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Moral Decision Making: Case Studies & Reflections

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Name: Lu, Ling Ling T.
Course/Block: BSA-2A
Title: Reason and Impartiality as a Minimum Requirement for Morality.
Module No.5
Lesson 2: Reason and Impartiality as a Minimum Requirement for Morality.
Activity 2.1
Answer the following problem using the 7 steps Model for Making Moral Decision.
1. You need money for the heart transplant of your brother and your friend offers you
money which cost 500,000php in exchange of delivering illegal drugs to a drug lord.
What would be your decision?
Gather the facts
Determine the ethical issues
Identify the principles that have a bearing
on the case
List the alternatives
I need to know where did my friend get the
500,000, how much money do I need for my
brother’s heart transplant, how much time do I
have for my brother to survive, the dangers
awaiting for me if I’ll deliver illegal drugs,
what kind of drug it is, how heavy that crime
for that, and if there’s any other ways I can
consider such as if my brother has insurance.
The ethical issue here is deciding if I’ll choose
delivering illegal drugs for my brother.
However, it is against social and my personal
morality. Furthermore, If I only have limited
time and I have no other ways, my
brother’s life is the greatest factor I’m
A man must be righteous. He/she must not defy
the laws and not cause any danger to anyone.
He/she may save his/her brother but those
delivered drugs may cause another’s
life. His/her actions can become a way for
greater evil.
 Let’s see if my brother has insurance
so I won’t have to worry for the bills.
 I can ask for donations. Maximize the
use of social media and any other
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Compare alternatives with principles
I’ll see if I can borrow money to
righteous people. I can work double
soon after my brother’s health become
more stable.
 If I have savings then I’ll just use that.
The first four I listed as alternatives match with
the principles I stated so it’s good to follow. It’s
more difficult and requires hard- work but it’ll
be all worth it if I can save my brother and
maintain my pride and dignity as a human with
character and morals.
Assess the consequences
There’s no opposing alternatives offered,
however the first offer before any alternatives
is a complete opposite of the latter. If I ever
took that action, I might go to prison and cause
harm to others; moreover, I might lose my
brother too.
The consequences of the listed alternatives are:
-my brother can have the hope of successful
-I might end up having harder life with all the
financial problems I might face if I borrow
-I might end up losing opportunity like if I use
my savings meant for expenses for me to work
abroad or if it’s a saving for my tuition fees.
-I can maintain my pride and dignity as a
Make a decision
I’ll choose any of the stated alternatives but if
I’m cornered with time and have no other
choice, I might lose my brother if I have no
money so I might just deliver drugs then face
the consequences of my own actions then I’ll
help the police to pinpoint the drug lord so I
can immediately stop any greater evil I’ve
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
2. Your father murdered by a criminal and you find that culprit. What will be your
Gather the facts
Do I have crucial evidences or none? How to
testify? What is the juridical process to
process? Who’s the criminal regarding social
status and personal relationship with my father
and me? Reason behind the murder.
Determine the ethical issues
Emotions can greatly affect one’s own
reasoning so we must learn how to control our
anger. It’ll be a great ethical issue if you’ll
choose to get revenge with your own hand
than to rely to justice system. Especially in a
case where the criminal is in justice position
like a police, attorney, judge or anyone so
powerful than you that can easily
bribe those who are in positions. Self-revenge
is really tempting.
“Thou shalt not kill.” (10 commandments)
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged.
Do not condemn, and you will be forgiven.”Luke 6:37
“Do not take revenge my dear friends, but
leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written:
“It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the
Lord.” –Romans 12:19
 I can forgive but not forget. Just let
everything in God’s wrath.
 I won’t forgive and I won’t forget, but
I’ll leave everything to God.
 I’ll see if it’s possible to sue the culprit
without endangering any family
member I have so we can have justice
for our father.
 I can plan on punishing him in my own
ways in a legal way. Like working to
be successful then uncover all his dirty
 If I have the evidences and the culprit
isn’t that big then I’ll sue him/her.
Identify the principles that have a bearing
on the case
List the alternatives
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Compare alternatives with principles
Assess the consequences
Make a decision
Not doing anything that is bad isn’t against the
stated principles. However, some of my
alternatives are opposed to the principle of
Luke 6:37. I can control my anger, but I can’t
just forgive and forget specially if I can see
that culprit living well.
Taking revenge like killing or hurting him will
only leave me in bad faith. I can never have
my father back and I’ll lose myself in the
The consequences of my alternatives:
-if I successfully sued the culprit then it’s still
sad but at least we knew that the culprit is
getting the punishment it deserves.
-If I can’t sue him due to complicated and
unsafe situation and just choose to not forgive
but not take revenge, I might not be forgiven
since I can’t accept what happened.
-If I worked hard just to be big enough to ruin
his life in a legal way, I may be satisfied and
not face any lawful punishment but I
think I might receive punishment to God.
I’m not kind so I won’t forgive. The culprit
ruined our family. If it’s safe to sue the culprit
then I’ll definitely sue him/her, no matter what
reason she/he has. I might forgive based on
his/her reasons after some time but I’ll not take
back my decision on suing the culprit, he/she
must be punished.
I’ll do everything just for the culprit to get the
punishment he/she deserves, of course in legal
ways. However, I wouldn’t make this my main
reason to be successful instead the remaining
family members of mine.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Learning Task
Answer this CODE questions. Minimum of 5 sentences and maximum of 7 sentences. 5
points each.
Courage to be moral requires:
Develop and practice self-discipline, keeping yourself to your morals and
sustaining your dignity take so much practice as we grow and experience things.
Practice is needed to make your morals as your skin that can never be just a cloth
that can be stripped off in any situation. Having strong mentally keeps you away
from bad influences; it’ll be easier for you to be the person you wanted to be.
Draw inspiration from people of great courage, keep your motivation up.
Repeatedly do acts that exhibit moral courage and will, make these your habit so
you’ll never lose your morals and character in any cases. Avoid deeds that show
lack of moral courage and will, focus on your self-growth as an individual with
character and moral that can’t be easily shook off.
Obligations to honour (What is the right thing to do?)
Listen to your conscience. Keep your morals and have the will to
breakthrough without losing it. Hold your principles. Don’t be afraid to
stand alone, even if everyone’s taking the different path. If your
conscience, morals, and principles tell you what feels right then stay
there. Just remember that sometimes, right things don’t mean the easy
and happy ones.
Danger management (What do I need to handle my fear?)
Take your time. Don’t force yourself too much but push yourself little by
little to conquer your fears. But sometimes, we don’t have to keep conquering it
when we can live bravely facing it. As long as you won’t let your fears consume
you, as long as it doesn’t drag you down, it’s okay to fear. It’s okay to cry. It’s
okay to live with fears, as long as you keep on progressing. That’s so brave of
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Expression and action (What action do I need to take to maintain my
Maintain good habits. The person you’re dreaming to be is built in your
daily routines. Just keep practicing on not losing your morals and keep the
momentum of your will. Avoid deeds that will make you leave your morals. In
this way you can be a person who’s unbothered by non-sense opinions, hatespeeches, and unhealthy criticisms. Once you practice, stick with it, in this way
your actions and words will remain in good character and you’ll maintain the
integrity you have as a person.