Uploaded by Kasi Reynolds

Primary Source Document Analysis Worksheet

Primary Source Document Analysis
Type of Source (check one)
___ Journal/Diary
___ Newspaper/Magazine
___ Map/Chart/Diagram
___ Speech
Title of Work: __________________________
___ Letter
___ Advertisement
___ Interview
___ Book
___ Legal Document
___ Poster/Sign
___ Music/Poem
___ Business Document
Author: _______________________________
When it was created: ____________________
Where it was created: ___________________
1. DESCRIBE: What is this document about? Write a brief summary.
2. PURPOSE: Why was this document created? Cite the evidence that helped you figure this out.
3. DETAIL: What is the author’s point of view? (Is there a bias?) Cite two details that help you figure this out.
4. CONCLUDE: What use would this document be to a modern historian studying the 1950s?
5. QUESTION: Write two questions you have about this topic or the document.