Web Page Performance Task Assessment

Performance Task Assessment
Web Page
Web page shows evidence of effective research
and understanding of concepts relevant to the
Web page reflects accurate, specific, purposeful
information that is extended and expanded to
fully explain the topic.
Supporting details are used effectively to help
explain the concepts.
There are few grammatical or spelling mistakes
and the vocabulary is appropriate to both the
content and the audience.
Capitalization and punctuation are correct
throughout the presentation.
Graphics, sounds, animations, and transitions
are used appropriately to support/enhance the
Information is categorized and presented in a
meaningful order.
Links relate to the topic and graphics and/or
multimedia enhance the content.
Page layout is attractive and enhances the
Use of headings, bullets, tables, centering, and
indents create a balanced and attractive format.
Navigation aids are used to easily move about
within the website.
Graphics enhance the design form and load
Presentation of the Web Page
Earned Assessment
The purpose of the PowerPoint product is
clearly evident to the audience.
The presenter shows evidence of having
rehearsed the presentation. The presentation
flows smoothly with no technical problems.
The presenter responds well to questions during
and/or following the web page presentation.
The presenter checks audience's understanding
of concepts following the presentation.
Copyright, 1998, Baltimore County Public Schools, MD,
all rights reserved. Revised July 2003. This tool may be used for educational, non-profit school use only.
All other uses, transmissions and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly.