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Goods, Services, Needs, Wants Worksheet

Name: ______________________________________Date:_______________
Goods and Services/Needs and Wants
1. A good is:
a) something you can buy at the store
b) something someone does for you
c) something that grows from a tree
2. A services is:
a) something you eat
b) something you hit your brother with
c) something someone does for you
3. This is a good or service?
a) good
b) service
4. This is a good or service?
a) good
b) service
5. This is a good or service?
a) good
b) service
6. Write a detailed description of a good and give examples:
7. Write a detailed description of a service and give examples:
8. A need is:
a) something you must have or you will die
b) something you would like to have
9. A want is:
a) something you must have or you will die
b) something you would like to have
10. Write a detailed description of a need and give examples:
10. Write a detailed description of a want and give examples: