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CPSMM Presentation: Project Scope Management

(CoTM 6101)
AUGUST, 21/2022
Scope and application
Purpose and / or Objectives
 Policies, Principles and Considerations
Process Groups
Manual Adjustment, Amendment and Revision
CPMM Package enlists nineteen manuals of which sixteen of them are construction project
management manuals, two of them are general guides (CPMM organization and setup and
user guide), and one of them is operational (construction project design services) manual.
The CPMM package was developed with a clear view of the integration of both the project
management processes and knowledge areas so as to manage the project as a holistic single
entity. It’s believed that the package will be instrumental in creating modern and unified
construction project management system in Ethiopian construction industry.
The CPMM package constitutes working manuals that are technical documents which, by
their nature, requires periodic updating; revised editions will be issued by ministry from
time to time as appropriate. MUDC will establish manuals preparation and revision
standing committee which collects feedbacks during the manual’s three years operation
period and makes the required amendments and revisions accordingly.
Ethiopia construction project management institute (ECPMI), to partially cater
for the deficiencies of project management practices in the construction
industry; has envisioned the development construction project management
manuals (CPMMs) which are critically adapted, practice oriented, user friendly
and responsive to continuous improvement that:
• Describe specific, supplemental and standardized knowledge that accepted in
construction industry most of the time
• Define the conceptual, applicable and technological contents, processes
• Reflects the peculiar features of the construction industry in Ethiopia
• Lay down the policies, principles, processes and procedures in order to
effectively discharge duties and responsibilities and
• Can be applied in any project nationwide with minor and moderate
CPSMM is prepared for construction practitioners to plan and collect requirements in order to
define and authorize the scope of works and / services of construction projects as well as to
validate and control them such that:
Their quality, quantity when necessary, resources, time and cost be primarily, subsequently
and integratively defined and determined;
Necessary precautions to be made to prevent accident and adverse environmental impacts ;
Stakeholders and their roles can actively be engaged in facilitating the successful of
construction projects
Potential risks can be identified to manage projects proactively etc.
The main reason (performance gaps) that initiated the preparation of the CPSM manuals
are:1. Substantial errors in BOQs;
2. Substantial change order are instructed due to incomplete design;
3. Preventable claims and/ dispute arises leading to extension of completion
(EOT) and additional costs or payment (AC/P);
• The main purpose of CPSM manuals are:• To reasonably describe what the cpsm process are and how to undertake them;
• To reasonably define major roles of the project manager and the project team to minimize
duplication of efforts and manage and control CP services and / works integratively;
• To reasonably define and authorize the CPSM documents to ensure harmonize and continuous
• To reasonably accurately define the scope of services and /or works of construction projects in
order to satisfy the 100% rule /zero defects in schedule of requirements;
• To prevent scope change using design and constructability reviews when CP scope
authorization is made;
• To mitigate unnecessary scope change using value engineering or management after contract
conclusion when CP scope validation is conducted
• To mitigate unnecessary scope and subsequently time and cost change
• To handle only necessary scope changes and avoid scope creeps.
The primary objective of CPSM is to make certain that the scope of works
and/or services are:
• Determined and aligned with the project business case as well as the project
life time
• Identified defined and authorized fully
• Create WBS
• Validate, managed, controlled and closed not to cause scope creep.
Accomplishing this goal will help to eliminate unauthorized construction
project works and/ or services minimize unwarranted changes, limit the scope
changes not to exceed beyond the threshold and avoiding scope creep as
much as practicable.
• Accordingly this CPSM manual are therefore:
• Enable practitioner to adhere to generic pm and specific CPM process groups, high
level and detailed processes
• Authorize CP brief;
• Plan CP scope management (CPSM)
• Collect CPSM requirements;
• Define CP scope;
• Authorize or verify CP scope;
• Create CP WBS
• Manage and validate CP scope
• Monitor and control CP scope
• Making an acceptable assumptions in order to produce output using the ‘’IMCO”
• Continuous improvement and continuous professional and industry practice
Policies, Principles and Considerations
1. CPSMM Policies
The following elements, namely the; Purpose, Scope, Responsible party, Policy statement,
Outcomes and Goals discussed briefly below:
2. CPSMM Principles
3. CPSMM Considerations
CPSMM considers the following basic elements;
• The project business case as front – end planning bases,
• The construction process groups (construction design services and/or works process groups as the
subjects whose scope are defined,
• The eight processes of the CPSM
The IMCO relationships; namely: 1. Input : terms that refer to any item in the form of information or
documents or resources, whether internal/external to the CPSM processes, that triggers a CPSM process
group and required before process group proceeds which may be an output from a predecessor process
group including the organization process assets;
2. Mechanism including tools, techniques and competencies: something tangible; such as tools,
techniques and competencies, used in performing an activity in the CPSM process groups to define,
authorize, create WBS in order to manage validate and control the CPSM; Tools include templates,
Techniques, Competencies and
3. Constraints or controls: terms that refer to limiting or dictating factors that affect the implementations
of CPSM process groups or the actions of the CPSM team such as enterprise environmental factors,
agreements etc. and
4. Outputs: terms that refer to products, services, documents as a results generated by the CPSM process
groups which may be an input to a successor process group.
CPSMM Overview
Construction project scope is the schedule of requirements for construction design services and/ or
works, their design review and / or procurement and contract administration and / or quality
assurance services that must be performed to deliver a building or transport or communication or
energy or water works related physical infrastructures; with specified features and functional
requirements defined based on the business case.
Scope of work /or services in construction projects, can be a general description stating the
performance and functional requirements of the final products when DB and PPP based delivery
system is adopted and detail prescriptions including the what, how much per measurement unit
and the expected quality requirement in the case for DBB delivery method that is expected to be
performed under a particular contract.
The scope of works and / or services may also indicate work package, milestones, reports
components and end products that are expected along a time line to be delivered under the
 CPS shall refer to the project – product scope alignment such that:
• The product scope is the features and functions (intended purpose) that characterize the final outcome of the
project, such as CPS brief, drawings / 3D image, building or road etc. to develop the project business case and
serve as baseline for administering scope related to accepting the final deliverables.
• The project scope is manageable sizes and milestone based works and / or services to be executed serving as a
basis for conditional completions (certifying interim and final payments) to deliver the final outcome of the
project called the product.
CPSM is a subset of project management knowledge areas that includes the
processes required to ensure that the project includes all of the construction
design services and / or works required, to complete the project successfully.
The CPSM manual describes mainly the following processes groups in order to
guide practitioners how to:
• Initiate CPSM through authorizing the output of the CPIM documents; CP OUTCOME AND
• Plan CPSM and collect CPSM requirements in order to set “CPSM baseline or plan” and
identify “inputs for the CPSM processes” in order to define and authorize the CP scope,
• Create CPSM WBS document as a bases to manage and validate CP scope and serve as an
input for other CPM Boks,
• Monitor and control CP performances based on the CPSM baseline or plan CPSM
documents, and
• Close CPSM in order to finalize or complete all activities of the CPSM and / or a
construction project phase.
• The five generic project management process groups are:I. Initiating II. Planning III. Executing IV. Controlling & V. Closing process groups
(PMBok, 2016).
The CPSM manual functions and outcome along the five generic project management
process groups are shown as follows
CPSMM High Level Process Map
CPSM high level process map mainly involves the development of the following
eight major outcomes or deliverables are;
1. CP authorized brief or business case or
product requirements
2. CPSM plan
3. CPSM PG inputs, mechanisms and
4. CP defined scope statement
5. CP authorized scope statement
6. CP scope control base line or WBS,
7. CP scope validated and
change requests documents and
8. CP scope document updates.
• CPSM process groups along the generic PMPG and CPMSP together with
relationships and their outcomes:
• 2.1. Process group one: Authorize the CP brief or business case (CPBC)
• Authorize CPBC is undertaken to review the developed CPBC which a process outside of the
CPM process but a part of the generic PMPG to align the generic PMPG and the specific
• Authorize CPBC is a process within the CPIM knowledge area that define the intended purpose
which can be the bases for all the other knowledge areas primarily the CPSM resulting in the
agreed CPS brief.
Authorize CPBC four components and their data flow on IMCO
The activities to be undertaken:
• Review the developed CPBC the CP outcome documents
• Conduct focused group discussion with the CP business
analyst team
• Define the intended purpose using expert judgment
• Define the CP outcome requirements, indicators or criteria
and performance evaluation approach
• Develop the CP scope brief
• Authorize the CP brief
• Plan CPSM is a process of creating the project scope and product requirement management plans that document
how the project and product scope will be realized, namely; defined, authorized, validated and controlled which
provides guidance and directions on how the CP scope can be managed and monitored throughout the project life
• Plan CPSM is composed of original and subsequent plans such that the subsequent ones are established when CP
scope changes are encountered.
• Plan CPSM development begins by scheduling the CPSM process along a time frame and defining their four
components (IMCO) and their data flow:
Activities to be undertaken:
List CPSM process
Identify activities under the CPSM processes
Establish plan CPSM project and expert judgment
Identify, evaluate and select optimum ways of conducting the activities
Define the logic and their timings
Develop the schedule as baseline for performance evaluation
Define the criteria and performance evaluation approach
Develop CPSM and CPrRM plans
• 2.3. Process group three: collect CPSM requirements
• Collect CPSM requirements is a process of determining, documenting and managing stakeholders needs and
requirements in order to define both the project and the product scope.
• Collect CPSM requirements is composed of original and subsequent requirement. CPSM requirements include:
• Conditions or capabilities that are required in a product to satisfy the intended purpose and/or
• Quantified and documented needs and expectation of sponsor, the customer, and other stakeholders.
• Collect CPSM requirements begins by defining their four components (the IMCOs) and ends by developing
requirements documentation for creating the CPIM documents and their traceability matrix.
• Activities to be undertaken:
• Identify the CPSM requirements
• Identify CP/CPSM documents which are output of the processes
• Identify inputs, constraints and mechanism for CP /CPIM documents
• Collect requirements for the inputs, constraints and
mechanisms of the CP/CPSM processes
• Develop CPSM requirement documentations
Process Group Four: Define and authorize CP scope
Define CP scope is the process of developing detailed description of the scope the project and the product such that
the boundaries and the requirements for their acceptance criteria be set.
• Authorize CP scope in its developmental shall consider:
• CP business case, Public or statutory regulatory requirements and
• Codes, standards, typical drawing guidelines, constructability and delivery systems such as DBB, DB, etc.
• Authorize CP scope ensures the authorization, documentation and management of aligning the business, statutory,
project and product requirements.
• Define and authorize CP scope begins by defining their four components (the IMCOs)and end by developing approved
CP code statements and CP code updates and validates and control CP scope process group.
Activities to be undertaken:
• Establish CP scope definition team
• Review CP scope brief and CP scope requirement documents
• Identify and carryout activities under the CP scope definition process
• Develop the CP scope statements ,Update CPSM/CP documents
• Define CP scope, Create CP scope statement
• Review CP scope statement and CPSM/ CP document updates
• Correct and authorize CP scope statement
5. Process Group Five: Create CP WBS
Create CP WBS is the process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable
CP WBS is developed from the end objective and successively subdividing it into manageable components in terms
of size, duration, and responsibility (e.g., project, subprojects, components, work packages, and activities) which
include all hierarchies and necessary deliverables categorized and aligned to achieve the objective.
• Specification Based: Consistent to Standard Technical Specifications or WBS Dictionaries.
• Mutually Exclusive Elements to avoid overlaps and discrepancies.
Standard and Particular Technical Specifications, WBS Dictionaries, Typical Drawing Guidelines developed for
defining the scope, methods of executions and acceptance Create
CP WBS four components and their data flow are shown in Figure 2.5 below
Enterprise environment factors
CPSM document updates
CP Scope statement
Create CP WBS
CP Scope baseline
CPSM Documents Updates
Organization process assets
Tools, techniques and
6. Process group six: manage and validate CP Scope
Manage and validate CP Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables
indicated in the Approved CP Scope and Created CP WBS process group at different states for the different delivery
Manage and Validate CP Scope, though mainly base on the Bill of Quantities or the Schedule of Payment Items as the
case may be; shall also depend upon the other CPMBoKs outputs such as CPQM and CPR knowledge areas mainly.
Manage and Validate CP Scope considers and uses the right resources, in order to achieve the right quality and
quantity, and the functional product (the right result); hence uses the other CPMBoKs to verify the deliverables.
Manage and Validate CP Scope four components (the IMCOs) and their data flow are shown in Figure 2.6 below.
Activities to be undertaken:
Check the Completion of CP Scope
• Develop CP Accepted Deliverables
including Performance Information,
• Develop CP Scope Change Requests, and
• Develop CPSM Document Updates.
Enterprise environment factors
CPSM document updates
CP Scope Baseline
Verified deliverables including
performance related information
organization process assets
Accepted deliverables
Manage & validate CP Scope
CP Scope change requests
CPSM documents updates
Tools, techniques and competencies
7. Process Group Seven: Control and / or Monitor CPSM as well as CP Scope
Control and / or Monitor CP Scope is the process of monitoring the status of the business case, the project and the
product scope and managing changes to the scope baseline.
Control and / or Monitor CP Scope, though mainly base on the CP Scope Baseline; shall also depend upon other
PMBoKs outputs.
Control and / or Monitor CP Scope considers and use of the right resources, achieving the right quality and quantity,
and the functional product (the right result); hence uses the other PMBoKs to verify the deliverables.
Control and / or Monitor CP Scope similar to Manage and Validate CP Scope is involved in the different completion
stages indicated before based on different time period tracking, monitoring, controlling the CP Scope.
• Control and / or Monitor CPSM as well as CP Scope four components (the IMCOs) and their data flow are shown in
Figure 2.7 below
activities to be undertaken:
• Monitor (Identify —► Document —► Authorize —► Control / Monitor
Scope Changes)
• Develop CPSM / CP Scope to provide Progress and Completion Reports
Enterprise environment factors
CPSM document updates
CPSM Plan and CP Scope Baseline
(performance Measurement
• Determine Deviations and / or Trends
CP Scope Change Requests (Change
and configuration Management plans)
• Identify whether preventive or corrective actions
Organization process assets
• Develop CPSM Plan, CPSM Document Updates
Control & Monitor CPSM
CP Scope Change request updates
CP Scope definition updates
CPSM Documents updates
Tools, techniques and
8. Process Group Eight: Close CPSM as well as CP Scope
Close CPSM as well as CP Scope is the process of finalizing all CPSM activities of the process groups such that its output can serve as an input to the other
Close CPSM as well as CP Scope allows the CPSM or CP Scope performance information is documented, impacts are investigated, lessons are developed
and Contractual liabilities are released step by step or as a whole; hence it is performed at predefined milestones or at completion stages.
Close CPSM as well as CP Scope begins by defining their four components (the IMCOs) and ends by verifying accepted deliverables, authorized scope
changes and CPSM Document Updates.
Close CPSM as well as CP Scope four components (the IMCOs) and their data flow are shown in Figure 2.8 below
Activities to be undertaken:
• Identify Closing or Finalizing or
Acceptance Key Performance Indicators
• Prepare Final Reports
• Evaluate the CPSM Objectives / Purposes
• Check the Business, Project and Product
Management alignment,
• Determine Lessons Learned and Document
• Update the CPSM Knowledge Area or
its Process Groups
• Update the Organization Process Asset
for future projects
Enterprise environment factors
CPSM document updates
CPSM/CP Scope performance info
CPSM Document Updates including
scope changes
CPSM Completion reports
Close CPSM & CP Scope
CP Product
CPCM Document Updates
Organization process assets
Tools, techniques and
• Manual Adjustment
This CPSM Manual shall be adjusted to confirm to specific requirements of projects in line with their
contractual obligations.
• Manual Amendment
The CPSM Manual may be amended for errata and similar circumstances as and when recognized.
The correction/improvement of this CPSM Manual shall be initiated by Manuals Preparation and Revision Standing
Committee based on the feedbacks collected during the manual's three years operation period and decision made by
the ECPMI.
• Manual Revision
This CPSM Manual shall be revised every three years unless otherwise required due to special circumstances.
The revision of this CPSM Manual shall be initiated by Manuals Preparation and Revision Standing Committee based
on the feedbacks collected during the manual's three years operation period and decision made by the ECPMI.