Weekly report • Simulation of heavy vector resonances for the process with Heavy Vector Triplets model: ത Z’ -> ZH -> bbμ+μ• Generate events with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO with PYTHIA8 and Delphes framework • Reconstrue bbത invariant mass by the single fat bbത jet instead of resolved bbത pairs. • Reference: arXiv 1904.03995v1 1402.4431v2 Weekly report • Reconstrue bbത invariant mass by the single fat bbത jet. • Total events: 10,000 • For event selection, we chose the jets whose direction are opposite to leptons’, that is we suggest the values of angular separation between jets and muons are greater than 0.8. • And referring to experiment, We ask separation in η and φ between the Z boson candidate and the single fat bbത jet is required to satisfy ∆𝜂 Z, jet < 5 and |Δ𝜙 Z, jet | > 2.5. Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2017.02.040 Weekly report Weekly report To do list • Simulate the same process with different mass of Z’ from 1TeV to 3TeV and observe the variation of efficiency.