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Chinese & Japanese Cuisine Worksheet

11.What is China’s chief agricultural product?
12. What is the most versatile of all Chinese cooking utensils?
13. What is the most common Chinese cooking methos?
Stir Fry
14.Name and describe three traditional Chinese dishes
Fried Rice (Rice with different vegetables and eggs), Peking Duck (Roasted Duck with sweet bean sauce),
and Chinese Dumplings (Stuffed parcels with different kinds of vegetables and meat in them)
15. What have the Japanese traditionally raised little livestock?
16. Name and describe three food products made from soybeans in Japan
Tofu (Solid soy milk), Soy Sauce (soy and roasted wheat), and Miso (Boiled soybeans and salt)
17.Name two Japanese cooking methods and a dish prepared by each method
18. Describe two Japanese eating customs
They use soft towels that are small instead of napkins, they call these oshibori. They drink soup from a
cup instead of spooning it from a bowl with a spoon.