5th grade Literature Number the Stars Student Choice Project Category Topic Content Writing/Vocabulary/Description Graphics/ Pictures/Model Creative Overall Presentation Name ______________________________ 5 4 3 2 Topic is completely covered and is expanded on. Topic is completely covered but lacks expansion. Topic is lacking a few important or key elements. Topic is not appropriately covered. All facts are accurate and relate to the topic. Most facts are accurate and/or relate to the topic. Few facts are accurate or relate to the topic. Correct terms and definitions are given and are used in a way that is meaningful to the text. Terms and definition are given but one or two words are not used correctly. Graphics go well with text, but the balance of text and graphics is inaccurate, or the model is lacking important components. The presentation is well thought out and uses appropriate materials to present information The presentation is attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Only term or definition is given and/or numerous words are used incorrectly. Graphics go well with the text, or the model created demonstrates comprehension of the text. The presentation is well thought out and uses imaginative and creative materials to present information. Presentation is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Total points possible: 30 Your points: __________ / Grade: ___________ Elements are missing and/or facts are not accurate or relate to the topic. Term or definition is not given or words are not used correctly. Graphics are not appropriate for the text, or the model is not appropriate to the text. Graphics are lacking from the text, or the model has nothing to do with the text. The presentation lacks either materials or is not presented in a way that attractive to the eye The presentation is attractive but lacks an element of neatness or organization. The presentation lacks materials, or is missing elements such as color, design, pictures, etc. The presentation lacks neatness or design, taking away from the content.