Uploaded by Chris Jane Pasignahin Flores

Teaching Profession Module Learning Tasks

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac,
Olongapo City
Tel. no.: (047) 602-7175
Flores, Chris Jane P.
The Teaching Profession
Module 8 Learning Tasks
IV. Learning Tasks
Learning Task No. 1
Direction: To find out how much you have learned from this module, answer the following
application questions:
a. Describe a safe and well-maintained learning environment
The school is a place wherein students feel safety and cared aside from home.
They (students) will come to school because they believe, people inside that can’t
harm them and if they do they can’t get away with it easily. A safe and wellmaintained learning environment for me does not tolerate things that can harm
both learners and school employee (teaching and non-teaching staffs) like
bullying, serious threats (bomb threats, terrorism) and even discrimination. The
learning environment can be safe if it is well-maintained; school orders are kept
and school policies are observed. Also, a safe and well-maintained learning
environment focuses on academic nurturing and has a harmonious relationship
between learners and staffs.
b. Formulate five indicators of teacher’s mastery of content knowledge and
its interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas.
Apply appropriate and meaningful pedagogy
Proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
Skills in the use of communication strategies
Skills in the use of teaching strategies
Skills in the use of technologies
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac,
Olongapo City
Tel. no.: (047) 602-7175
c. Give five examples of assessment tools and strategies used by teachers
in monitoring, evaluating, documenting and reporting learners’ needs, progress
and achievement. (Get data from online and offline sources).
Checklists, rating scales, rubrics
Journal Reflections
Graphic Organizers
d. What limitations do you see that prevent teachers from undertaking
professional updating and development?
Poor or non-participation in activities—inaccessibility of resources
Lack of interest by some educators—mostly those who are near retirement are
reluctant to participate
Poor planning—Portal’s capacity disadvantages the educators’ reporting process
Selective reporting—most of these activities are not linked to their individual
development needs
e. Is there really a need to establish learning environments that are responsive to
learners’ diversity? Why or why not?
Yes because one factor that can affect the learner’s learning is the environment
itself. To have an effective teaching and learning process, class environment and
diversity of the learners should be consider. The tendency of not creating learning
environment that can help the learners grow is that somehow they can feel being
neglected and unheard, that’s a major problem because the next thing would be
affected is their eagerness to learn. If that eagerness are not visible anymore then
the worst effect is coming which is deciding not to attend school anymore. Our
learners’ needs are important even if it is small or a big one and we as educator
needs to at least hear them and do something that can help them learn in the class
regardless of their diverse nature.
f. As a future teacher, what benefits can you derive from studying the
Philippine professional Standards for teachers?
When working, expectations are needed to be met. I’ve learned that the profession
I am about to hold can change one mind to become better citizen of his/her
country. And to be able to change that mind I should have qualities that inclined
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac,
Olongapo City
Tel. no.: (047) 602-7175
in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers. Domains and strands can
help me to gradually increase my level and achieve qualities that the Philippine
teacher should have. As a future educator I should be growing personally and
professionally to become better in my profession and in my society. Those
standards that describe the expectations of teacher’s knowledge, practice and
professional engagement will benefit me in the future on how and what should I
possess in order to have a smooth teaching and learning experience. For example,
content knowledge it is not one go process but gradually making myself an
exemplary. I should start as a beginner that aims to learn things in the field and
end as a distinguished teacher that can help my co-teacher to have qualities that is
set or describe by Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac,
Olongapo City
Tel. no.: (047) 602-7175
Learning Task No. 2
Direction: Matching Type: In order to understand the concepts learned in this module; match
the concepts in Column A with that of the description in Column B. Write the letter of your
answer on the box for each number.
1. J
Content Knowledge
a. Broad conceptual sphere of
teaching and learning
practices defined by specific
strands in the set of
professional standards for
2. A
b. Public document that
defines teacher quality
through well-defined
domains, strands and
indicators that provide
measures of professional
learning, competent practice
and effective engagement.
3. B
Professional Standards for
c. Knowledge and skills
acquisition designed with a
clear purpose, goal or
objective in mind.
4. I
d. Teaching materials that
teachers use in order to
enhance teaching and
5. C
Purposive Learning
e. Something most teachers do
everyday as they reflect on
their professional practice ,
work together and share
ideas and strive to improve
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac,
Olongapo City
Tel. no.: (047) 602-7175
learner outcomes.
6. E
Professional Learning
f. Teachers working together
with colleagues and other
stakeholders to enrich the
teaching – learning practice.
7. H
Learning Programs
g. Products and performance
targets through which
students demonstrate the
knowledge, skills and
attitudes they have learned.
8. D
Teaching and learning resources
h. Organized and sequenced
set of strategies, activities
and tasks that effect
9. G
Learning Outcomes
i. More specific dimensions of
teacher practice under every
domain in the set of
professional standards for
10. F
Professional Collaboration
j. Competence that teachers
are expected to master for
them to teach efficiently
and effectively.