. (This will be the best bang for your buck, 15% off plus an additional $10 off.) A pre workout or coffee with around 150mg of caffeine is the perfect ingredient to get the mind right. It fuels the body allowing you to push yourself past your limits. (We use prolific, from (KKFIT will also save you some money at checkout) Creatine is another supplement you must implement in your daily stack in order to get the most out of your training and optimize strength. It will aid in recovery, muscle gain, strength and focus. (We use TruCreatine, from Listed below will be more benefits of creatine: o Helps muscle cells produce more energy o Supports many other functions in muscles 17 o o o o o o o Improves high intensity exercise performance Speeds up muscle growth May fight other neurological diseases May lower blood sugar levels and fight diabetes Can improve brain function May reduce fatigue or tiredness Creatine is safe and easy to use! It’s been researched for more than 200 years and numerous studies support its safety for long-term use. Clinical trials lasting up to five years report no adverse effects in healthy individuals. Supplementing is very easy. Simply take 5 grams of creatine monohydrate powder per day. (Which will be equivalent to one serving or one scoop of Tru Creatine) At the end of the day, creatine is an effective supplement with powerful benefits for both sports performance and health. All the supplements we use are from and you can use “KKFIT” to save you money, or you can get these from a local vitamin shop, GNC etc. Following a nutrition plan by incorporating the above concepts with a rigorous weightlifting program and doses of cardio will attribute to some incredible muscular definition as well as fat loss. Stick to your plan, stick to eating whole nutrient dense nonprocessed foods. If you implement this plan while eating little to no cheat meals, you will have one of the healthiest cuts of your life. Once again, of course everything in MODERATION is the key to success, happiness and balance. You can incorporate your favorite foods/ beverages into your daily diet as you wish, only if they are tracked and included into your daily caloric intake. 18 How to determine your macros Take a DEEP breath! We know this is a lot of information to take in all at once, we are here to help you understand how this whole macro thing works. Once you start to apply these things into your daily routine, you will then realize, this isn’t so bad after all, and it will become extremely natural! (: It may take a few days to adjust but we got this babes! First, grab a pencil, paper and a calculator! We start by calculating our maintenance calories level. We define maintenance calorie level as the number of calories we need to eat in order to maintain our current body weight. This level will vary among individuals depending on gender, age, activity level, body type and other factors. Although there are many ways to access the maintenance calorie such as lab testing, keeping track of your body weight and food intake for an extended period of time, we can use the following simple calculation to estimate a good starting number. “BODY WEIGHT (LBS) X 15-17= ESTIMATED DAILY CALORIE MAINTENANCE LEVEL” If you are a female with a smaller body frame and/ or have an inactive lifestyle, then you would want to use the number closer to 15. If you are a female with an athletic body frame and/or active lifestyle, you want to be in between 16-17. If you are a male with a bigger body frame and/or have an active lifestyle, then you would want to use the number 17. Once you have calculated your maintenance calorie level, adjust your daily calorie goal by subtracting or adding 300-500 kcal to your maintenance calorie level depending on your goal. (We will be Subtracting 300 Kcals for the first 6 weeks, and then an additional 200 the last 6 weeks, to ensure we are in a slight deficit of calories, and to be sure we are maintaining strength and lean mass throughout the coming weeks) This will put us on track to lose .5lb -1.5lbs per week. (Very sustainable for longevity) Protein has 4 calories per gram 19 Fat has 9 calories per gram Carbs have 4 calories per gram Alcohol has 7 calories per gram Now that we have your calories set, we will be setting your personalized daily macros. SETTING PROTEIN The general recommendation of how much protein is optimal in order to maintain or increase muscle mass ranges between .8-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For example, for a 140 lb. individual his/ her recommended daily protein would be somewhere between 112 and 168. (We like sticking to 1g of protein per lb. of body weight) EX: 140lb x 1g protein = 140g of protein DETERMINE YOUR DIETARY FAT INTAKE Once you have set your protein needs, it is time to determine how many grams of fat and carbohydrates you want to consume. (Subtract the calories from protein from your maintenance) EX: daily caloric intake 2,200. (protein contains (4) calories per gram) 140 g of protein = 140 x (4) = 560 calories from protein which means you would have 1,640 calories remaining to split between fats and carbohydrates. We have learned, researched and experienced that 45% fat and 55% carbohydrates is a sweet spot for your remaining calories. But technically you can play with the percentages and find what works best for you. 20 If you prefer eating fatty foods, eggs, nuts, nut butters, avocado etc., then you would want to set your fat intake at the higher end. If you prefer carbohydrates, then you would set your fats lower. EX: 1,640 remaining for carbohydrates and fats. (fats contain (9) calories per gram) Lets set your fats at (45%) of your remaining calories EX: 1,640 x (45%) = 738 calories towards fats 738 / (9) = 82 grams of fats CALCULATING DAILY CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE After setting your calorie goal, protein and fat intake, lastly you want to calculate how many grams of carbohydrates you will consume daily. for this example, we are using 45% fat and (55%) carbohydrates for the remaining calories. (carbs contain (4) calories per gram) Lets set your carbs at (55%) of your remaining calories EX: 1,640 x (.55) = 902 calories for carbs 902 / (4) = 225 g of carbs EX: Your daily macros would be: 140g protein 225g carbohydrates 82g fat (SHOWN ABOVE IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW YOU WOULD DETERMINE YOUR OWN MACROS) For the first 6 weeks of this program you will stick to your original macros of being in a 300-calorie deficit, while performing some cardio. This will have you on track to losing 1/2 a pound to a pound a week. Going into week 7 we will be dropping your overall intake by another 200 calories while increasing the intensity of our workouts and following the same steps above to create your new macro breakdown. 21 After determining your macros, it will be time to put them to use. Download the app “My Fitness Pal” and set up an account. Follow the steps by putting in your personal information and goals. It will then spit out macros that it would like you to reach. DISREGARD THESE MACROS AND CONTINUE FOLLOWING THESE STEPS 1. Click the home button in the bottom left hand corner 2. Click the more ... button in the bottom right hand corner 3. Click goals 4. Click calorie and macronutrient goals 5. Click calories, and input your personalized calories that you determined above 6. Click carbohydrates 7. Click gram, and input your carbohydrate goal that you determined above 8. Followed by inputting your protein goal that you determined above 9. Followed by determining your fats goal that you determined above PROTEINS CARBS CARBS Oatmeal Rice Potatoes Coconut Water Fruit Pasta Cereals Juices Protein Powder Steak Beef Quinoa Chicken Beans Lamb Chickpeas White Fish Lentils Tuna Buckwheat Egg Whites Ground Turkey Deli Meat FATS Dairy Bacon Eggs Salmon Nuts Avocado Olive Oil Coconut Oil Flax Seeds Nut Butters Butter 22 Calories per meal So how do we find out how many calories we should eat each meal? Simple, just divide the total number of calories with the amount of meals you get in a day. Whether it be 5-6 smaller meals, or 2-3 bigger meals with some snacks in between, it is completely up to you how you will reach your macros each day. And no they don’t need to be divided exactly, this is just to give you an idea of how much to be eating so that you don’t end up having to eat half your macros right before bed, or end up finishing your macros earlier on and are left hungry. If you are confused or overwhelmed with determining your own macro nutrients, please send us an email at with the subject: Determining macros, and we will be more than happy to clarify any questions (: 23 Diet breaks A diet break is a planned and purposeful break from dieting, typically returning to maintenance calories, anything from one day, up to two weeks. We have found that 812 days is a perfect amount of time to prepare psychologically and physiologically for the next phase of dieting. Taking planned breaks is one of the best moves you can make for your long-term diet success. The Role of The Diet Break The goal during a cutting phase is to stay eating as much as possible, for as long as possible, while continuing to drop weight. Success in dieting is not only about making diet adjustments at the right time but also knowing when to take diet breaks. How to implement a diet break When implementing a diet break it is very important to keep structure. o Raise calories by 250 for the given time (or, to calculated maintenance levels). o Cut cardio work in half (if performed). o Keep your regular mealtimes and keep training hard. o You may realize that you have more energy when training, use this to your advantage. Frequency of diet breaks depends primarily on our level of leanness. ▪ The leaner we get, the more our bodies hate us (lol) (the harsher the metabolic adaptations become), so the more frequently they should be taken. We recommend taking your first diet break once completely finished with this 12week cutting program, returning to your current maintenance calories while still keeping your nutrition filled with whole nutrient dense food choices. The chart below will give you a clearer idea on how often one should take a diet break. 24 Body fat % Diet Break Frequency <10% every 4-6 weeks 10-15% every 6-8 weeks 15-25% every 10-12 weeks 25%> every 12-16 weeks *Why does it seem like we gain body weight when on a diet-break? * 1g of glycogen holds 3g of water. Our muscles are made up of ~70-80% water which is stored from muscle glycogen. Glycogen comes from the carbs we eat. So if you eat more carbs than normal, which you will when you take a diet break, your body (the muscles mainly) will hold more water giving you the false impression that you’ve gained fat if you rely solely* on scale weight to gauge progress. It’s just water weight. RELAX!! 25 Reverse dieting What Exactly is reverse dieting? Metabolic Adaption from Dieting? How to reverse Diet? Trying to maintain a low-calorie diet as a long-term diet strategy can be really challenging. The primary use of a reverse diet is for people who want to minimize weight regain while recovering from a long diet and raising their calories back to a more sustainable level. This involves a process of a slow and controlled calorie increases in order to minimize fat regain, while at the same time increase your calorie expenditure and metabolic rate. This is especially important since at the end of a diet where people have achieved their weight loss goal, or at least decide that they are satisfied with their results to stop targeting further weight loss. MANY people go back to their ‘pre’ dieting eating behaviors and regain a-lot of weight. Even People who are very mindful of tracking their calories will often return back to their pre diet ‘maintenance’ calories in a relative short period of time. What many people do not realize is their maintenance calorie level, after a long diet will be FAR lower than what can be predicted by equations, even when based off your current measurements (I.E. weight, body fat, lean body mass, age, etc.) The goal is to train yourself to eat more while not gaining excessive amounts of body fat. Some people may be able to add a significant amount of calories & not gain any body fat whatsoever. And some may want to be more conservative with the initial increase of calories. 26 SO why would someone want to do this? Most people would love to be able to enjoy the flexibility of eating more food and not gain weight, especially those who have lost weight from dieting. To Put it simply, we believe reverse dieting may help some people maintain their weight loss by allowing them to consume an increasingly greater amount of food overtime, while not adding more body fat than they would like. When going through a proper reverse diet, you will notice some water retention initially while your body adapts to the slight increase of calories. This is also a great time to focus on gaining strength, along with building muscle mass. How to reverse diet? 1. Calculate Your Current Calories and Establish Starting Macro Targets 2. Decide How Quickly You Want to Increase Carbs and Fat 3. Raise Carbs And Fat At A Rate Compatible With Your Goals (5-10% of your current calories) So you would increase your calories by 5-10 percent, keeping your protein the same, and Following the same macro breakdown written in the program for the remainder of the calories to get your new carb and fat goal. 4. Increase again once your weight has plateaued by another 5-10% and so on. 5. Weigh Yourself Multiple Times Per Week to Control Weight Gain (optional & we personally do not do this being it can be a mind F&%k) 6. Slowly Reduce the Time You Spend Doing Cardio, And Add Heavier Lifting to Your Workout Routine (very important to focus on progressive overload during this time) 7. When You Reach Your Desired Caloric Intake, Stop and Choose Your Next Action Our “Bulking With KKFIT” program is a great next step, while your goal may be shifted more towards strength and muscle gain at this time. References 1. Rosenbaum, M., & Leibel, R. L. (2010). Adaptive thermogenesis in humans. International Journal of 27 Obesity, 34, S47-S55. 2. Levine, J. A. (2002). Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 16(4), 679-702. 3. Deriaz, O., Tremblay, A., & Bouchard, C. (1993). Non linear weight gain with long term overfeeding in man.Obesity Research, 1(3), 179-185. 4. Fyfe, J. J., Bishop, D. J., & Stepto, N. K. (2014). Interference between concurrent resistance and endurance exercise: Molecular bases and the role of individual training variables. Sports Medicine, 44(6), 743-762.KEY TERMS Key Terms DB: DUMBELL BB: BARBELL AMRAP: AS MANY REPS AS POSSIBLE DROP SET: PERFORM AN EXERCISES AND THEN DROP (REDUCE) THE WEIGHT AND CONTINUE FOR GIVEN REPS SUPERSET: PERFORMING TWO OR MORE EXERCISES BACK TO BACK WITH NO REST IN BETWEEN Example: Superset A.1 A.2 Superset B.1 B.2 VOLUME: WEIGHT x REPS x SETS = TOTAL VOLUME RIS: Rest in between sets STATIC HOLDS LINK: 28 Training adaptation Progressive Overload Dictionary: The gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training. This is the only way to reshape your body and keep making gains in both strength and hypertrophy. There are three ways that we will be focusing on progressively overloading our muscles during this 12-week cutting phase. As we put more load on our body, our body compensates by becoming stronger. A new workout program is always difficult in the beginning. Over time we no longer feel sore as our body and mind get use to the stresses. Performing a workout for some time your muscles become stronger and your brain learns to use those muscles efficiently. In order to continue making progress you need to make your workouts more challenging through the process of progressive overload. Now this does not mean destroy your body. It means take a systematic and conservative approach to improving as much as you can in one way or the or the other on each lift, session by session by doing the following. Methods of Overload Intensity (% of 1 RM) Volume (total work performed) Density (Work performed in time) Intensity Intensity refers to (X) percentage of your max strength on a given exercise that you can perform. This usually refers to a percentage of your 1 rep max. For example, if your max squat is 225lbs that is 100% intensity, and you could not complete one more rep. If you were to then squat 157lbs that’s would be 70% of your 1 rep max. 29 Volume Volume is the total work performed. So back to our squat example. If you were to squat 185 for 4 sets of 6 reps, you would equate your volume like this. Weight x (reps x sets) = Volume 185 x (6 x 4) = 4,440lbs Density Density is simply the amount of volume you do in time. Referring to the squat. If that squat workout took you 20 minutes to perform you would go about it as so. 4,440 / 20 = 222 minutes of your density By incorporating these methods above your body has no option but to grow and become stronger. This can and will be highly uncomfortable for each athlete, because when the muscles start to burn, it’s hard to keep going. But remember to attain anything substantial in life you need to get out of your comfort zone. This applies to everything in life including fitness. THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS! If you’re at an intermediate or advanced level with training, and progressive overload is not targeted, you will just be spinning your wheels and not maximizing your full potential. In this program the frequency and volume are definitely there, but it is your job to be tracking and progressing the weight lifted. You will need to track your progress by recording your lifts and try to increase the weight lifted over time. We have provided columns for you to incorporate the weight and reps you preformed next to each exercise. SUMMARY o Even the most optimally designed workout will not provide results if we are not pushing ourselves. 30 o For sustained strength and muscle gain we need to progressively overload our workouts. o Over time it can be a challenge to progressive overload. Therefore, we have focused on incorporating a variety of different workouts each week while staying consistent with a hand compound lifts and adjusting the workout split after 6 weeks. 31 Understanding stress Not all stress is bad. The problem is when we are in a heightened state of stress for too long. We want to enter a “sympathetic state” of stress when we train and then immediately get out of this state post workout as we begin the recovery process. Stress is crucial for our bodies to disrupt homeostasis, which is what allows us to adapt and grow muscle. What could be causing you to spend far too much time is a prolonged sympathetic state lack of sleep Social media Smoking and Alcohol - Lack of water Poor food quality Moving Work Poor body image Relationship issues Financial troubles This is why this program starts with a LOWER training volume and then incrementally builds up as the weeks go on. As we improve our stress management, we then drive up training volume that we will be able to recover from efficiently. The Key is to push hard but only when healthy and able. Get your body into a neutral state. Concentrating on slow deep breathing can be a great tool. To feel safe and away from danger we need to be in a calm state and slow breathing techniques can help with this. 32 Other activities to practice: meditation yoga slow walks massages stretching guided meditating apps (headspace or calm are both great) 33 Maintaining strength One of our favorite quotes ever: “What builds muscle best, maintains muscle best”- Dr. Layne Norton A huge myth that needs to die, is that when you are going through a cutting phase, you transition from heavy weight low reps, to low weight high reps to make the muscles more defined rather than dense. What makes a muscle appear more "cut" is simply how developed the muscle itself is, and the degree of body fat that sits on top of it. Also keep in mind dieting isn't the most efficient time to try to grow or build strength. Although it can be done (very, very, very slowly) it’s not optimal. One of the biggest factors as to why people fail at dieting, is when they find their strength fading, they over analyze and think that they are losing all their gains. But that loss in strength is really related to two factors: 1.How many calories they drop 2.How quickly they do this. If you are not in a time crunch, you can indeed maintain most, if not all, of your strength while dieting. In some cases, people even get stronger while weighing less. The key is managing your calorie deficit in an intelligent and timely manner. Which is exactly the route we are going for! When getting further into your cutting phase you will start to notice a slight shift in strength. Don’t neglect the heavier weights because of short- term strength dips. You need to put your ego aside for a while and understand you're not going to "feel weaker" forever, and you shouldn't feel that much weaker if you're doing things right in the first place. 34 Frequency- Why FULL-BODY is superior to bro splits During each full body workout your overall volume is going to be lower, which in return equals higher frequency throughout the week. Activating each muscle group every 4872 hours is going to maximize muscle protein synthesis, which equals greater muscle growth. Research has shown that people who follow full body workouts opposed to a bro split, gain superior muscle mass. This is also something that we have experienced for ourselves. During the first couple years of our fitness journey we experimented with the typical “Bro Split.” For example: Back, arms, legs, shoulders, chest. Although we did notice some muscle growth in the beginning stages, soon after we hit a hard plateau. We knew it was time for a change. Although we were skeptical about full body days, we did our research and decided to jump right in. We immediately fell in love with this new style of training while our workouts were filled with variety that we had been craving. Soon after, we began to watch our bodies take shape and transform right before our eyes. This is when we knew that full body days would be part of our routine forever. All rep ranges Over the course of the year’s women have been taught that low weight high reps are the key to building a “toned” physique. While males have been told that the 8-12 rep range is superior for muscle gain. Most men and women find a rep range that they are comfortable in and stay there far too long, causing them to plateau. Therefore, the rep range that you are not doing, will be most optimal for overall muscle development. Throughout our program we focus on both strength and hypertrophy. The rep ranges between the two are on the opposite side of the spectrum. We have included sets that will be performed with the reps being 2-5 as well as sets where the rep range is over 50. Benefits of Training for strength To build strength, you're going to have to train with heavier weights, meaning you'll do fewer reps. This increased strength will allow to handle more weight on any given multi-joint exercise for your muscle-building sets of 8-12 reps. The basic powerlifting moves, bench press, squat, and deadlift are staples in this program for a reason. These 35 exercises require multiple muscle groups to work in coordination. These moves also trigger your natural release of testosterone and growth hormone, both of which help you maintain and build strength and mass. The more muscle you carry the more energy you exert during the day, resulting in greater fat loss. Benefits of training for hypertrophy Hypertrophy training requires a greater training volume compared to strength training. This doesn’t mean that you are going to use light weight that you can easily perform, this means that you are going to use a moderate to heavy that challenges you, while you are still able to complete the reps given. Sets of between 8-12 reps performed to or near failure - are usually touted as best for hypertrophy or muscle growth purposes. Blending the right amount of volume with the right amount of load is a recipe for success that will translate into overall muscle growth. Benefits of training for endurance Muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance both play a key role in your overall health. Muscular endurance refers to the ability of your muscles repeatedly contracting over a long period of time without muscle fatigue. This is going to allow you to perform everyday exercises such as opening doors, walking up the stairs, lifting boxes, chopping wood without feeling out of breath or tired. Throughout the course of this program we focus on implementing heavy (near limit) weight, shortening rest periods and utilizing overall volume. Accomplishing these 3 techniques will increase your strength-muscular endurance. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability to exercise without becoming exhausted since your heart, blood vessels, and lungs are supplying oxygen rich blood to the working muscles during physical activity. We will be progressively increasing cardiovascular endurance training by incorporating supersets, HIIT cardio and LISS. Some other beneficial cardiovascular exercises include, running, jogging, swimming, hiking, stair climbing, etc. Performing some of these exercises into your 36 weekly routine will increase your bone density, reduce risk of heart disease/cancer and develop a stronger heart/ lungs, and most importantly it will have a significant impact on how you feel and look. Compound Movements Compound movements are multi joint movements that utilize several muscles or muscle groups at one time (squats, deadlifts, lunges, chest press, overhead press, pullups, dips, etc.). For example: Squats are extremely beneficial, being numerous muscle groups are engaged; core, lower back, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, etc. Benefits of compound movements. Burns More Calories: Compound exercises will be using some of the biggest muscle groups in your body, and in order for these muscles to perform properly, they will be using more energy than your smaller muscle groups. During and after your training sessions your muscles will be demanding more energy in order to recover, resulting in an efficient output (more calories being burned). Get Stronger: Compound lifts increase overall strength and size. You are going to be incorporating movements which allow you to use the most weight, forcing your body into a state of adaption/forcing the muscle to grow and get stronger. Maintain Muscle mass: While maintaining your strength you are also going to maintain your muscle mass. Incorporating these lifts while leaning out will allow you to hang onto your strength and size, being you will still be lifting HEAVY. Splits Workouts n/a 37 Training intensity The volume in the program is a volume traditionally more suited to the goals of an intermediate to higher level lifter. If you feel the need to adjust, please do so. As Certified Personal Trainers we want our clients to be able to recover from the amount of volume they are performing. You don’t need to feel completely burnt out after every single session. BUT you do need to find an equilibrium, where you are being tested, challenged, and where you are able to put in max effort more days than not. If you are training with the intent to get stronger, to gain muscle, and you accept that you are going to be challenged, you will create remarkable effects in your body composition. If you feel that you are just going through the motions or your workouts feel “easy” then you need to adjust your training intensity. Your results will be based on how hard you push yourself. During a cutting phase you can’ be half committed. 38 Importance of recovery Incorporating recovery days into your training program is the best thing you can do to ensure you are consistently improving. This is the time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can weaken even the strongest athletes. Recovery will also replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Over training is what we want to avoid at all cost’ and is also a difficult condition to recover from. Over training often occurs when an athlete lacks recovery time. The body has a limit to which and how much stress it can handle before breaking down and risking injury. Doing too much work too quickly will result in injury or muscle damage and doing too little will not result in any improvements. This is exactly why we have increased volume throughout this training program and have scheduled rest days during each week. The number one most important thing outside of exercising is sleep. If you’re the nocturnal type that gets hardly any sleep with the occasional 8 hours of sleep, chances are you are holding yourself back from getting the best results possible. When it comes to increasing your gains, losing body fat, and achieving a high level of overall performance, sleeping is extremely important! Cardio dosage/ increasing intensity When we are in a “fat -loss” phase our bodies want to conserve energy. For example, early on you are feeling motivated and energized, wanting to do the most. Over the course of 12 weeks you become tired, hungry, and less attached to your goal. Our bodies are smart and directly tell us to conserve energy by moving less. We are in control and the more control we have the better our results 39 Yes, cardio is a tool and can be helpful, but you do not want to overdo it. Your body naturally adapts to everything you do, including cardio, leaving you having to do more and more cardio overtime to see results or even maintain your body composition. During the next 12 weeks we will be SLOWLY increasing cardio and the intensity of each training session to optimize fat loss while holding on to your hard-earned muscle mass. When in the gym, we want you to devote most of your time lifting weights. (When lifting weights your body has no other option but to adapt by getting stronger, which then results in muscle gain, and more calories being burned while increasing your metabolism) Lifting is a win win all around! 40 Types of cardio Each cardio type, both HIIT and LISS, provides great benefits and results. And ideally, a great exercise program factors in a balance of both! But ideally it all comes down to what YOU prefer, if you have the time to perform LISS and would rather do so than HIIT, then great. If you would rather do HIIT then do it. STEPS: Week 1-4: 8,000-10,000 Week 5-8: 10,000-12,000 Week 9-12: 12,000-14,000 HIIT So, for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), you would alternate periods of high effort work—sprints, cycling, battling ropes, swinging kettlebells— with periods of lower effort work or even rest. Use an interval breakdown that’s challenging but allows you to complete it without gassing after the first few intervals. LISS LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) exactly like it sounds. You’re moving at a steady pace, and it’s at a low intensity. More towards the end of a cut, you may not have as much energy to put out. Which is why you see bodybuilders or bikini competitors incline walking or slowly cruising on the stair master. It should be a bit of work, but not leave you feeling wrecked. Cardio Overview During this 12- week cutting phase your main source of cardio will be hitting your daily steps. You can track this on the health app from your iPhone or you can use a watch/device that tracks your daily steps. You will be sprinkling in cardio throughout the course of this cut as well. The further along you get into program, you’ll notice the amount of cardio increases, to ensure your results continue! 41 The time you choose to perform cardio doesn’t matter all that much BUT it can have an impact on your lifting sessions if performed before hand, and that is what we want to avoid. We suggest performing cardio after your training sessions therefor you will be using most of your energy to focus on lifting heavy and brining as much intensity as you can to each set. Cardio Routine Weeks 1-3 perform 20 minutes of LISS two times a week Weeks 3-6 perform 20 minutes of LISS four times a week Week 6-9 perform 30 minutes of LISS four times a week Week 9-12 perform 30 minutes LISS six times a week If you choose to perform HIIT cardio we suggest you do so on your recovery days. Remember that you are in a calorie deficit, your training is intense, and HIIT cardio is extremely taxing on the body and can, in some cases, make a negative impact regarding your recovery. LISS cardio is the “safer route” being the intensity isn’t as high and you will be able to recover more efficiently. We do understand that LISS cardio can be tedious at times, and HIIT cardio can be exactly what you need in order to spice up your cardio routine. Performing HIIT cardio 1-2 times a week for the recommended amount of time above can be your preferred way of cardio. It’s up to you whether you want to execute sprints on the treadmill, intervals on the stair-master, outdoor stadiums, etc. Be sure that you are pushing yourself as hard as you can during the time of execution, and you are giving your body, lungs, and heart enough time to recover so you are able to execute the next interval at 100% effort. I’m going to list some forms of HIIT cardio that we prefer on the treadmill and stairmaster. Choose a level that you can sprint at without getting injured. This speed should be very challenging but not to the point where you cannot perform the interval for the time given. As you progress throughout the program, if you are choosing to perform HIIT cardio, you will need to progressively overload. Meaning, your intervals will become longer, and your rest times will become shorter the deeper you get into your cut. It is up to you to know when to decrease your rest times and crank up the intensity and length of the interval. You also need to be aware of when things are getting too comfortable, knowing when the time is right to push yourself even harder. Before performing HIIT you will need to warm up properly (3-5 min) to avoid injury. Walking on the treadmill or lightly jogging is a great option. 42 Treadmill Sprints: Repeat each interval ‘X’ amount of times until you finish the amount of time given for that week. (listed above) under ‘Cardio Routine’ Option 1: 20 sec on 40 sec off for time given Option 2: 30 sec on 30 sec off for time given Option 3: 20 sec on 40 sec off 40 sec on 20 sec off for time given In regard to stair-master intervals you will need to choose a level that you are comfortable with, but it also needs to challenge you. I’m going to give some examples using exact levels/speed for the stair-master. These are not the exact levels that you need to use right out of the gate if you are not conditioned to do so. If you cannot perform the exact levels don’t worry at all! You’ll work your way up to these levels over the course of this cutting phase and then some! If you perform any of these examples you can simply use your own numbers/levels but increase/decrease the way I provide in the examples. If you choose to create your own intervals that’s totally fine! Just be sure that it’s a challenge. You’re stronger that you think you are, and cardio can be an extremely tough mental battle. But it should also be DO-ABLE. Stair-master Intervals: Repeat each circuit ‘X’ amount of times until you finish the amount of time given for that week. (listed above) under ‘Cardio Routine’ Option 1: 2 min level 6 1 min level 12 1 min level 14 1 min level 8 Option 2: 1 min level 8 2 min level 10 1.30 min level 15 43 .30 sec level 4 Option 3: 1 min level 10 1 min level 12 1 min level 14 1 min level 16 1 min level 6 HIIT Cardio is going to be an extreme challenge once you reach that 20-minute mark. That’s the tipping point/ the max amount of time that we’ll want you to perform while the intensity is extremely high. If you reach week ‘X’ and it calls for 30 minutes of cardio, and you choose to incorporate HIIT, simply perform the 20 minutes of HIIT and then finish the remaining amount of time performing LISS. Activation/ Mind muscle connections Do you have stubborn muscle groups that refuse to grow no matter how hard you train them? Although lifting weights is perceived to be strictly physical training, there are many important psychological aspects to it. Do you ever feel like you can’t focus in the gym? Maybe after a stressful day, or when your thoughts start to drift to your work life, what you're going to eat post workout (lol guilty) etc. You probably don't realize it, but you're missing out on one of the most important secrets to success, the mind-muscle connection. The first step towards muscular contraction is a signal sent by the brain to your muscles telling them to contract. The more you can improve this communication, the more muscle fibers you will recruit. 44 Positive mindset check list I have all I need within me to change. If you’re constantly telling yourself “I can’t” you may convince yourself that’s the truth. Replace these negative words with positive ones instead. Tell yourself you will do your best or that you will try your hardest instead. I believe I can and will reach my health and fitness goals. There is nothing like believing in yourself to create a successful reality. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and believe that you will succeed at fulfilling your goals. I understand that this will be a journey, a journey of change and a new way of thinking. Focus on the present. I’m talking about the present—not today, not this hour, only this exact moment. Don’t let yourself quit. Giving up is usually taking the easy way out of a situation. No matter how negative you’re feeling, never let yourself quit pursuing something you truly want. You’ll thank yourself in the long run if you don’t give up. Change your vibe. Some people think that you get back what you put out, so stop putting out bad energy and change to a more positive outlook. Whether it truly works or not doesn’t matter, you’ll feel better either way. Make positive thinking a habit. Don’t just practice thinking positively when you’re feeling down. Make it an everyday occurrence whether you’re in a good mood or bad • We highly recommend the book “you are a bad ass” by Jen Sincero. This book has given us both a different outlook on life in general and given us a different perspective on how powerful your mind really is. 45 Consistency Discipline Small goals each week Daily check list (gallon a day) On track with macros etc. F.A.Q.s Q: Can I swap exercises if I don’t like them? A: Yes, but we highly recommend NOT changing the main compound movements. The accessory work can be swapped for similar type movements. Q: Is training to failure ok? A: Although we don’t recommend training until failure for every single exercise, training close to failure (1-2) reps shy is extremely important when your goal is to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible to build muscle Q: What are the best pre and post workout meals? A: By consuming a good source of protein and carbohydrates before a workout, you can give your body the amino acids (branched-chain amino acids in particular) that it needs to prevent muscle breakdown, whilst aiding muscle recovery and growth. Carbohydrates are also great after a workout, as they provide the body with fast-acting glucose as fuel to the muscles. As well as protein for muscle recovery. Q: What do I do when I finish the program? Can I repeat the program? A: Once you complete this program, we recommend a diet break, we talk about this in the program and you can also do your own research as to why a diet break is necessary and beneficial. YES! You can repeat this program, we recommend starting back at phase one and adjusting your numbers to ensure that you are applying progressive overload. The further you get into a cutting phase the lower your calories will drop and the need for progression relies on your calorie deficit/energy output (cardio, lifting/weight training, NEAT, etc). Q: When and how do I reverse diet? A: We talk about this in the program. Find the exact page on the table of contents If you’re looking to perform and train at your best, you need to make sure your body has enough fuel to do. 46 Resistance training rues 1. Focus on engaging the primary muscle first. 2. Lift weights in a slow and controlled manner, maintaining constant tension throughout the movement. 3. Swinging the weight or using momentum increases the potential for injury. 4. Maintain proper posture. Chest up, shoulders back, neutral spine, chin straight ahead. 5. Start off with light weight as a warmup (do not count warm up sets as actual sets) and increase weight with each set, while maintaining proper form. 6. If you can easily perform the given rep ranges and sets, it’s too light. increase the weight. 7. If you can’t perform the given rep ranges and sets, it’s too heavy. Decrease the weight. 47 Workout splits Phase 1: 10 Day Split Day 1: Full Body Day 2: Upper Body Day 3: Lower Body Day 4: Upper Body Day 5: Recovery Day Day 6: Full Body Day 7: Upper Body Day 8: Lower Body Day 9: Upper Body Day 10: Recovery Day Phase 2: 7 Day Split Day 1: Full Body Day 2: Back & Shoulders Day 3: Glutes & Arms Day 4: Recovery Day Day 5: Upper Body Day 6: Lower Body Day 7: Recovery 48 disclaimer Kathryn and Kendra Kane are not doctoring or registered dietitians. The contents of this document should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this program is strictly at your own risk. The author will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death. All documents included or exchanged between Kathryn and Kendra Kane and the Client are the intellectual property of KKFIT LLC and are not to be copied, sold or redistributed without their written consent. If you need clarification or have any questions, please email us at 49 Week 1 During these next 12 weeks, each week will consist of low reps with high weight to focus on strength gains, and the other half of the week uses moderate reps with moderate weight focusing on hypertrophy, delivering more blood flow and nutrients to the muscles, focusing on size. WEEK 1: Notes: Focus on establishing a baseline strength on all of your lifts. Please keep record of the weight and reps performed for each set, in the given slots provided for you. It is absolutely necessary that you focus on progressive over loading. (see page 3) We have programmed an increase in volume for the following weeks but looking to add more weight to each lift will also dramatically increase the volume. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups, 1-2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “troubled” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg 50 -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 51 Week 1 Day 1 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Squats 3 2-5 :90+ Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep BB Bulgarian Split Squats 3 6 :6090 6 reps each leg As you begin to press, drop into a shallow squat, focus on driving your head forward until you reach the top of the movement Push Press 3 4-6 :90 Narrow Grip Pull Ups 3 4-6 :60 BB Bench Press 3 3-5 :60 BB Preacher Curl 2 6-8 :60 DB Skull Crushers 2 6-8 Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears :60 Day 2 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Rear Delt Cable Fly 4 10-12 :60 DB Side Raises 3 20 :60 DB Shoulder Press 2 8-10 :6090 Single Arm Cable Side raise 3 8-10 :60 Cable upright Row 3 12-15 :60 Single Arm Tricep Pull Down 3 10-12 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 8-10 reps each arm 10-12 reps each arm 52 Day 3 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Lying Hamstring Curl Sets Reps 3 15-20 RIS :60-90 BB Banded Glute Bridge 3 12-15 :90 DB Sumo Squats 2 8-10 :60 Seated Calf Machine 4 8-10 Banded Frog Pumps 1 50 3 4 5 6 Notes Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings 4-6 8-10 2 :60 2 3 1 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction BB RDL's Single Leg DB RDL Weight If necessary, use a bench or a wall for stability. You can also perform these with a staggered stance to help with your balance. 8-10 reps each leg :60 Day 4 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Lat Pull Down 3 12-15 :60 BB Row 2 10-12 :6090 Supinated Cable Row 3 10-12 :60 Single Arm Cable Row 3 8-10 :60 Rear Delt Pec Dec 3 8-10 :60 Bicep Curl Machine 3 12-15 :60 Cable Curl 3 8-10 :60 10 :3060 DB Side Raises 2 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Use a medium grip width. Before you row, unlock your knees, hinge at your hips, and pull the bar to your belly button 8-10 reps each side 53 Day 5 Recovery Day Day 6 Full Body Lifts/Exercises BB Hip Thrust Sets 3 Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 8-10 :90 Use a band and place it above your knees 4-6 reps each leg BB Step Back Lunge 2 4-6 :6090 DB Row 3 6-8 :6090 Standing Calf Machine 4 20 :60 DB Side Raises 2 10-12 :3060 Drop sets x10 Dips 2 6-8 :60 Use assistance if needed Decline Leg Raises 3 15 :30 Bird Dogs 2 10 :60 Sets Reps RIS Weight DB Rear Delt Fly 3 8-10 :60 BB Strict Press 2 4-6 :60 DB Side Raise 3 Single Arm Cable Front Raise 2 A.1 Tricep Push Down 3 12-15 :60 A.2 Wide Tricep Pull Down 3 12-15 :60 Day 7 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Dips on Bench 3 15-20 :60 8-10 8-10 :60 :60 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Drop sets x15 8-10 reps each side Elevate your feet on a dumbbell to make it more challenging 54 Week 2 Week 2 Notes: After completing week one you should have a general idea of what you can perform on each lift. This week there are added sets and added reps – feel free to add weight where appropriate and ALWAYS remember to maintain proper form and engage the primary muscle. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 55 Week 2 Day 1 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Leg Extension Sets Reps 3 BB Walking Lunge 2 Narrow Smith Machine Squats 3 DB Box Step Ups 4 20 8-10 RIS Weight 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 :90 Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 8-10 reps each leg 10-12 :90 6-8 :60 2 8-10 :60 Seated Calf Machine 4 6-8 :60 3 2 Squeeze at the top of each rep. Allow yourself one 3 second break each set if necessary Hamstring Curl Abduction Machine 1 10/20 /15 :60 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction Perform 10 reps heavy, 20 reps moderate, 15 reps moderate/light 56 Day 2 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Lat Pull Down 4 1215 :60 5-7 Seated Row 2 :60 8-10 :6090 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Focus on keeping your chest up, pull back with your elbows, and squeeze on each contraction Overhand BB Row 4 Narrow Grip Pull Ups 3 5-7 :60 Single Arm Plate Row 3 12 :60 12 reps each side Alternating DB Curl 3 20 :60 10 reps each arm EZ Bar Cable Curl 4 1012 :60 Rope Crunches 3 Bird Dogs 2 20 :3060 10 :60 Day 3 Recovery Day 57 Day 4 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Squats 3 5 :90 Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep BB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 6 :90 6 reps each leg As you begin to press, drop into a shallow squat, focus on driving your head forward until you reach the top of the movement Push Press 4 4-6 :90 Narrow Grip Pull Up 4 4-6 :60 DB Bench Press 3 4-6 :60 A.1 BB Preacher Curl 3 6-8 :60 A.2 DB Skull Crushers 2 8-10 :60 Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement. 58 Day 5 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 Single Arm Cable Rear Delt 3 1215 :60 BB Shoulder Press 3 4-6 :60 A.1 DB Side Raise 4 1520 :60 A.2 Cable Side Raise 4 15 B.1 Cable Rope Pull Through 3 15 :60 B..2 DB Alternating Front Raise 3 15 :60 Wide Grip Seated Row 3 10 :60 Supinated Lat Pull Down 4 10 :60 C.1 Lying BB Skull Crushers C.2 Dips On Bench 3 2 12 12 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 12-15 reps each side Focus on keeping your chest up, pull back and high. Targeting rear delts :60 Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears :60 Elevate your feet on a dumbbell to make it more challenging 59 Day 6 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Lying Hamstring Curl Sets 3 Reps 20 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds at the top of each rep Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings BB RDL's 3 4-6 :90 BB Banded Glute Bridges 4 12-15 :90 DB Single Leg RDL 4 8-10 :90 A.1 Reverse Hyper Extension 2 25 :30-60 A.2 Banded Glute Bridge 2 50 :30-60 A.3 Seated Banded Abduction 2 25 :60 If necessary, use a bench or a wall for stability. You can also perform these with a staggered stance to help with your balance. 8-10 reps each leg 60 Day 7 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS DB Row 3 5-7 :60 Lat Pull Down 3 12-15 :60 Narrow Pull Ups 4 4-6 :60 A.1 Lat Rope Pull Through 4 12-15 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 We personally feel the best contraction when we use the rope attachment. Try a few different variations to see which one you like the best Focus on keeping your chest up, pull back with your elbows, and squeeze on each contraction A.2 Seated Row 4 8-10 :60 Rope Face Pulls 3 20 :60 B.1 DB Curl 3 12 :60 B.2 EZ Bar Curl 3 15 :60 Rope Crunches 2 30 :30-60 61 Week 3 Week 3 Notes: After completing week one and two, you should be continuing to increase your volume and strength on many lifts. And begin to feel more confident with the weight you are moving... Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 62 Week 3 Day 1 Recovery Day Day 2 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Hip Thrust 3 8-10 :90 Use a band and place it above your knees BB Step Back Lunge 2 4-6 :90 4-6 reps each leg DB RDL'S 3 5-7 :90 DB Row 4 6-8 :60 Standing Calf Machine 4 20 :60 DB Side Raise 4 10-12 :60 Dips 3 6-8 :60 Use assistance if needed Day 3 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight BB Strict Press 3 6-8 :90 A.1 Single Arm Cable Rear Delt 4 12-15 :60 12-15 reps each side A.2 Single Arm DB Side Raise 4 15-20 :60 Drop set each set x15 Smith Machine Upright Row 2 8-10 :60 Single Arm Cable Side Raise 4 10 :60 B.1 Narrow Tricep Push Down 3 12-15 :60 B.2 Narrow Push Ups 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes On the last rep of each set pulse for 5 at the top AMRAP :60 63 Day 4 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Leg Extension Sets Reps 4 10-12 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 Squeeze at the top of each rep Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 10 reps each leg BB Walking Lunges 3 10 :90 Elevated Heel Smith Machine Squats 3 10-12 :90 DB Box Step Ups 4 8-12 :60 A.1 Abduction Machine 2 30/15 :3060 A.2 Banded Glute Bridges 2 25 :30 Standing Calf Machine 4 8-10 :3060 Perform 30 reps moderate, 15 reps moderate/heavy Day 5 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight Lat Pull Down 3 6-8 :60 Rear Delt Machine 4 8 :60 DB Row 3 Close Grip Pull Down 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 10-12 :60 12 :60 Single Arm Lat Pull Through 4 12-15 :60 Alternating Single Arm Hammer Curl 3 20 :60 Bicep Machine 4 8-10 :60 12-15 reps each side 10 reps each arm Day 6 Recovery Day 64 Day 7 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Squats 4 5 :90+ Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep BB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 6-8 :90 6-8 reps each leg As you begin to press, drop into a shallow squat, focus on driving your head forward until you reach the top of the movement Push Press 5 4-6 :90 Narrow Grip Pull Up 4 6-8 :60 BB Bench Press 4 6-8 :90 Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement. Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears DB Skull Crushers 3 8 :60 Rope Crunches 2 30 :3060 Bird Dogs 3 10 :60 Seated Calf Machine 4 6-8 :60 65 Week 4 Week 4 You should be continuing to increase your volume and strength on many lifts. Hitting every set hard and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. 4 Weeks in baby, lets step it up a notch!! Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg 66 -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 67 Week 4 Day 1 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Shoulder Press 3 5 :60 DB front Raise 4 12-15 :3060 Drop set each set x15 On the last rep of each set pulse for 8 at the top of each rep Cable Side Raise 4 20 :3060 A.1 BB Upright Row 4 8-10 :60 A.2 DB Rear Delt Fly 4 15 :60 B.1 Cable Tricep Rope Extension 3 20 :60 B.2 Supinated Cable Pull Down 2 12 :60 Dips 4 4 :60 Use assistance if needed Day 2 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB RDL's 4 8 :90 Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings DB Box Step Ups 4 10-12 :60 10-12 reps each leg Wide Stance Smith Machine Squats 3 8-10 :60 Single Leg RDL 2 10 :60 10 reps each leg Drop set on your last set x20 with a 10 second hold on your last rep BB Banded Hip Thrust 4 12-15 :90 Lying Leg Curl 3 8-10 :60 Seated Calf Machine 4 12-15 :60 68 Day 3 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises A.1 Lat Rope Pull Through A.2 Narrow Grip Seated Row Sets Reps 5 5 1215 8-10 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 :60 Keep your chest up, squeeze on every contraction Pull high and wide. This is going to target your rear delts Wide Grip Seated Row 4 8-12 :60 DB Row 4 8-12 :60 Wide Grip Lat Pull Down 3 1215 :60 DB Curl 3 12 :60 Drop set each set x12 Single Arm External Cable Curl 3 10 :3060 10 reps each arm Day 4 Recovery Day 69 Day 5 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Hip Thrust 5 4-6 :90 Use a band and place it above your knees BB Step Back Lunge 4 6 :60-90 6 reps each leg DB Row 5 6-8 :60-90 DB Side Raise 3 10 :30-60 Double drop set each set x15/x10 Use assistance if needed Dips 2 8 :30-60 Standing Calf Machine 5 15 :30-60 Rope Crunches 2 40 :60 Sets Reps RIS 5 8-10 :60 Day 6 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises DB Shoulder Press Cable Rear Delts 2 8-10 :3060 Single Arm Cable Front Raise 3 8-10 :3060 A.1 Smith Machine Upright Row 3 10-12 :60 A.2 Plate Front Raise 3 20 :60 DB Skull Crushers 4 8-10 :60 B.1 Wide Grip Tricep Push Down 4 12-15 :60 B.2 Narrow Push Ups 2 AMRAP :30 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 8-10 reps each arm Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears 70 Day 7 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Leg Extension 4 20 :60 Squeeze at the top of each rep. Allow yourself one 3 second break each set if necessary BB Bulgarian Split Squats 4 10 :60-90 10 reps each leg Narrow BB Squats 3 12-15 :90 Hack Squat 3 10-12 :60-90 Standing Calf Raises 5 8-10 :30-60 A.1 Hyper Extensions 2 40 :60 A.2 Banded Side Steps 2 50 :30-60 B.1Banded Glute Bridges 2 50 :30-60 B.2 Frog Pumps 2 50 :30-60 71 Week 5 Week 5 Notes: This is the final week of this block. Note that after this week you will deload and take it easy in the gym. You should be giving your max effort and making this the best week you have had in the gym thus far. Try to set PR’s (personal records) when and where appropriate. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 72 Week 5 Day 1 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Close Grip Lat Pull Down 5 12 :60 Lat Rope Pull Through 4 12-15 :60 Plate Row 2 10-12 :60 DB Row 4 8-10 :60 BB Curl 4 10-12 :60 Straight Bar Cable Curl 3 12-15 :60 Alternating Hammer Curl 3 10-12 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Day 2 recovery Day 73 Day 3 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets BB Squat 4 Reps 8 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :90+ Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep As you begin to press, drop into a shallow squat, focus on driving your head forward until you reach the top of the movement Push Press 4 6 :90 Narrow Grip Pull Ups 5 6 :60-90 BB Bench press 4 8 :60-90 BB Preacher Curl 3 8-10 :60 DB Skull Crushers 3 10-12 :60 Bird Dogs 3 10 :60 Rope Crunches 3 20 :30-60 Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears Day 4 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS DB Press 5 4 :60-90 A.1 Upright Cable Row 5 10 :60 A.2 DB Side Raise 5 10 :60 Cable Front raise 4 12 :60 Narrow Grip Pull Down 4 6-8 :60 B.1 Cable Tricep Push Downs 4 10-12 :60 B.2 Narrow Push Ups 4 10 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 74 Day 5 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Band Abduction Sets Reps 2 30 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :30 Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings BB RDL's 3 10 :6090 BB Step Back Lunge 5 8 :6090 12 :6090 12 reps each leg :3060 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds on the contraction of each rep. 10-12 reps each leg Use weight B Stance Hip Thrust 4 Single Leg Hamstring Curl 3 1012 A.1 Hyperextensions 2 30 :30 A.2 Hamstring Ball Roll Ins 2 1015 :30 Seated Calf Machine 3 15 30-60 75 Day 6 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS DB Row 4 6-8 :60-90 Plate Row 3 12 30-60 Pec Dec Rear Delts 3 15-20 :30-60 Narrow Grip Pull Ups 4 6-8 :60-90 Lat Pull Down 4 8 :60 Alternating DB Curl 3 10-12 :60 A.1 DB Internal Curl 3 10 :60 A.2 BB Curl 3 10 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Day 7 Recovery Day 76 Week 6: Deload Week 6 Notes: YAY! IT’S TIME TO DELOAD! The general approach to deloading is to reduce all of your lift intensities by 40-60% for one week. EX: If you are deadlifting something like 225lb you will cut the weight down by 80120lbs while keeping the sets and reps the same. It is not just a full rest week. Refer back to the weight you have been lifting the previous weeks and follow the directions above. And remember, deloading is extremely important to prevent over training, injury, improve recovery and give your central nervous system a breather. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) 77 -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 78 Week 6: Deload Day 1 Deload Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Hip Thrust 3 5 :90 Use a band and place it above your knees BB Step Back Lunge 3 6 60-90 6 reps each leg Db Row 3 6 :60 Standing Calf Machine 3 20 :60 DB Side Raise 3 10 :60 Dips 3 8 :60 Sets Reps RIS DB Rear Delt Fly 3 12-15 :60 DB Shoulder Press 3 12 :30-60 A.1 Smith Machine Upright Row 3 A.2 Cable Front Raise 3 20 :60 Lat Rope Pull Through 3 20 :60 B.1 Wide Grip Tricep Pull Down 3 12-15 :60 B.2 Push Ups 3 Use assistance if needed Day 2 Deload Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 10-12 :30-60 6-10 :30-60 79 Day 3 Deload Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Leg Extension 3 10-12 :60 Squeeze at the top of each rep Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 6 reps each leg DB Walking Lunges 3 6 :60 Hack Squat 3 10-12 :60 Hyperextension 3 20 :30-60 Abduction Machine 3 10,20,15 :60 Seated Calf Machine 3 10 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Perform 10 reps heavy, 20 reps moderate, 15 reps moderate/light Day 4 Deload Recovery Day Day 5 Deload Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS A.1 Lat Pull Down 3 10 :60 A.2 Lat Rope Pull Through 3 12-15 :60 DB Row 3 8 :60 EZ BB Curls 3 10-12 :60 Single Arm Cable Curl 3 8 :30-60 Machine Bicep Curl 3 10 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 8 reps each arm 80 Day 6 Deload Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Hamstring Curl Sets Reps 4 1215 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction BB RDL's 3 1012 :6090 Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings BB Step Back Lunge 3 12 :60 12 reps each leg 3 1520 :90 A.1 BB Hip Thrust 3 1012 :6090 A.2 Banded Glute Bridge 3 20 :60 Calf Exercise of Choice 4 8-12 :60 Smith Machine Sumo Squats Use a band and place it above your knees Day 7 Deload Recovery Day 81 Week 7 Week 7 Notes: This is the first week of the second training block. Focus on establishing a baseline strength on all of your lifts. Please keep record of the weight and reps performed for each set, in the given slots provided for you. It is absolutely necessary that you focus on progressive over loading. We have programmed an increase in volume for the following weeks but looking to add more weight to each lift will also dramatically increase the volume. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side 82 -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 83 Week 7: Split Change Day 1 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sumo Deadlifts Sets Reps 3 5 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :90 Your stance will be wider than shoulder width, toes pointed slightly outward. Break the bar to engage your lats, spread the floor with your feet to fire your glutes, take a deep breath, brace your core, and drive up Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 10 reps each leg DB Walking Lunges 2 10 :60 Cable Rear Delts 3 8-10 :60 BB Row 2 6-8 :60-90 Standing Single Arm DB OHP 3 4-6 :60 4-6 reps each side Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement. Plant your feet into the ground to create power. Lower the bar just below your breastbone Incline DB Bench Press 2 4-6 :60 Dips 3 6-8 :60 Straight Bar Cable Curl 2 6-8 :60 84 Day 2 Back & Shoulders Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS DB Rear Delt Fly 3 8 :30-60 Kneeling Smith machine Press 3 8-10 :60 Wide Grip Pull Ups 2 3-5 :60 DB Row 3 6-8 :60 Single Arm Cable Side Raise 3 10 :30-60 Supinated Cable Row 4 8-12 :60 Alternating DB Front Raise 3 15-20 :60 RIS Weight Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Drop set each set x15 Day 3 Glutes & Arms Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Weighted Hyper Extensions 2 30 :30 Push hips into pad BB Banded Hip Thrust 1 1/4 3 10 :60-90 1 1/4 reps = 1 rep BB RDL's 2 12-15 :60-90 Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings Bulgarian Split Squats 3 8-10 reps each leg Seated Alternating DB Curl 3 12-15 :60 Cable Tricep Variation 3 12-15 :60 Narrow BB Curl 3 Decline BB Skull Crushers 3 8-10 :60 8-10 :60 8-10 :60 Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears Day 4 Recovery Day 85 Day 5 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS BB Row 3 4-6 :60 BB OHP 3 4-6 :60 DB Side Raise 4 10 :30-60 Rear Delt Machine 5 8-10 :30-60 DB Flat Bench 2 6-8 :60 Overhead Rope Extension 3 8-12 :60 BB Spider Curls 3 15 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Day 6 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS BB Squats 3 6-8 :90 Narrow BB Squats 2 15 :90 Abductor Machine 3 30 :30-60 BB Banded Glute Bridge 3 8-12 :60 BB Walking Lunges 2 Standing Calf Raise 3 Calf Exercise of Choice 4 5 :60-90 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep Drop set each set x20 Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 5 reps each leg 10-12 :30-60 20 :30-60 Day 7 Recovery Day 86 Week 8 Week 8 Notes: After completing week one of the new block, you should have a general idea of what you can perform on each lift. This week there are added sets and added reps – feel free to add weight where appropriate and ALWAYS remember to maintain proper form and engage the primary muscle. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 87 Week 8 Day 1 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Abduction Machine 3 10/30 :30-60 BB Banded Hip Thrust 3 6-8 :60-90 Single Leg RDL 3 6-8 :60 DB Row 3 8-10 :60 DB Incline Press 2 10-12 :60 BB Strict Press 3 7 :60-90 DB Bicep Curl 3 10 :60 Calf Exercise of Choice 4 8-12 :60 Bear Crawls 2 30 Sec :30-60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Perform 10 sets heavy, 30 reps light 6-8 reps each leg Day 2 Back & Shoulders Lifts/Exercises Single Arm Cable Row Straight Bar Lat Pull Through Sets Reps RIS 3 12-15 :60 12-15 reps each side :60 perform 4-6 reps, drop the weight and perform 12 more reps 4 4-6/12 Single Arm Cable Side Raise 3 10/20 :30-60 Lat Pull Down 3 12-15 :30-60 Single Arm DB Press 2 8 :60 A.1 Plate Front Raise 4 10 :60 A.2 Rope Face Pulls 4 20 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Perform 10 reps with heavier weight, drop the weight and perform 20 more reps 8 reps each side 88 Day 3 Glutes & Arms Lifts/Exercises Sumo Deadlifts Sets 4 Reps 4-5 RIS :90 Abduction Machine 4 30,20,20 :30-60 BB Bicep Curl 3 20 :60 BB Glute Bridge 1 1/4 3 10 :60 A.1 Cable Curl 3 15-20 :60 A.2 Narrow Push Ups on Bench 3 6-8 :60 Decline Leg Raise 2 15 :30 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Your stance will be wider than shoulder width, toes pointed slightly outward. Break the bar to engage your lats, spread the floor with your feet to fire your glutes, take a deep breath, brace your core, and drive up Perform 30 reps heavy/moderate, 20 reps moderate, 20 reps moderate to light 1 1/4th rep Day 4 Recovery Day 89 Day 5 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes BB Upright Row 4 8-10 :60 Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 4-6 :60 last set perform negatives till failure Single Arm Preacher Curl 4 12 :30-60 12 reps each arm DB Flat Bench 5 6-8 :60-90 Decline BB Skull Crushers 4 Rear Delt Cable Fly 4 6-8 Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears :60 15-20 30-60 Day 6 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep BB Squats 4 7 :90+ BB Narrow Squats 2 15-20 :90+ BB Reverse Lunge 4 10 :60-90 10 reps each leg A.1 Leg Extension 3 12-15 :30-60 Squeeze at the top of each rep A.2 Narrow Stance Smith Machine Squats 3 12-15 :60 B Stance Hip Thrust 3 8-10 :60 3 30 sec rounds :30 Bear Crawls Day 7 Recovery Day 90 Week 9 Week 9 Notes: After completing week one and two of the second training block, you should be continuing to increase your volume and strength on many lifts. And begin to feel more confident with the weight you are moving... YOU ARE DOING GREAT! PUSH THROUGH! form and engage the primary muscle. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg 91 -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 92 Week 9 Day 1 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sumo Deadlifts Sets Reps 4 7 RIS :90+ DB Walking Lunge 5 6-8 :60-90 Cable Rear Delt Fly 4 8-10 :60 BB Row 5 6-8 :60 Standing Single Arm OHP 2 4-6 :60 Incline DB Press 5 4-6 :60 Dips 2 10 :60 Cable Curl 3 6-8 :60 Calf Exercise of Choice 5 12 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Your stance is will be wider than shoulder width, toes pointed slightly outward. Break the bar to engage your lats, spread the floor with your feet to fire your glutes, take a deep breath, brace your core, and drive up Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 6-8 reps each leg 4-6 reps each side Drop set last set till failure 93 Day 2 Back & Shoulders Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes DB Rear Delt Fly 4 8 :30-60 Kneeling Smith Machine Press 4 4-6 :60 Wide Grip Pull Ups 4 4-6 :60 DB Row 3 8-10 :60 Cable Front Raise 5 10 :30-60 Single Arm Cable Row 4 8-12 :60 DB Side Raise 3 15-20 :60 Sets Reps RIS Weighted Hyper Extensions 3 20 :30-60 Single Leg RDL 4 6-8 :60 6-8 reps each side Bulgarian Split Squats 4 6 :60 6 reps each leg Single Arm Cable Tricep Pull Down 2 15-20 :60 15-20 reps each arm :60 Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears 8-12 reps each side Day 3 Glutes & Arms Lifts/Exercises A.1 Decline DB Skull Crushers 3 A.2 Narrow Push Ups on Bench 3 8-10 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes AMRAP :30-60 Day 4 Recovery Day 94 Day 5 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises BB Row Sets Reps RIS 4 6-8 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Push Press 3 7 :60 As you begin to press, drop into a shallow squat, focus on driving your head forward until you reach the top of the movement DB Side Raise 5 15 :60 Double drop set x10 x1215 Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement. Plant your feet into the ground to create power. Lower the bar just below your breastbone DB Bench Press 5 6-8 :60 Overhead Rope Extension 3 10-12 :60 Wide Grip Tricep Push Down 4 6-8 :60 10 :3060 DB Rear Delt Fly 3 95 Day 6 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight BB Squats 5 6-7 :90+ Smith Machine narrow Squats 2 8-12 :90+ DB RDL's 3 6-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep :6090 A.1 Lying Hamstring Curl 4 6-8 :60 A.2 Weighted Frog Pumps 3 8-10 :60 Narrow Stance Smith Machine Lunge 4 8-10 :60 Standing Calf Machine 5 6-8 :60 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction 8-10 reps each leg Day 7 Recovery Day 96 Week 10 Week 10 You should be continuing to increase your volume and strength on many lifts. Hitting every set hard and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. We Have 4 more weeks to go!! Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg 97 -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 98 Week 10 Day 1 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight Abduction Machine 4 25 :3060 BB Banded Hip Thrust 4 8-10 :90 DB RDL's 3 8-10 :6090 DB Row 4 4-6 :60 DB Incline Press 3 4-6 :60 BB Spider Curls 3 10-12 :60 Standing Calf Machine 4 10-12 :60 Bear Crawls 4 40 seconds :60 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Perform each set heavy/moderate Day 2 Back & Shoulders Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Alternating Db Shoulder Press 4 8 :60 Machine Shoulder Press 3 8-10 :60 DB Row 3 12-15 :60 A.1 Cable Upright Row 4 8 :30-60 A.2 Cable Side Raise 4 10-12 :30 Wide Grip Pull Ups 4 6-8 :30-60 Reverse Cable Fly 3 8 :30-60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Drop set with dumbbells x20 99 Day 3 Glutes & Arms Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS BB Walking Lunge 4 4-6 :60-90 BB Banded Glute Bridge 4 25 :60 Single Leg RDL 5 8-12 :60-90 Lat Rope Pull Through 3 10 :60 Single Arm cable Row 3 12-15 :60 BB Bicep Curl 3 6-8 :60 Dips on Bench 3 Cable Tricep Variation Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 4-6 reps each leg 8-12 reps each leg 12-15 reps each side Elevate your feet on a dumbbell to make it more challenging AMRAP :30-60 4 6-8 Notes Drop set each set x10 :60 Day 4 Recovery Day Day 5 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Wide Grip Pull Ups 5 4-6 :60 Shoulder Press 5 6-8 :60 Close Grip Bench Press 3 4-6 :60 BB Preacher Curl 4 10-12 :60 Incline DB Press 5 8-12 :60 DB Rear Delt Fly 3 10 :30-60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement Drop set last set x20 100 Day 6 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Leg Extension Sets Reps 5 15-20 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 Squeeze at the top of each rep. Allow yourself one 3 second break each set if necessary Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep BB Squats 5 7 :90+ BB Narrow Squats 3 15 :90+ DB Walking Lunge 4 8-10 :60 DB Box Step Ups 3 10 :60 Weighted Frog Pumps 5 12 :60 A.1 Hamstring Curl 3 12-15 :60 A.2 Seated Calf Machine 3 6-8 :30-60 Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 8-10 reps each leg Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction Day 7 Recovery Day 101 Week 11 Week 11 Notes: This is the final week of this block. Note that after this week you will deload and take it easy in the gym. You should be giving your max effort and making this the best week you have had in the gym thus far. Try to set PR’s (personal records) when and where appropriate. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 102 Week 11 Day 1 Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps Sumo Deadlifts 5 5 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :90+ Keep your upper body braced while you keep constant tension throughout your legs. The wider your stance the more glute and hamstring dominant. The closer the stance the more quad focused the exercise becomes BB Bulgarian Split Squats 5 6-8 :90 Cable Rear Delts 4 8-10 :60 BB Row 5 6-8 :60 Standing Single Arm DB OHP 3 8-10 :60 8-10 reps each side Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement. Plant your feet into the ground to create power. Lower the bar just below your breastbone Flat DB Bench 4 6-8 :60 Dips 3 6-8 :60 Cable Curls 3 15 :60 Standing Calf Machine 5 15 :60 103 Day 2 Back & Shoulders Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Standing Single Arm DB Press 3 8-10 :60 Rear Delt Pec Dec 2 20 :30 Single Arm Cable Row 4 10-12 :60 Wide Grip Pull Ups 5 5 :60 Smith Machine Press 3 8-10 :60 Supinated Lat Pull Down 3 10-12 :60 A.1 DB Side Raise 6 15 :60 A.2 Rope Face Pulls 4 20 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 8-10 reps each side 10-12 reps each side Drop set x10 Day 3 Glutes & Arms Lifts/Exercises Weighted Hyper Extensions Banded BB Hip Thrust BB RDL'S Sets Reps 3 15 5 2 6-8 12-15 RIS Weight 4 5 6 Notes :90 :60 Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings Drive through your heel as you come to the top of each rep. 8-12 reps each leg 8-12 :60 Seated DB Bicep Curl 3 8-12 :60 Cable Tricep Pull Down 5 8-12 :60 Single Arm Bicep Variation 4 15-20 :60 10-12 3 Use a band and place it above your knees 3 3 2 :60 DB Walking Lunge Lying Single Arm DB Skull Crushers 1 :60 Keep your elbows tucked by the side of your ears 104 Day 4 Recovery Day Day 5 Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Push Press 5 7 :90 DB Row 4 10-12 :60 Cable Side Raise 4 20 :60 DB Incline bench 3 10 :60 Wide Grip Tricep Push Down 3 10 :60 Wide High Row (Rear Delts) 3 20 :60 Rope Crunches 3 15-20 :30 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes As you begin to press, drop into a shallow squat, focus on driving your head forward until you reach the top of the movement Drop set each set x12 105 Day 6 Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS BB Squats 5 3-5 :90+ Narrow Smith Machine Squats 3 10-12 :6090 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep Hamstring Curl 4 15-20 :60 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction Single Leg RDL 3 5-6 :50 5-6 reps each leg DB Bulgarian Split Squats 3 10 :60 10 reps each leg Squeeze at the top of each rep A.1 Leg Extension 3 12-15 :60 A.2 Standing Calf Raises 3 8-10 :60 Day 7 Recovery Day 106 Week 12 Week 12 Notes: YAY! ITS TIME TO DELOAD AGAIN! We are extremely proud of you for making it this far and are just about finish the program entirely! The general approach to deloading is to reduce all of your lift intensities by 40-60% for one week. EX: If you are deadlifting something like 225lb you will cut the weight down by 80-120lbs while keeping the sets and reps the same. It is not just a full rest week. Refer back to the weight you have been lifting the previous weeks and follow the directions above. And remember, deloading is extremely important to prevent over training, injury, improve recovery and give your central nervous system a breather. Full Body Warm Up/ Movement Prep - Worlds Best Stretch- x10 second hold each side 1.Begin in a Push up position with hands below shoulders 2. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Your right knee should be resting on floor, like a lunge 3. Rotate away from your body and reach towards the ceiling 5. Complete the movement by returning your left hand back to its starting position, left foot returning you back into a push up position - Inch Worm- Walk out with hands, walk feet up to hands x5 - 90-90- 5 each side -Quad stretch (standing)- 30 seconds each side Activation -Band walks (repeat twice) -lateral steps x10 -forward walk x10 Backwards walk x10 -Downward Dog to Cobra x5 Exercises for recovery days: Total body foam roll. Foam roll sore areas or large muscle groups only 2 mins on each muscle group. Stretch each muscle for 30 seconds, or focus on your personal “trouble” areas, like tight hip flexors or glutes. -Low lunge – 1 minute hold on each side -Shoulder and triceps stretch – 2 minutes (1 minute each) -Seated hamstring stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg -Quadriceps- psoas stretch – 1 to 2 minutes each leg 107 -Goblet squat hold – 2 minutes -Seated groin stretch – 2 minutes 108 Week 12 Day 1 Deload Full Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes Perform each set moderate/light Abduction Machine 2 30 :30 BB Banded Hip Thrust 3 6-8 :60-90 BB RDL's 3 6-8 :60 DB Row 3 8-10 :60 Neutral spine, have a slight bend in your knees, slowly lower the weight, feel the stretch, pull back up with your hamstrings Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement Incline Chest Press 3 6-8 :60 BB Shoulder Press 3 4-6 :90 Calf Exercise of Choice 3 12 :60 Rope Crunches 3 20 :30-60 DB Bicep Curl Day 2 Deload Back & Shoulders Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Lat Rope Pull Through 3 6-8 :60 Single Arm Cable Row 3 8-10 :30-60 DB Side Raise 5 20 :60 Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 3-5 :60 Single Arm Press on Cable 3 8-12 :60 Plate Row 2 12-15 :60 Face Pulls 3 10 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 8-10 reps each side 8-12 reps each side 109 Day 3 Deload Glutes & Arms Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS BB Step Back Lunge 2 10 :60 BB Banded Glute Bridge 3 20 :60 Hamstring Curl 3 12 :60 DB Sumo Squats 2 12-15 :60 Narrow Seated Row 3 12-15 :60 DB Alternating Bicep Curl 2 8-10 :60 A.1 Dips 2 6 :60 A.2 Cable Tricep Variation 2 6-8 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes 10 reps each leg Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction Focus on keeping your chest up, pull back with your elbows, and squeeze on each contraction Day 4 Deload Recovery Day 110 Day 5 Deload Upper Body Lifts/Exercises Sets Reps RIS Push Press 3 4-6 :60 BB Row 3 6-8 :60 DB Bench Press 3 6-8 :60 DB Rear Delt Fly 3 10 :3060 Cable Bicep Variation 3 6 :3060 Single Arm Tricep Extension 2 10 :60 Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes As you begin to press, drop into a shallow squat, focus on driving your head forward until you reach the top of the movement Keep your lats retracted throughout the entire movement. Plant your feet into the ground to create power. Lower the bar just below your breastbone 10 reps each arm 111 Day 6 Deload Lower Body Lifts/Exercises Leg Extension Sets Reps 3 BB Squats 3 Narrow Stance Smith Machine Squats 3 DB Bulgarian Split Squats 2 Hamstring Curl BB Hip Thrust Seated Calf Machine 3 3 10 4-6 RIS Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes :60 Squeeze at the top of each rep :90 Stand with feet around shoulder width apart. Brace core. Spread the floor with your feet throughout each rep 12-15 :90 8-10 10 15 :60 8-10 reps each leg :60 Press your hips into the pad. Hold for 2 seconds each contraction :60 Use a band and place it above your knees 2 12-15 :60 Day 7 Deload Recovery Day 112