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Volleyball Drills: Reflection Paper

Basic drills in playing Volleyball.
The girl in the video is practicing volleyball by herself and she don’t have the distraction of other
players. She can really concentrate on the proper techniques for each of the volleyball skills. So,
for me when we practice volleyball, we really focus on getting our hands into the right position,
think about our arm swing, and make sure we plant our feet every time we touch the ball. All we
need when we practice volleyball is some space and a wall. Fist drill she does is the passing, it
means bump or forearm pass is when you pass the ball to another player. In this case, pass the
ball to yourself. Toss the ball up slightly. This drill will improve your passing form, strength, and
reaction time. Second is setting, she starts close to pass the ball and move backward. Third drill
is Single arm passing - Reps to continuous against the wall. Next is single arm setting next pass
to yourself, pass to the wall. Then set to yourself, jump set to the wall. Seventh drill is Pepper it
means to practice your ball control passing, setting, and even hitting with yourself or with
partners. Eight drill is Arm swing- reps to continuous. This move takes a lot external rotation
flexibility. To see if you can get your elbow up high enough, face a mirror and see if you can see
your hand on both sides of your bicep. Next drill is serving- Standing to jump float. the serve is
the act of putting the ball in play by a player sounds simple, but actually it describes one of the
most important plays in the game of volleyball. Lastly is Blocking footwork- side shuffle, swing
block. Blocking is a skill wherein the player deflects the ball from the opponent. The goal is to
prevent a successful attack and the other team from scoring a point. The blocker's job is to block
the spiked ball so that it goes back to the opposing team's side of the court. Blocking is a
defensive play. Volleyball drills are specialized exercises that enhance teams and players
volleyball skills.[1] There are numerous volleyball drills that teams and players can utilize in
order to improve and further develop their skills in all areas of the game such as passing, setting,
single arm passing, single arm setting, pass to yourself, pass to the wall, set to yourself, jump set
to the wall, pepper, arms wing, serving and blocking.