Uploaded by Bruno Santos

LTE Radio Network KPIs: Accessibility, Retainability, Mobility

KPI in LTE Radio Network
KPI System Overview
Setup SR
• Call Setup
• Call Drop
( Intra/Inter
• Call Setup
• HO in SR
• Radio
ity Rate
• Inter-RAT
• Cell UL/DL
• Radio
• Access
• Service
• Service
• Interrupt
Radio Network KPI :
Service KPI :
Focus on the radio network performance
Focus on the user experience
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Accessibility (1) – RRC Setup Success Rate
 RRC Setup Success Rate (service)
The RRC setup procedure is trigged by different reasons as identified by the establishmentCause field in
the RRCConnctionRequest message: emergency, highPriorityAccess, mt-Access, mo-Signalling, mo-Data,
The UE sets the establishmentCause and received by eNodeB. Causes except mo-Signalling are
categorized as service related ones, and the cause of mo-Signalling is categorized as signal related ones.
This KPI evaluates the RRC setup success rate with service related causes in a cell or cluster.
RRC _ SSRService 
RRC _ Connection Success service
RRC _ Connection Attempt service
 RRC Setup Success Rate (Signal)
This KPI evaluates the RRC setup success rate with signal related
causes (mo-Signalling) in a cell or cluster.
RRC _ SSRSignal 
RRC _ Connection Success Signal
RRC _ Connection Attempt Signal
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Accessibility (2) – Counter Mapping for RRC SSR
L.RRC.ConnReq.Succ …
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Accessibility (3) – QCI Definition
 LTE-SAE QoS Class Identifier
There are 9 QCIs defined in 3GPP TS 23.203. Each of QCI has its QoS requirements, and each E-RAB will
has the attribute of QCI.
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Accessibility (4) – ERAB Setup Success Rate
VoIP ERAB Setup Success Rate
This KPI can be used to evaluate the ERAB setup success
rate of VoIP service (QCI 1 service) in a cell or cluster.
VoIP _ ERAB _ SetupSuccess
VoIP _ ERAB _ SetupAttempt
 ERAB Setup Success Rate (All)
This KPI can be used to evaluate the ERAB setup success
rate of all services including the VoIP service in a cell or
a cluster.
ERAB _ SetupSuccess
ERAB _ SetupAttempt
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Accessibility (5) – Counter Mapping for ERAB SSR
ERAB Setup Attempt
ERAB Setup Success Counters
ERAB Setup Attempt
ERAB Setup Success Counters
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Accessibility (6) – Call Setup Success Rate
VoIP Call Setup Success Rate (VoIP CSSR)
This KPI evaluates the success rate of the whole setup procedure for VoIP service (QCI 1
service) in a cell or cluster, which mainly includes three phases : RRC setup phase, S1
Signaling connection establishment phase and VoIP E-RAB setup phase:
RRC _ ConnectionSuccessService S1SIGConnectionEstablishSuccess VoIP _ ERAB _ SetupSuccess
RRC _ ConnectionAttempt Service S1SIGConnectionEstablishAttempt VoIP _ ERAB _ SetupAttempt
RRC _ ConnectionSuccessService S1SIGConnectionEstablishSuccess ERAB _ SetupSuccess
RRC _ ConnectionAttemptService S1SIGConnectionEstablishAttempt ERAB _ SetupAttempt
Call Setup Success Rate (ALL)
This KPI can be used to evaluate the call setup success rate of all services including the VoIP
service in a cell or a cluster. This KPI mainly includes three phases : RRC setup phase, S1 Signaling
connection establishment phase and service E-RAB setup phase:
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Accessibility (7) – Counter Mapping for CSSR
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Retainability (1) – Call Drop Rate
VoIP Call Drop Rate
This KPI can be used to evaluate the call drop rate of VoIP service (QCI 1 service) in a cell or cluster, the call drops
happen when eNode initiate active ERAB (with data in buffer) release process by E-RAB Release Indication or UE
Context Release Request message with Cause field with abnormal reasons (the cause other than : Normal Release,
Detach,User Inactivity, cs fallback triggered, UE Not Available For PS Service,or Inter-RAT redirection), and all of the
other E-RAB releases are consider as normal E-RAB release. VoIP _ CDR  VoIP _ ERAB _ Abnormal Re lease 100%
VoIP _ ERAB _ Re lease
Call Drop Rate(ALL)
This KPI can be used to evaluate the call drop rate of all services in
a cell or a cluster, including VoIP service.
ERAB _ Abnormal Re lease
ERAB _ Re lease
Call Drop Rate(Always Online)
This KPI can be used to evaluate the call drop rate of all the services, including the VoIP services, when the always
online state is active. In always online state, the E-RAB number of UE entering the un-synchronous state from
synchronous state will be considered for the KPI calculating.
AlwaysOnline _ CDR 
ERAB Re leaseOfAlwaysOnline
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Retainability (2) – Counter Mapping for Call Drop Rate
Normal and Abnormal
release Counters based on
the cause
Normal and Abnormal
release Counters based on
the cause
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Retainability (3) - Call Setup Complete Rate
VoIP Call Setup Complete Rate (VoIP CSTR)
This KPI evaluates the call Setup Complete Rate for VoIP service (QCI 1 service) in a cell or cluster,
which means the rate of the VoIP service can be normally terminated once user do the attempt to
setup the service. And it can include 4 phases: RRC setup phase, S1 Signaling connection
establishment phase, VoIP E-RAB setup phase and VoIP service E-RAB release phase;
RRC _ ConnectionSuccessService S1SIGConnectionEstablishSuccess VoIP _ ERAB _ SetupSuccess VoIP _ ERAB _ Normal Re lease
RRC _ ConnectionAttemptService S1SIGConnectionEstablishAttempt VoIP _ ERAB _ SetupAttempt
VoIP _ ERAB _ Re lease
Call Setup Complete Rate (ALL)
The similar as upper KPI, this KPI will evaluate the success rate in totally for 4 phases: RRC setup phase,
S1 Signaling connection establishment phase, service E-RAB setup phase and service E-RAB release
RRC _ ConnectionSuccessService S1SIGConnectionEstablishSuccess ERAB _ SetupSuccess ERAB _ Normal Re lease
RRC _ ConnectionAttemptService S1SIGConnectionEstablishAttempt ERAB _ SetupAttempt
ERAB _ Re lease
Call Setup Complete Rate (Always Online)
The similar as upper KPI, this KPI will evaluate the success rate in totally for 4 phases: RRC setup phase,
S1 Signaling connection establishment phase, service E-RAB setup phase and service E-RAB release
phase (when the always online state is active);
CSTR( AlwaysOnline) 
RRC _ ConnectionSuccessService S1SIGConnectionEstablishSuccess ERAB _ SetupSuccess ERABAbnormalReleaseOfAlwaysOnline
RRC _ ConnectionAttemptService S1SIGConnectionEstablishAttempt ERAB _ SetupAttempt
ERAB Re leaseOfAlwaysOnline
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Retainability (4) - Counter Mapping for CSCR
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Mobility (1) – Intra-LTE Handover (Out) Success Rate
Intra-frequency Handover Out Success Rate
This KPI can be used to evaluate the intra-frequency handover
out success rate in a cell or cluster.
IntraF _ HOOut _ SR 
IntraF _ HOOutSuccess
IntraF _ HOOutAttem pt
Inter-frequency Handover Out Success Rate
This KPI can be used to evaluate the inter-frequency handover
out success rate in a cell or cluster.
InterF _ HOOut _ SR 
InterF _ HOOutSuccess
InterF _ HOOutAttem pt
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Mobility (2) – Counter Mapping for Intra-LTE HO SR
Handover Attempt Counters
Handover Success Counters
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Mobility (3) - Intra-LTE Handover In Success Rate
Handover In Success Rate
This KPI can be used to evaluate the handover in success
rate in a cell or cluster.
HOIn _ SR 
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Mobility (4) - Counter Mapping for Intra-LTE HO In SR
HO in Attempt Counters
HO in Success Counters
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Mobility (5) – Inter-RAT Handover Success Rate
Inter-RAT Handover Success Rate (LTE to WCDMA)
This KPI can be used to evaluate the inter-RAT handover success rate
from LTE to WCDMA in a cluster.
IRATHO _ L2W _ SRout 
IRATHO _ L 2W _ SuccessOut
IRATHO _ L2W _ AttemptOut
IRATHO _ L2G _ SRout 
IRATHO _ L2G _ SuccessOut
IRATHO _ L2G _ AttemptOut
Inter-RAT Handover Success Rate (LTE to GERAN)
This KPI can be used to evaluate the inter-RAT handover success rate from LTE to GERAN in a cluster.
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Mobility (6) – Inter-RAT Handover Success Rate
Inter-RAT Handover Success Rate (LTE to CDMA2000)
This KPI can be used to evaluate the inter-RAT handover success rate from
LTE to CDMA2000 in a cluster.
IRATHO _ L2C _ SRout 
IRATHO _ L2C _ SuccessOut
IRATHO _ L2C _ AttemptOut
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Mobility (7) – Counter Mapping for Inter-RAT HO SR
B point , HO attempt, and
distinguish the target system by an
element “targetRAT-Type ” in the
C point, HO
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