Study guide ANT – Exam 2 Chapter 22 – Metabolic stress 1. cortisone, prednisone 2. gluconeogenesis 3. cortisol 4. C-reactive protein 5. Hepcidin 6. Cytokines 7. Abscess 8. refeeding syndrome 9. glutamine and arginine 10. classification of burns 11. bronchitis/COPD 12. dyspnea 13. systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)? Chapter 23 – Upper GI 1. Dysphagia 2. Reflux and GERD 3. Barrett's esophagus 4. LES lower esophageal sphincter 5. Levels of National Dysphagia Diet 6. Dyspepsia 7. Achalasia 8. gastritis and hypochlorhydria 9. Gastroparesis 10. peptic ulcers 11. post gastrectomy diet 12. Dumping syndrome 13. gastric banding/gastric bypass 14. periodontal disease? Chapter 24 – Lower GI 1. Constipation prevention 2. Gas prevention 3. severe diarrhea diet 4. prokinetic agents/antiemetic medications 5. Antidiarrheal drugs 6. osmotic diarrhea/secretory diarrhea 7. laxative types 8. Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil 9. fat-controlled diet 10. Pancreatitis define and causes 11. cystic fibrosis diet/celiac disease diet 12. Ulcerative colitis 13. short bowel syndrome 14. Colostomy/ileostomy 15. probiotic