PRE - ORAL DEFENSE RUBRIC Student Name: Research Title: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Individual Aspect Introduction Completeness Speaking Skills Questions and Answers 5 Content Organization Collaborative Performance Appearance and Rapport with Audience 2 Contains a complete but somewhat disorganized overview statement. Addresses all required lab guideline elements very well. Uses presentation resources as a guide, gives detailed explanations, is easily understandable, and keeps eye contact with the audience. Answers questions clearly and accurately. Addresses most of the required lab guideline elements fairly well. Relies heavily on presentation to make report; somewhat comfortable with the topic. Group Performance Category Subject Knowledge and Resource Information 3 Contains a complete and well organized overview statement. Answers only some of the questions well. Score Provides no overview statement or statement is so short as to be useless. Addresses few of the lab guideline elements or does so poorly. Essentially reads the material from a presentation to make the report; clearly uncomfortable with the topic. Answers none of the answer questions well. Total Points 5 4 3 Students demonstrate full knowledge of the subject. Information is accurate and relevantÍž required details are carefully chosen to make the presentation more meaningful. Presentation is focused, logical and includes all the required elements that are presented in a well-organized sequence. Presentation is between 3 to 5 minutes. All the group members contribute consistently and actively to the group work and participate in the oral presentation equally. Students demonstrate most knowledge of the subject. Information is accurate and relevantÍž required details are largely presented. Presentation is focused, logical and includes most required elements. Presentation is between 3 to 5 minutes. Students demonstrate limited knowledge of the subject. Information is accurate and required details are limited. Presentation is focused and includes limited required elements. Presentation is between 3 to 5 minutes. Some group members contribute consistently and actively to the group work and participate in the oral presentation. Some group members appear confident, have good posture, and engage audience. All the group members appear confident with enthusiasm, have good posture, and engage audience. Most group members contribute consistently and actively to the group work and all the group members participate in the oral presentation. Most group members appear confident with enthusiasm, have good posture, and engage audience. Total Points Score