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SIMATIC Safety V13 Getting Started Guide

SIMATIC Industrial Software SIMATIC Safety V13 - Getting Started
Example Structure and Task Definition
Example Structure and Task Definition
These instructions will guide you step-by-step through a specific example for configuring and
programming with STEP 7 Safety Advanced V13.
You will become acquainted with the basic functions and special features of STEP 7
Safety Advanced V13. It should take one or two hours to work through this example, depending
on your experience.
In order to understand these Getting Started instructions, you need general knowledge of
automation engineering. You also need to be familiar with STEP 7 Professional V13.
There is a risk of personal injury or damage to property.
As a component in plants and systems, the S7-1500 is subject to specific standards and
regulations depending on the area of application. Please note the applicable safety and accident
prevention regulations, e.g., IEC 60204‑1 (General Requirements for Safety of Machinery).
The example in these Getting Started instructions serves as an introduction to configuring and
programming STEP 7 Safety Advanced V13. It does not lead to actual live operation in every
case. Before you do this, we strongly recommended that you read the latest version of the
"SIMATIC Safety - Configuring and Programming" manual and the manuals of the F-modules in
use. The warnings and other notices contained in these manuals must be heeded at all times
even if they are not repeated in this Getting Started.
Serious injury and damage to machines and equipment may result if these regulations are
Este documento es un extracto gratuito, compilado por el propio usuario, de la documentación ofrecida por Siemens para este producto. Se declina cualquier
responsabilidad sobre la integridad de este documento. Esta previsto exclusivamente para fines propios e internos del usuario. No se permite su entrega a terceros.
SIMATIC Industrial Software SIMATIC Safety V13 - Getting Started
Example Structure and Task Definition
Production cell with access protection
Emergency stop
Laser scanner
Safety door
Control panel with start and acknowledgement pushbuttons
The entry to the production area is monitored with a laser scanner. The service area is secured
by a safety door.
Entering the production area or opening the safety door results in a stop or shutdown of the
production cell similar to an emergency stop.
The system can only be started when the emergency stop is cancelled, the safety door is closed,
and the laser scanner detects no one in the protected area. On-site user acknowledgment is
required to restart production after the emergency stop has been activated, the safety door has
been opened or the protected area has reacted.
See also
SIMATIC Safety - Configuring and Programming (http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/
Este documento es un extracto gratuito, compilado por el propio usuario, de la documentación ofrecida por Siemens para este producto. Se declina cualquier
responsabilidad sobre la integridad de este documento. Esta previsto exclusivamente para fines propios e internos del usuario. No se permite su entrega a terceros.