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Blood Circulation, Types, Diseases

Bloods Circulations
There are 3 different types of blood vessels:
1. Arteries
- Thick muscular walls to withstand high blood pressure
- Transport blood from the hearts to all parts of the bodies
- Blood flows under high speed and pressure
2. Veins
- Thin muscular walls because blood pressure is low
- Transport blood back to the heart
- Blood flows slow and low pressure
3. Capillaries
- Connect artery and vein
- Allows exchange of materials between blood and body cells
- One cell thick wall
- Blood flows very slow and very low pressure
Bloods Types
There are 3 different types bloods which are: red blood cell, white blood cell and platelets
Red blood cells
Have no nucleus
Have biconcave shape to increase surface area of red blood cell
Carry oxygen and transport to all parts of the body
White blood cells
Have nucleus
Destroy micro-organisms to protect body from infection
Change body shapes to engulf foreign microorganisms
Small purple blood object that gathers together around damaged area to clot blood and
prevent bleeding
Blood plasma
Carries nutrients, hormone, waste to the parts of the body that needs it
Bloods Disease
A condition where the number of red blood cells is less than normal in a person
Get tired easily and suffers constants headache (pale skin, cold hand and feet)
Lack of red blood cells causes less oxygen transported to the whole body
Sickle-cell disease
This disease causes abnormal red blood cells in the human body
The shape of the red blood cell is sickle-shaped and not normal biconcave shape
Sickle-shaped red blood cell has lesser surface area and has lesser oxygen