Running head: YOUR TITLE HERE IN ALL CAPS Your Speech Title Your name here School’s Name 1 YOUR TITLE HERE IN ALL CAPS 2 Presentation Title I. Introduction A. Attention grabber (This is where you draw your audience in, get them interested). B. Briefly reveal topic C. Credibility (Let your audience know what your experience and expertise are). D. Relate to audience (Connect the topic to your audience/explain why this issue should matter to them). E. Thesis (briefly preview your main points) II. Body A. First main point, remember your transition! (First, I’d like to discuss what single use plastics are and why they are a problem.) 1. First reason it’s a problem or Important definitions (Define single use plastics) a) Specific evidence (example, statistic, testimony)...cite source! (provide common examples of S.U.P’s) b) Specific evidence (example, statistic, testimony)...cite source! (provide stat saying how often they are used) c) Explain evidence 2. Second reason it’s a problem (S.U.P’s are bad for the environment) a) Specific evidence (example, statistic, testimony)...cite source! YOUR TITLE HERE IN ALL CAPS 3 b) Specific evidence (example, statistic, testimony)...cite source! c) Explain evidence 3. Third reason it’s a problem (Single use plastics are harmful to wildlife) a) Specific evidence (example, statistic, testimony)...cite source! b) Specific evidence (example, statistic, testimony)...cite source! c) Explain evidence B. Second main point (explain solution), remember your transition! (Now that you understand the problem with using these harmful single use plastics, let’s discuss a possible solution) 1. Explain plan 2. Describe how it will work a) Specific explanation/details b) Specific explanation/details 3. Is there anywhere else that has a similar plan that works? 4. Discuss obvious objections or questions III. Conclusion A. Signal ending B. Review main points (problem/solution) C. Interesting/impactful concluding statement (this is also where you could make a call to action)