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Laser-Beam Internet for Rural Areas: Project Report

EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
School of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering
EE321 Communication Systems
Group 10 Project Report
Trailing Laser-Beam Technology for Rural Minority Groups
Isaiah Kueyak
Luxton Caleb
Mathew Hosea
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
The success and final outcome for this research proposal require a lot of guidance, cooperation, and good
assistance from each team member, and we are extremely fortunate to participate in the CTU Challenge.
We would like to appreciate everyone involved and the IEEE for accepting our submission into Phase 2.
There are about 2.9 billion unconnected people across the globe. It is extraordinarily difficult to provide
infrastructure needed for internet connectivity i.e. you have to lay fiber cables to the ground, build cell phone
towers, etc. So what we are doing is exploring radical new business and economic solutions, and radical new
technological solutions to dramatically reduce the cost of providing internet access.
In order to truly reduce the cost of these infrastructure, we think it is much better if we could access the
internet via the satellites. Satellites are a great solution for very large, sparsely populated regions of the world.
So we are thinking about designing a low-cost, portable device that uses the satellites to gain access to
internet services where it could be used anywhere in the world.
This device will be powered by solar cells and uses a satellite dish. The device will also have a Wi-Fi network
secured with a password which you could connect to wirelessly using your mobile phones, laptops and other
devices that could access internet.
The risks that are likely to be faced by using this device would be associated with the interference of the
signal during transmission which could result in poor internet connectivity. So to overcome this problem, we
are planning on designing a signal processing and tracking system which could pinpoint the exact location of
the nearest satellite using a more sophisticated GPS tracking device.
The implementation of this solution will entirely be based upon the availability of funds and materials which,
unfortunately, our team does not have access to. The technology allows for minority group such as women
to use online services like eBanking and mobile payment, eGovernment services, and eHealth services. The
estimated cost per person would be less than K1000 (or about $300) for purchasing and installation.
This technology would give access to a wide range of information to enhance student’s educational
experience, improve marketing and trade for small businesses, and allow for effective and rapid globalization
to take place, which will improve the people’s living standard. This technology involves the use of
communications satellite to access the internet. It operates as follows: when a person is trying to access the
internet, the signal is uploaded to the nearest satellite through laser-based technology. The satellite transmits
the signal down to a cellular tower which is connected via the optic fiber cables to the internet main server.
To receive the data, the reverse process takes place and internet is access at your home.
Finally, the main challenge is to provide proper internet access to people in remote places, so we provide a
simple solution to help and relieve students or workers. Within the time of installation of the technology, each
user will have fast access and large bandwidth via a satellite laser-based technology.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................... 2
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
Project Background ....................................................................................................................... 4
Literature Review ........................................................................................................................... 5
Methodology................................................................................................................................... 6
Results ....................................................................................................................................... 7-10
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 11
References.................................................................................................................................... 11
Appendices................................................................................................................................... 12
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Connecting The Unconnected Challenge is hosted by IEEE every year that allows contestants to participate
and aim to solve the problem of Internet scarcity in remote areas of the world. Without the Internet, people
would feel cut off from the easy and instantaneous access of information and online services that are useful
to the minority groups. Internet services have become deeply embedded in our daily lives that changes
everything. The most significant aspect of the Internet is its impact on society. The Internet has become such
an exciting and inescapable part of life that every educated person or simply anyone should understand what
it can do for them. Understanding the Internet technology allows people to dream of new ways it can be used.
The trailing laser-beam communication technology is one of the area of wireless communication system, it
involves the application of satellite communication, due to its low noise ratio that makes it a suitable medium
for exchanging of information. This mode of communication is also faster as compared to other modes and
thus we preferred it over other types of communication systems. The satellite orbit the earth to relay data
between subscribers at an arbitrary locations and an ISP. To provide Internet access to remote areas, we
have wireless access technologies in place with special antennas are used to aim the transmissions in a
straight line between two communicating sites (between a remote residence and an ISP).
Project Background
Almost 85 percent of Papua New Guinea’s approximate population of seven million people live in rural areas
that include remote highland areas and far-flung areas. These areas remain difficult and very costly to provide
basic services and develop infrastructure, including electricity, telecommunications, and roads. In 2009,
Papua New Guinea was one of the least-connected countries in the world. Only 20 percent of the country’s
territory is covered by mobile voice services.
Based on the statistics above, our team have come up with the project that will boost the total population
coverage to over 90 percent of the population. By calculations and brainstorming, there are at least 15 ways
broadband access will help our rural communities grow. They include:
 Brings local business to the global market – Marketing websites are a haven for crafters, creators, and
anyone else who have something to sell. Local businesses with services to offer can also promote their
brand online and put the internet to work for them.
 Educational opportunities – The internet provides an abundance of information to your fingertips. With
access to information and data, educational experience becomes more easy and interesting. In addition,
students can access and apply for scholarships and aids that are provided online.
 Connects public to healthcare – Rural clinics and hospitals can quickly and securely connect to larger,
urban medical centers with specialists and advanced equipment. Patients can also view online medical
records, make payments and schedule appointments.
 Consumers can benefit from E-commerce saving – E-commerce will allow customers to make payment
of bills online. This will save them from the burden of travelling long distances on PMVs that is also costly.
 Increase area job growth – Access of high-speed internet brings businesses and investors to the area,
and big businesses brings jobs.
 Connection with local law enforcement and government – Social networks and websites give rural citizens
access to important updates from government agencies and local police forces.
 Real-time updates on weather, traffic, and news – The internet allows users to be connected now more
than ever before to events, news, and data.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Literature Review
In recent years, a great deal of studies and researches have been conducted on laser-based communications
systems as an alternative to radio frequency (RF) communications to meet the ever-increasing demand for
faster, safer, low-cost, and efficient use of internet services, video conferencing, live streaming, etc. Arthur
C. Clark (1945) proposed the idea of satellite communication in the article titled ‘Extra-Terrestrial Relays’. As
of today, there are over 2, 200 communication satellites in Earth orbit (Wikipedia, 2022).
While laser-based technology has many advantages over RF communications, there are still some obstacles
that we face with the use of laser-based communications via the satellites. According to Hemani Kaushal and
Georges Kaddoum (2016), during laser uplink and downlink, the beam may suffer more from distortion,
pointing instability and spread as it comes immediately in contact with the atmosphere. For this reason, a
very tight acquisition, tracking and pointing (ATP) systems are required for the laser beam to reach the
One of the major concerns associated with internet usage is the data interception during transmission.
Fortunately, because lasers produce extremely narrow beams of energy compared to RF, there is less
chance of intercepting a laser-based communication link (Dan Goure, 2022).
Secure communications have been proposed using a laser N-slit interferometer where the laser signal takes
the form of an interferometric pattern, and any attempt to intercept the signal causes the collapse of the
interferometric pattern. This technique uses populations of indistinguishable photons and has been
demonstrated to work over propagation distances of practical interest and, in principle, it could be applied
over large distances in space (Wikipedia, 2022).
To summarize, laser-based communication has been proven to yield desirable economic and technological
results. While there are still many ‘gaps’ – such as the need for good laser beam tracking systems and signal
distortion – there are ongoing researches and studies that try to close these gaps to ensure that a faster,
efficient, safer and low-cost communication technology is made available sooner to the end-users.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
The internet is a compelling tool for research, enabling efficient cost-effective data collection and facilitating
access to large samples and new populations. In this context, the trailing laser-beam communication works
on the principle of Pulse Amplitude Modulation process. The amplitude of carrier signal is varied according
to instantaneous amplitude of modulating signal (input signal). The carrier signal refers to Laser Beam and
amplitude refers to Intensity of Laser Beam and finally input signal refers to Uplink Signal (RF). The satellite
have a capacity of 400 Mbps, maximum number of users is 20 per capacity of 20 Mbps.
Figure 1
Internet connection process in between the ISP servers and users.
Figure 2
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
The first part of our modeling, as depicted in Fig.2, shows the general workings of our new device which will
function as a router and where things like smartphones, laptops, pc’s, etc. could be connected via the ethernet
cable or wirelessly through a switching device. The router is connected to a satellite antenna which transmits
and receive internet data via the satellites. The device is powered through solar cell technology.
Figure 3
The second part of our modeling shows the antenna type and design which could be used to track the nearest
communications satellite. Figure 2(a) shows a military Satcom antenna, featuring the latest lightweight
technology and is designed and tested for use in harsh environment. The antennas are extremely durable,
foldable, can be high gain or medium gain, and can be fitted to a tripod for rapid deployment. What we are
trying to do is to modify these antenna types to fit into our device for
a) Satellite Antenna
b) Communications Satellite Constellation
Figure 4
The third part of our modeling depicts the uplink/downlink of internet data via the satellites using the internet
service provider (ISP) cellular towers.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Figure 5
The Simulink diagram below depicts the process involved in the downlink transmission of signal from satellite
to ground station receiver. The signal is transmitted through the modulator to the channel, then is received in
the ground station downlink receiver via a demodulator. The frequency received after amplification is
approximation 7 MHz.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Figure 6
Laser Communication Circuit Connection.
Before running the simulation
Figure 7. Open circuit, switched off condition.
After running the simulation
Figure 8. Closed circuit, switch on condition. Laser beam projection is represented by the LED coming on.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Circuit Components
IC LM386
In this circuit we are using IC LM386, which is known as audio amplifier used in many audio circuit
due to its small size and minimum cost. This IC has 8 pins.
PIN 1 and 8: These are the gain control PINs, internally the gain is set to 20 but it can be increased
up to 200 by using a capacitor between PIN 1 and 8. We have used 10uF capacitor C1 to get the
highest gain i.e. 200. Gain can be adjusted to any value between 20 to 200. This can be achieved
using proper capacitor.
Pin 2 and 3: These are the input PINs for sound signals. Pin 2 is the negative input terminal, connected
to the ground. Pin 3 is the positive input terminal, in which sound signal is fed to be amplified. In our
circuit it is connected to the positive terminal of the condenser mic with a 100k.
Pin 4 and 6: These are the power supply Pins of IC, Pin 6 for is +Vcc and Pin 4 is Ground. The
circuit can be powered with voltage between 5-12v. Pin 5: This is the output PIN, from which we get
the amplified sound signal.
Pin 7: This is the bypass terminal. It can be left open or can be grounded using a capacitor for stability
Variable potentiometer
A potentiometer informally a pot, is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms
an adjustable voltage divider. If only two terminals are used, one end and the wiper, it acts as a
variable resistor or rheostat. Potentiometers are commonly used to control electrical devices such as
volume controls on audio equipment. In this project the potentiometers of 10k, 100Ω, and 220Ω are
used. The VR1 of 10k is acting as the volume control.
A capacitor blocks DC, so it can be used to pass a signal (e.g. audio, etc.) without its DC level
interfering with the AC wave. Moreover with the capacitor added, the DC is unaffected but the AC
now sees a lower impedance path to ground (the capacitor) so the AC gain is increased. So the AC
is "bypassed" to ground. It also used for stabilization and biasing. There are many other uses for a
Laser diode
The most common laser diode generates semiconductor or injection laser. Laser beam is then
available from the semiconductor region. The p-n junction of laser diode has polished ends so that,
the emitted photons reflect back and forth and creates more electron hole pairs. The output of the ICLM386 is sent directly to the laser. The amplitude of the laser is proportional to the voltage that is
applied to it. We are taking the advantage of this to transmit the waves into the laser (Carrier waves).
Solar cells
Solar cell is the device which is used to convert the light energy into electrical energy. Its output current is
the direct measure of the intensity of the light received. This plays the key role in our experiment.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
During the last decades, development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the
Internet, have considerably influenced patterns of working, living, socializing, producing, marketing,
cooperating and interacting. Increasing Internet accessibility of rural regions and their applications seems to
be promising policy that is good for future development of rural regions. The need to get access to
information and knowledge sources will increase the knowledge capacity for most people, which calls for an
inclusive information and knowledge society approach. The Internet has continued to expand by adapting
to change, both technical and political.
The laser-beam technology proposal is a solution to the low Internet services in rural areas in Papua New
Guinea. A number of basic applications allow citizens of rural regions to enjoy access to those basic eservices that are provided necessarily for an improved quality of life. The satellite downlink signal is
transmitted to different cell towers and by using local ISPs, the information and services can be delivered
with easy access. It allows maximum number of users to access the Internet on a daily basis with high
speed capabilities, ranging theoretically from 200 Mbps to 400 Mbps.
1. Comer E.D, The Internet Book, Fifth Edition
2. Arthur C. Clark (Extra-Terrestrial Relays,1945)
3. Dan Goure (2022), Laser Communication Will Transform How Government And Industry Use Space.
4. Hemani Kaushal and Georges Kaddoum (2016), Optical Communication in Space: Challenges and
Mitigation Techniques, Montreal, Canada.
5. Wikipedia, 2022, Laser Communication in Space.
6. Wikipedia, 2022, Communication Satellites.
EE321 IsaiahKueyakMathewHoseaLuxtonCaleb
Using Lasers and Light for Faster Internet.
This type of nanotechnology emits lasers in spiral patterns, which makes the light waves travel in a twirling
pattern. The ability to twist and tune light means that instead of sending a focused beam of light waves in a
straight shot.
Internet usages for Papua New Guinea in recent years.
The idea applies directly to faster Internet communication system. The table summarizes the capacities of
six networks along a path in the Internet.