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Nursing Midterm 2 Review: Key Concepts & Questions

141 Midterm 2 Review
1. What color is considered cyanosis?: Bluish color
2. The bladder scanner is used for: to measure bladder volume
3. What does a urinalysis test for?: to identify a UTI
4. How is a vesicle described?: Serous fluid-filled lesion
5. A hematoma is: a raised ecchymosis
6. An area to evaluate pitting edema is?: Dorsum of foot (top of foot)
7. How do you inspect for oxygenation?: watch for rate, depth, rhythm, and effort
8. How is a fissure described?: a linear crack
9. What is considered flatulence?: distended abdomen from gas accumulation
10. What is considered constipation?: Difficult and infrequent defecation
11. What nursing action can decrease CAUTI?: prevent obstruction with tubing
12. What does blood creatinine test for?: renal function
13. How is pain categorized?: by duration and origin
14. Idiopathic pain is: chronic pain without a known cause
15. The normal potassium range is: 3.5 to 5 mEq/L
16. The normal magnesium range is: 1.3 to 2.1 mEq/L
17. The normal sodium range: 136 to 145 mEq/L
18. Dehydration is considered?: lack of fluid in the body
19. Hyperkalemia is considered: >5 mEq/L
20. Hyponatremia is considered: <136 mEq/L
21. Hypokalemia is considered: < 3.5 meQ/L
22. What is considered nociceptive pain?: damaged or inflamed tissue
23. What is considered neuropathic pain?: abnormal or damaged nerves
24. What is considered pain threshold?: when a person feels pain
25. A non-opioid analgesic is considered: NSAIDS
26. What symptoms are considered overdosing with opioid medication?: sedation, respiratory
depression, and coma
27. Causes of pain: surgery, trauma, and cancer
28. Pharmacological interventions for pain are: non-opioids, morphine, and opioid analgesics