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Personal Development Module: Aspects & Stress

Senior High School
Quarter 1 Module 2:
Aspects of Personal Development
Department of Education • Republic of the Philippine
Personal Development – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Aspects of Personal Development
First Edition, 2020
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This alternative delivery module in Personal Development for the 21 st century
learners in the new normal classroom is designed to make learning more engaging
and meaningful to Senior High School learners in the flexible and blended learning
The module is aimed at the development of practical and doable strategies to
help learners gain effective personal development. The motivation behind this effort is
the recognition that learner’s behavior and personality are influenced by heredity,
internal and external environments, as well as their personal decision in the
development of who they are and what they want to become.
Subsequently, meaningful activities are given in the form of worksheets,
assignments, reflections, and online or virtual activities which allow the learners to
work at their own pace and participate in both synchronous and asynchronous
conferences and discussions.
Enjoy your journey with your learners as you unfold the most interesting and
worthwhile activities in this creative undertakings of the Department of Education
(DepEd), Division of Misamis Oriental.
Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines
Senior High School
Quarter 1 Module 2:
Aspects of Personal Development
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed
by educators from public and private schools, and/or universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at
We value your feedback and recommendations.
Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines
Answer the 10-item Multiple Choice Pre-assessment Test. Encircle the letter of your
correct answer in each of the statement below:
1) Which of the following statements best describes stress among adolescents?
A) Enhanced Community Quarantine/General Community Quarantine
B) Academic work such as assignments and reading activities
C) Family conflict and financial problems
D) All of the above
2) The following are signs of behavioral changes due to stress among adolescents,
A) feeling sick (headaches, shoulder pain, stomach aches, etc.)
B) seeming nervous or anxious
C) withdrawing from friendship groups or activities
D) refusing to go to school
3) Finding it hard to concentrate and losing the thread of thoughts or conversations
as well as making trouble remembering things are signs of;
A) physical stress
C) psychological stress
B) mental stress
D) behavioral stress
4) The following are cognitive functions of the left brain, except;
A) analytical Thoughts and Detail-Oriented perceptions
B) verbal, Math and Science and Planning skills
C) ordered sequencing
D) emotional thoughts
5) It refers to a complex and ongoing process by which differing regions of the brain
takes over the functioning of specific behaviors and cognitive skills.
A) Brain lateralization
C) Stress Management
B) Brain hemisphere
D) Powers of the Mind
6) Which of the following statements best describes emotionally intelligent person?
A) A person who understands only his/her emotions.
B) A person who understands his own and other people’s emotions and feelings
C) A person who understands what other people need and want.
D) A person who understands that life is changing over time.
7) The following are basic Emotional Quotient skills of an individual, except;
A) noticing other’s fault and weaknesses
B) noticing that there are more intelligent people
C) noticing that many people have mental health issues
D) noticing and accurately labeling everyday feelings of people.
8) Which of the following statements is correct?
A) A high IQ (Intelligent Quotients) can predict top test scores; a high EQ
(emotional quotients) can predict success in social and emotional situations.
B) A high IQ can predict emotional stability; a high EQ can predict social skills.
C) A high EQ can predict intellectual capacity; a high IQ can predict emotions.
D)A high EQ can predict social stability; a high IQ can predict physical prowess
9) Which of the following statements best describes managing one’s reactions in a
given situation?
A) Reacting to emotions in a way that is disrespectful, intense and impulsive.
B) Knowing when, where, and how to express yourself.
C) Knowing what to say and how to behave around.
D) Reacting to emotions in a way that is respectful, sober and cool.
10) Being aware of one’s emotions means:
A) labels one’s emotions and feelings as good or bad
B) understands that a person unpredictable, emotions and feelings change.
C) understands that a person needs to work on its emotions.
D) helps manage emotions and understands how other people feel.
Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence
Week 4:7 hours
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:
1) discuss understanding of mental health and psychological well-being to identify
ways to cope with stress during adolescence;
2) identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life; and
3) demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress and maintain mental health.
Let’s do the following activity
1) What school activities do you feel anxious or worried about? How did you cope with
that feeling?
2) How does stress affect your studies?
3) What are the causes of stress among teenagers? Discuss them briefly.
4) How did you effectively handle or cope from stress?
Kristine, a grade 11 GAS senior high school student has received her
second quarter written test results in all her academic subjects where she
scored lower than the passing percentage. Her first quarter performance was
splendid. When she was called by her adviser about the poor performance,
she revealed that she finds it difficult to understand her lessons and did not
make it in the test because she was sad and hopeless. She just lost her
mother and she finds difficult to move on. She needs to take care of her four
younger siblings and do the household chores.
Her father works in the city and goes home once a month. She doesn’t
know what to do. In fact, there was a moment when she wanted to take her
own life if not for her younger siblings. Tears came down from Kristine’s eyes.
The pains are so intense, the yearnings for her mother’s embrace is so
evident, and the cries of the little soul who is uncertain of what lies ahead
breaks everybody’s heart.
Answer the following questions succinctly.
1) What causes Kristine’s poor academic performance for the second quarter of the
academic year?
2) If you were Kristine’s classmate and friend, what would you do to comfort and help
her out of misery?
Stress is common among
teenagers. Recognizing stress and
at the same time learning how to
reduce them are important life skills
for teenagers.
What is stress?
It is the way your body
responds to challenges and gets you
ready to face them with attention,
energy and strength. It gets you
ready for action. When you feel you
can cope with these challenges,
stress gives you the motivation to
get things done. But there can be
problems when your stress is
greater than your ability to cope.
What are the signs of stress to teenagers?
According to Penetrante (2016), there are behavioral, emotional,
physical, and mental signs of stress. Behavioral signs include withdrawal
from friendship groups or activities that the adolescent usually enjoys;
seemingly nervous or anxious; sleeping too little or too much; eating more
“comfort foods”; eating less; wanting to be by herself or himself more than
usual; crying; refusing to go to school; having emotional ‘ups and downs’ for
no obvious reason; having less energy than usual; drinking more caffeinated
products or taking over-the-counter painkillers – paracetamol, codeine or
ibuprofen; being aggressive; going down in schoolwork or results; not caring
about appearance; behaving differently in relationships with parents-for
example and suddenly not talking to you.
In addition, teenagers might also manifest some emotional changes
such as being cranky or moody; feeling sad, down or hopeless; feeling
worthless; finding it hard to relax or switch off; getting angrier more than usual;
feeling that ‘nothing’ is going right and on an ‘emotional rollercoaster ride’.
Subsequently, there are also physical signs of stress such as; feeling
sick--- for example, headaches, shoulder pains, stomach aches, jaw pains; not
being hungry; feels more tired than usual, even if she’s getting enough sleep;
losing or gaining weight; getting frequent colds and infections; having panic
attacks, dizzy spells, and fast breathing.
Furthermore, stress can also affect the mental and thinking state of
the teenagers. Changes such as finding it hard to concentrate and stay
focused; losing the thread of thoughts or conversations; having trouble
remembering things; making snap decisions or errors in judgment; having
trouble organizing and planning or making decisions; and, getting confused or
irrational are observed among stressed teenagers.
What are the causes of stress?
For teenagers, stress may be caused by their academic worries, how
they can get ahead of school in times of Covid-19 Pandemic, looking after and
taking care of their younger siblings, household chores, their friends, family
conflict, Facebook and online concerns, how they look physically, bullying,
discrimination, some financial and economic issues in the family, conformity
with the peer groups, high personal expectations from parents, teachers and
friends, and the like.
How to Cope with Stress?
There are suggestions on how an adolescent cope with stress from American
Psychological Journal (2014):
1. Get enough time for sleep. After doing
assignments, activities and hanging out with
friends, it can be hard to get enough sleep,
especially during school days. Ideally,
adolescents must get at least nine hours of
sleep every night. However, there is a need
to cut back watching TV or engaging in a lot
of screen time in the evening to maximize the
change sleeping soundly.
2. Focus on your strength. Focus on your
time thinking about the things you are good
at and find ways to do more of those things.
If you are good in dancing, you might as
well volunteer as dance tutor in your
school. Focusing on your strengths will help
you keep your stresses in perspective.
3. Engage in physical activity. The most
effective stress reliever or busters is your
physical activity. Engage in any physical
activities you enjoy and build them into your
4. Do things that make you happy. Do
whatever you like or love to do (your
hobbies) or just listening to music, it relaxes
you or seeing movies, or anything which
you may find interesting and relaxing.
5. Talk to someone. Talk to your friends or
anyone whom you feel comfortable with or to
trusted adults. It helps you manage your
stress. There are those who felt relieved when
they had shared their stories to trusted friends
and adults.
Try to answer the following questions succinctly.
1) What would you recommend or suggest to cope with stress?
2) How would you react to this statement by Lou Holtz: “It’s not the load that breaks
you down, it’s the way you carry it”?
The Powers of the Mind
Week 5:6 hours
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:
1) discuss that understanding the different parts of the brain, processes and functions
may help in improving thoughts, behavior, and feelings;
2) explore ways on how to improve brain functions for personal development; and
3) develop a personal plan to enhance brain functions.
Let’s check what you have learned!
Instruction: Write the word True if the statement is correct and the word False if
otherwise. Answers should be written on the blank provided before each number.
1) The right hemisphere of the brain controls the muscles in the left side
of the body.
2) Brain lateralization is the process in which sensory information from
the right side of the body crosses over the left side of the brain.
3) Most people are either right-handed or left-handed but there are
different degrees of handedness because some use one had for jobs that require skill
and the other hand for jobs that involve reaching.
4) The brain hemispheres communicate with each other through a thick
band of 200-250 million nerve fibers called “corpus callosum”.
5) Human person has two brains.
6) The brain hemisphere is known to specialize some behaviors.
7) The smaller band of nerve fibers that connects parts of the cerebral
hemispheres is called “anterior commissure”.
8) Sensory information from the right side of the body crosses over to the
right side of the brain.
9) Damage to one side of the brain will affect the opposite side of the
10) Functions related to the left side of the brain include understanding
and use of language (listening, reading, speaking and writing), memory for spoken and
written language, analysis of information in detail, and motor control of the right side
of the body.
Handedness Questionnaire
(Adapted from Stanley Coren, 1992)
Instruction: Place a check [/] mark in a box for each question that describes you best.
1. Which hand do you use to write?
2. Which hand do you use to draw?
3. Which hand do you use to throw a ball?
4. Which hand do you hold a tennis/badminton racket?
5. With which hand do you hold a toothbrush?
6. Which hand holds a knife when you cut things?
7. Which hand holds a hammer when you nail things?
8. Which hand holds a match when you light it?
9. Which hand holds an eraser when you erase things?
10. Which hand removes the top card when you deal
from a deck?
11. Which hand holds the thread when you thread a
12. Which hand holds a fly sweater?
How to Determine your Score?
1) Count the number of LEFT, RIGHT and EITHER responses
2) Multiply the number of RIGHT responses by 3. This number = R
3) Multiply the number of EITHER responses by 2. This number = E
4) Add R + E + (number of LEFT responses). This sum is your score.
How to interpret your score?
33 to 36
Strongly Right-Handed
29 to 32
Moderately Right-Handed
25 to 28
Weakly Right-Handed
20 to 23
Weakly Left-Handed
16 to 19
Moderately Left-Handed
12 to 15
Strongly Left-Handed
Left Brain
Right Brain
*It controls muscles on the right side
of the body.
*Sensory information from the left
side of the body crosses over to the
right side of the brain
*Damages in the left brain will affect
the right side of the body
*It controls muscles on the left side
of the body
*Sensory information from the right
side of the body crosses over to the
left side of the brain
*Damages in the right side of the
brain will affect the left side of the
Brain Lateralization
It is a complex and ongoing process by which differing regions of the brain “takeover” the functioning of specific behaviors and cognitive skills. Lateralization
literally means that certain functions are located (in par or total) on one side of the
Reference: http://nspt4Kids.com/healthtopics-and-conditions-database/brainlateralization
Discover the Cognitive Functions in the Left-Right Brains through the illustration
*Analytical thought
*Detail oriented
*Ordered Sequencing
*Rational thought
*Right Field Vision
*Right Side Motor
*Intuitive thought
*Holistic Perception
*Emotional Thought
*Creative Writing/Art
*Left Field Version
*Left Side Motor
Let’s Check How Much You Understand!
Mark calculates and solves mathematical problems quickly and
accurately. In fact, he was the school’s representative in the Division Level
Math Olympiad in 2019 and bagged the First Place in the Senior High School
Subsequently, he portrays well as an actor in a school’s theatrical
presentation and obtained a three-in-all turns in the blind audition at ABS-CBN
in 2019 when he rendered an amazing Pinoy version of “Dance with my
Indeed, Mark is a mathematician and an artist.
1) How will you classify Mark? Is he more of a left or right-brained student? Why?
2) Which functions do the right-handed differ from that of the left-handed students or
individuals? Explain briefly.
3) What was the result of your handedness test? If you are a left-handed, how will you
develop the functions and other specialized skills in your right hemisphere to be an
ambidextrous? Draw your personal plan to enhance your brain functions.
Emotional Intelligence
Week 6:6 hours
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:
1) discuss that understanding the intensity and differentiation of emotions that may
help in communicating emotional expressions;
2) explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one expresses or hides
them; and
3) demonstrate and create ways to manage various emotions.
Direction: Put a check mark in the box as your answer based on the following
description: 5 – Always; 4 – Most of the Time; 3 – Sometimes; 2 – Seldom; 1-Never
1.) I learn a lot about myself by listening to my
2.) I am aware of my feelings.
3.) I tend to judge myself by how I think others see
4.) I let other people know when they are doing a
good job.
5.) I express my emotions even when they are
6.) I can recognize emotion in others by watching
their eyes.
7.) I find it difficult to talk to people who do not
share my views.
8.) I can sense the mood of a group when I walk
into the room.
9.) I can usually tell how others feel about me.
10.) I can tell when someone close to me is upset.
Discuss your answers with your classmates and teachers during the face-to-face or
online conferences or discussions
1) Are you comfortable with the New Normal Education Set-up? If yes/no, why?
2) How do you develop rapport?
3) How does my background affect who I am today?
4) What weaknesses and worries do I have in my relationship with myself and my
significant others?
5) What do I like about myself? What do I like about people?
Be ready to share your thoughts and reflections with your classmates and teachers
during the face-to-face or online conferences and discussions.
Mrs. Reyes said that emotional intelligence is the person’s ability to
identify and manage emotions and the emotions of others. It is, generally, said
to include 3 skills: emotional awareness, the ability to identify your emotions
and emotions of others; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks
like thinking and problem-solving; and, the ability to manage emotions,
including the ability to regulate your own emotions and the ability to cheer up
or calm down another person.
Emotional intelligence is sometimes called emotional quotient. It is the
person’s ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions. This helps us
build strong relationships and make good decisions, and deal with difficult
Answer the questions below succinctly.
1) What is meant by emotional awareness?
2) Why do we need to understand how other people feel about us, about the situations
and about the things around them?
3) Why do we manage our own emotions and that of others?
Write anything in your free wall below
My Freedom Wall
Answer the following briefly:
1) How do you feel about writing on your freedom wall? Why?
2) If there is something you would like to write again. What would that be and why?
To measure your mastery of the module, give your insights on the following:
1) Discuss the different signs of stress.
2) Are you a left or right-handed individual? How do you describe yourself based on
brain lateralization?
3) How emotionally intelligent am I?
Jake was dating with Trish for two years as a couple and they tend to get to
know each other well. The relationship was welcomed by Trish’s parents and
immediate relatives. However, everything has changed when Trish’s childhood exboyfriend arrived from Australia. Kristoff’s decision to continue his studies in a state
university in Cagayan de Oro City has affected the relationship. Jake knew that
Trish was still in love with Kristoff. Everything turned up-side-down.
Jake has lost interest in school, he performed poorly in academic and
isolated himself from his groups and classmates. He was so disintegrated. He was
drinking alcohol, easily got angry at anything without reasons, lost appetite, got
confused and irrational. Oftentimes, he was in trouble with Trish. Trish was hurt
badly and wanted to get out from the situation.
Let’s check if you can apply what you have learned.
1) As a friend and classmate, how will you comfort Jake?
2) If you were Jake, how will you cope with the predicament he was experiencing with?
3) Do you consider Jake an emotionally immature person? Why?
Take this 10-item True or False Test. Write the word True if the statement is correct
and the word False if otherwise. Answers should be written on the blank provided
before each number.
1) Stress is bad if the person’s psychological, physical, and emotional
well-being are not managed well.
2) Stress is the way a person’s body responds to challenges and gets
him ready to face them with utmost attention, energy and strength.
3) Physical activity helps in coping up stress.
4) The right side of the brain controls muscles on the right side of man’s
5) Understanding and use of the language skills are functions related to
the left side of the brain.
6) Conflict and dispute are attributes that make up good mental health.
7) Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage emotions
and the emotions of others.
8) Emotional awareness is one of the elements or skills of emotional
9) An emotionally intelligent person understands how other people feel
and manage emotions.
10) A person with higher emotional quotient can easily build strong
relationships, make good decisions, and deal with difficult situations.
Try to reflect on this quote. Write your reflection on the space provided below:
I believe that the destructive nature of society that now threatens the
existence of the entire human world has much to do with human intelligence.
The way to overcome all human suffering-that also is through human
Dalai Lama
Answer Keys
Pre-assessment Test
1) D
2) A
3) B
4) D
5) A
6) B
7) D
8) A
9) B
10) D
What’s in? Week 5, Lesson: Power of Mind
1) True
2) False
3) True
4) True
5) False
6) True
7) True
8) False
9) True
10) True
6) False
7) True
8) True
9) True
10) True
1) American Psychological Association (APA) 2014 Journal
2) Coren, Stanley. The Left-Hander Syndrome: The Causes and Consequences of
Left-Handedness, Free Press, New York, 1992).
3) Penetrante, Marylendra (2016). Personal Development, CIB Cronica BookHaus.
Manila, Philippines
Online sources:
1) https://nspt4Kids.com/healthtopics-and-conditions-database/braintateralization/https://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/split.html
2) Light-hearted test for Emotional Quotient at iVillage:
3) https://teenshealth.org/teen/your_mind/emotions/EQ.html
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