Writing Technical Reports A technical report is used to convey important findings or test results to a controlled audience. Technical reports seldom undergo peer review Distribution of Technical report is done at the discretion of the author or employee Writing Technical Reports The typical technical report is between two and twenty pages long in content and form. Technical documents require considerable thought and preparation Introduction Most technical reports contain the fallowing elements: Instruction (or Background), Experimental setup (if applicable), theory, Data, Analysis, and Conclusion Introduction: The Introduction serves as a preamble to the document and states its reason for having been written, the introduction of a technical report can occupy a paragraph, a page, or many pages. Experimental Set out & theory Experimental setup: if the document describes the result of an experiment, a section should be included that describes the physical setup. it should describe instruments, apparatus, mechanical techniques, dimensions, and other key parameters. Data Data: The data section includes the results of any experiments or tests that were performed. It should explain why each set of data is presented, how it was obtained, and what bearing it has on the main purpose of the document. A report is likely to be used later as a Reference source, so it’s important to present data completely and accurately. Analysis Analysis: The analysis section is where the data are evaluated, interpreted, and used to support any claim made in the report. All mathematical calculation belongs in this section, as do plots and charts derived from the data. In some cases, particularly in reports that deal with design work, the analysis and data sections appear in reverse order. First the analysis of the device is presented, followed by data on tests that show whether the device meets the predictions of the analysis Conclusion Conclusion: The conclusion is used to summarize the claims, results, and observations included in the report. The conclusion should be a standalone section that summarizes all the key points