Uploaded by Catherine Marie

Food Choices & Disease: Grade 7 Health Assignment

Food Choices and Disease – Grade 7s
Making healthy food choices can positively contribute to our overall health. However, unhealthy choices and a
poor lifestyle may lead to disorders such as:
Type 2 Diabetes
Cardiovascular/Heart disease
Tooth decay
In your groups…
You are to create a poster / PPT / Google slide / Keynote / Prezi presentation exploring one of these diseases /
health complications listed above, and address the following questions:
What is the disease you will be discussing?
Why might someone get this disease or health complication?
What are some symptoms of this disease / health complication?
What foods can assist in preventing or fighting off this disease / health complication?
Food Choices and Disease – Grade 7s Rubric
Name ____________________________
Graphic Support
Level 4
Very well thought out
design. Excellent layout and
All questions were
thoroughly answered in
great detail. All facts are
accurately displayed in the
An exceedingly amount of
graphics were used. All
graphics are related to the
topic and support the
• Demonstrates strong
enthusiasm about topic
during entire presentation
• Significantly increases
audience understanding
and knowledge of topic;
convinces an audience to
recognize the validity and
importance of the subject
• Holds attention of entire
audience with the use of
direct eye contact, seldom
looking at notes
• Speaks with fluctuation in
volume and inflection to
maintain audience interest
and emphasize key points
Guardian’s Signature ______________________________
Level 3
Interesting design.
Layout and neatness
are good.
Many questions were
answered with good
Level 2
Basic design. Layout
and neatness are
Some questions are
answered with
adequate detail
Level 1
Poor design. Layout is
unattractive and messy
Many graphics are
present and most of
them are related to and
support the
• Shows some
enthusiastic feelings
about topic • Raises
understanding and
awareness of most
• Consistent use of
direct eye contact with
audience, but still
returns to notes
• Speaks with
satisfactory variation of
volume and inflection
Few graphics are
present. The ones that
are may or may not
support the topic
No graphics are related
to the topic or there
are few to no graphics
• Shows little or mixed
feelings about the topic
being presented •
Raises audience
understanding and
knowledge of some
• Displays minimal eye
contact with audience,
while reading mostly
from the notes
• Speaks in uneven
volume with little or no
• Shows no interest in
topic presented • Fails
to increase audience
understanding of
knowledge of topic
• Holds no eye contact
with audience, as
entire report is read
from notes
• Speaks in low volume
and/ or monotonous
tone, which causes
audience to disengage
Few questions were
answered with detail