Single beam multi beam What is sound? Sound is not a thing, nor is it matter. It is a process of oscillation or vibration. It is produce by a sound generator such as... Horn, musical instrument, which puts adjoining particles of the ambient medium (gases, fluids or solid bodies) into vibration. Propogation of sound: When a particle is induced to oscillate, it pushes or pulls its neighbors and transmits the oscillating energy to them. In this way the oscillation spreads from particle to particle, in every direction, without the particles changing their location. Thus in sound propagation, it is the energy that is transported, not mass. Number of oscilations Frequency:The number of oscillations ,or the number of vawes produced in one second. -1000 oscillations or cycles are called one kilocyle -The human ear senses oscillations between about 16 and 20000 cycles per second. -Oscillations theat have a frequency of more than 20000 c/s ,whisch the human ear does not hear are termed Ultrasound. In echo sounding “ultrasound” is used. Velocity of Sound Velocity of sound vawe is different in each medium. In water(fluid) sound propagated more quickly than air. In steel it propagated more quickly than water. No sound is propagated in a vacum. Air 1000 feet /sec Water 4500 feet/sec Iron 15300feet/sec Distance travelled =(velocityX Time)/2 Velocity=1500m/s in salt water Time=time taken for the return journey in seconds Distance=depth beneath the transducer in metres. ************************************************ Time=1 second, depth=750 m, Time=0.1 second, depth=75 m. Forms of the transmitted acoustic energy 1- A continous vawe system, -needs two transducers, -phase difference between the transmitted and returned signals is used to calculate the depth. 2-The pulse system, -rapid, short, high intensity pulses are transmitted and received by a single transducer. -is used widely The Transducer: The transducer is a converter of energy Types of transducers: 1-Magnetostrictive 2-Electrostrictive Magnetostrictive Transducer: -a bar of ferromagnetic material is wounded by acoil.. -A large current is passed through the coil resulting magnetic field produced. -this will couse the bar to change in length -Nickel is used. Electrostrictive Transducer (Piezo-electric) Certain materials such as Rochelle salt and quartz, exhibitpressure electric effects when they are subjected to mechanical stress. Displays: 1-The chart recorder: -provide a past record of depth indication. IMO resolution A224(VII) performance standards for echo sounding equipment “The primary presentationshould be a graphical display which provides the immediate depth and a visible record of sounding. The record should show at least 15 minute of soundings.” When an electrical current is sent for transmission, a stylus conduct conducts an electrical current through the paper to the metal desk. The electrical chargeburns a nonconductive coating off the special paper, leaving a trace on the graph. When signal returns,the stylus once again passes an electrical charge through the paper to the metal desk, leaving a second trace on the graph. The Digital Display: Unable to provide a past record of depth indication. The Rotating l.e.d. Display Visual Display Unit (VDU) Echoes are processed and digitized, and displayed in many different colours and arrangements. The colour is a function of echo intensity. Most echo sounders are capable of indicating depth in Fathoms, Feet or Meters Controls of Echo Sounders. Illumination Control. The illumination control provides continuous regulation of the illumination of the echogram and the front panel controls. . Receiver Gain Control. This control regulates the amplification of the received signals. Range Selector. This control selects the basic ranges according to the table given under technical specifications. In position 0 the recorder is switched off and the depth will be shown only on the digital depth indicator. The depth warning and any remote depth indicators will be operational Maintenance: The transducers must not be painted,sanded and scrapped. Multiple echoes